FRHD Midterm #1 Flashcards
What is the overall goal of the science of human development?
To understand how and why people of all age’s circumstances change or remain the same over time
In the lifespan perspective, what is the age ranges of infancy, early childhood, and middle childhood?
0-2, 2-6, and 6-11
In the lifespan perspective, what is the age ranges of adolescence, emerging adulthood, adulthood, and late adulthood?
11-18, 18-25, 25-65, 65+
What are the four characteristics of development?
Multidirectional, Multi-contextual, multidisciplinary, and plasticity
What is multidirectional development?
The idea that development can go in any direction in any stages of life
What is a critical period?
Type of growth that must happen during a certain period of time or it will never occur
What is a sensitive period?
A time where a certain type of development is most likely to happen
True or False: Development advances until the age of 18, steadies, then declines.
False. Development can occur in any direction in any stage of life
What is multi-contextual development?
The influence of systems and contexts and how it affects development
What is the ecological systems approach?
It places the person at the center of their ecological system and looks at how they are impacted by variables within that system
What is multi-culturalism?
Considers where people are developing and who is around them while they are developing
What is socioeconomic status?
A person’s position in society as determined by income, wealth, occupation, education and place of residence
How is culture difference than ethnicity?
Culture is different than an ethnic group because ethnic group has more to deal with a person’s ancestors, religion, etc.
What is multidisciplinary development?
Development requires insights and information from many scientists from many different disciplines, therefore scientists cannot predict any one developmental path for anyone as there are so any factors that could affect development
What is plasticity?
the idea that development can be molded (like plastic) and yet can maintain a certain durability or identity/ development build on what comes before
What is a dynamic systems approach to plasticity?
A view of human development as an ongoing, ever changing interaction between a persons’ physical and emotional being and between the person and every aspect of his or her environment, including family or society
What is differential sensitivity?
Idea that some people are more vulnerable than others to certain experiences, usually because of genetic differences
True or false: one is a product of ONLY their nature OR their nurture?
False: Nature and nurture always interact in every human characteristic
What is the scientific method?
A way to answer questions using empirical research and data-based conclusions
What are the six steps to the scientific method?
- Curiosity
- Develop a hypothesis
- Test hypothesis
- Draw conclusions
- Report results
- Replication
What are the three ways to test a hypothesis?
scientific observation, survey, and expieriments
Where can a scientific observation occur?
In an experiment, what is the independent variable?
An added variable to the experiment that can change the dependent variable
What is the difference between the experimental and control group?
The experimental group receives the test/special treatment whereas the control group receives a placebo instead