Friday halo- self portrait on the borderline between mexico and the United States Flashcards
oil on tin- small paintingsb known as retabols
retabols and how she subverts traditional retabols
she subverts traditional retabols woth unusual subject matter
retabolts reflect catholic heritage
she owned many ex volitos she obtained from church
started working in this style in 1932
mexican revolution and communism context
afyer the establismnet of the communist government she became a communist and started hating capitalism
had an affair with Trotsky and became involved in the communist party in 1940s
therefore this piece shows national pride and hate for capitalism (holds flag between two conflicting worlds showing her stance)
when did frida take up painting
after her bus crash
who was frida in a relationship with
mexican muralist diego rivera
what was fridas experience in the US
she travelled to the US with Diego where he did murals for the river rouge factory and ford
she had her miscarriage there
Us became a ymbol of trauma
what are the key contrasts between each side of the painting
-vegetation mirrors wires (decay of nature in new america)
-mayan temple vs skyscrapers (differnece between natural and man made materials)
-pallete (natural and earthy vs industrial)
how are the two sides linked
machine with two cords
one connects with the roots and one is plugged into Us border marker
Hold mexican flag over this side indicating this is mexico
flowers and vegetation (cactus plants, lillies and plants indegenous to mexico)
their roots mirror american wires
depicts a fertility god (shows mexican tradition and connotes fertility of natural land)
skull-reference to day of dead culture
mayan temple mirrors industrial buildings
made out of natural materials
sun and quater moon represent acient mexican gods
holds cigarrette (decay of health shows decay of society, also shows industrialisation)
there is a speaker and spotlight (unnatural tech) wires mirror roots of natural plants
pipes appear to be silos
represents marching figures (hatred for capitalism)
factory pumping out smoke that frames american flag that hovers over skyscrapers
word ford on chimneys of factories
how does this show identity
cultral identity: mayan temple, fertility god, sun and moon gods, nature, mexican flag, use of a retail
autobiographical identity: hate for capitalism and trauma from USA, catholic religion, mexican heritage
political identity: relationship with communism and hate for capitalism