FRG 1963-89 Flashcards
-1. Name the five chancellors that succeeded Adenauer after 1963 (include the dates they were in power, and their political party).
- Ludwig Erhard 1963-66 CDU/CSU
- Kurt Kiesinger 1966-69 CDU/CSU
- Willy Brandt 1969-74 SPD
- Helmut Schmidt 1974-82 SPD
- Helmut Kohl 1982-98 CDU/CSU
-2. Were the Chancellors after Adenauer also able to form majority governments? If not, how did they govern?
-No, all of them had to form coalitions.
Erhard and Kiesinger formed coalitions with the SPD.
Brandt and Schmidt and Kohl formed coalitions with the FDP.
-3. What political divisions began to emerge under Chancellor Erhard?
-Politicians were split on whether to work more closer with the West or the GDR.
-4. What was controversial about Chancellor Kiesinger?
-He interfered with the economy, began surveillance and started the Ostpolitik policy.
-5. Why did Chancellor Brandt face opposition from people within government?
-He continued with Ostpolitik, and started liberal measures such as reducing the voting age to 18 and decriminalising homosexuality.
-6. What forced Chancellor Schmidt to resign in 1982?
-A vote of no confidence.
-7. What political party became increasingly popular in the 1980s?
-Green Party
-8. Describe the nature of political stability in the FRG after Adenauer (1963-1989).
-Political stability declined with the rise of corruption, terrorism, resignations, recessions, extremism and environmentalism.
-1. What did the FRG experience between 1966 and 1967?
-A recession.
-2. Identify three consequences of the economic recession of 1966 to 1967.
- Trade reduced
- Production decreased
- Unemployment rose
-3. How did the government approach the economic recession of 1966 to 1976?
-They decided that the Bundestag had to interfere in the economy to manage money supply and federal/regional budgeting.
-4. By how much did government spending increase between 1965 and 1970?
-Social welfare spending increased from 46.7 million DM to 115.9 million DM
-5. What two laws were introduced to help the government deal with the economic crisis?
- Economic Stabilisation Law
- 1968: a new clause was added to the Basic Law stating that the government can move money between the Lander
-6. What did the government set up to control price levels?
-Introduced Cartels
-7. What affected the economy of the FRG in the 1970s?
-The international oil crises of 1973 and 1978
-8. Who did the FRG rely on for 40% of their oil?
-OPEC- Organisation for Petroleum Exporting Countries
-9. How much did the FRG spend on 140 million of tonnes of oil in 1972? How much had this risen to by 1973 and 1978?
- DM 10.8 billion in 1972
- 1973: DM 32.8 billion
- 1978: DM 49 billion
-10. What measures were introduced to reduce oil consumption in the FRG?
- German industries converted to new fuels.
- Government invested in atomic power to reduce reliance on oil.
- Care-free Sundays were introduced, with speed limits on the autobahns, and energy saving campaigns in the home.
-11. What economic policies was Chancellor Schmidt criticised for?
-1975: Public spending cuts and a higher income tax.