Adenauer Flashcards
- What happened to relations between the FRG and GDR after 1949? Provide two pieces of evidence to support this.
Relations became increasingly worse as the FRG became closer with the West and the GDR became closer with the USSR.
Hallstein doctrine stated FRG would not legally recognise the GDR as a separate, independent country and would cut off diplomatic relation with any country which had relation of the GDR.
- What was the Hallstein Doctrine (1955)?
FRG stated they would not legally recognised GDR as a separate, independent country and refused to accept GDR as lawful government
- What happened in the first election to the Bundestag? Identify:
a. When the election took place
b. The four main political parties who won seats
c. The party which received the most votes (and percentage)
Took place on 14 Aug 1949.
CDU/CSU, KPD, SPD, FDP won the most seats.
CDU/CSU achieved 31% of votes which was the most.
- Who was appointed the first Chancellor of the FRG?
Konrad Adenauer
- Who did Adenauer want to work closely with in the wider world, and why? (Identify three reasons)
He wanted to work closely with European countries to bring about economic recovery in Germany.
He wanted to work closely with GDR in order to re-unify.
He wanted to work closely with the Western Allies to revise the terms of the Occupational Statute.
- Why were there less political parties elected to the Bundestag, in comparison to the years of the Weimar Republic? (Identify two reasons)
Many small parties could not get past the 5% threshold.
Many extremist parties were banned under Article 21.
- What did some critics name Adenauer’s leadership, and why was this?
Chancellor Democracy, as he controlled both domestic and foreign policy tightly, and was quite authoritarian.
- Identify two political parties that were banned in the 1950s under Article 21 of the Basic Law.
Socialist Reich Party
Communist Party of Germany
- What did the CDU/CSU eventually win in 1957?
A majority in the Bundestag with 50.2% of votes.
- What was Article 131 of the Basic Law, and why was this introduced?
It allowed ex-Nazis to work in the civil service. It was introduced to make the civil service more effective.
- Identify two pieces of evidence that suggest that Adenauer’s leadership was “undemocratic” (e.g. that he undermined freedom of speech).
He abolished parties that he viewed as undemocratic.
He appointed weak ministers who he could push around.
- Identify two pieces of evidence that suggest that there was political stability under the leadership of Adenauer.
Abolishing extremist parties stopped the extremists from trying to undermine democracy.
His dominant personality helped him work in coalitions.
- Identify three examples of economic instability in Germany after the Second World War.
Food Shortages, with food consumption dropping to 950-1150 calories.
20% of housing was destroyed, 30% badly damaged and many needed temporary accommodation.
The Reichsmark became worthless.
- Who was appointed Economics Minister of the FRG in 1949?
Ludwig Erhard
- What was Erhard Ludwig’s vision for the economy?
He wanted to create a social market economy.
- What happened to the currency in 1948, and why did this help the economy to grow?
The Deutschemark replaced the Reichsmark, so there was more confidence in the currency, with wages meaning something, so spending increased, so production increased, causing economic growth.
- What happened to price controls and rationing, and why did this help the economy to grow?
Price controls on products were abolished, as well as rationing so businesses can compete for the best prices. More commodities were sold, so people spent more, instead of panic buying, hoarding food or using the black market.
- What happened to wages, and why did this help the economy to grow?
Wages were fixed until November 1948 to allow businesses to establish and stabilise themselves and to maximise their profits.
- What was the 1952 Equalisation of Burdens Act, and why did this help the economy to grow?
Additional taxation was put on assets, and that money was redistributed to poor Germans who needed it so they can spend it.
- What was the consequence of Erhard’s economic reforms in the short term?
There was no immediate economic recovery. Businesses had to spend money replacing machinery and employing workers. Some businesses collapsed as they could not pay wages, so fired workers. Unemployment increased from 442K to 1.8M from 1948-50.
- What was the consequence of Erhard’s economic reforms in the long term?
FRG experienced huge economic growth, particularly after 1955.
- What is the period of 1955-1965 also known as?
The Economic Miracle
- What happened to the FRG’s Gross National Product between 1950 and 1955?
Almost doubled, then rose by another 25% in 1960.
- What happened to unemployment in the FRG by 1965?
Fell to less than 1%.
- What happened to trade and exports from the FRG in the 1950s and 1960s?
Exports rose from DM 8363M to DM 125300M.
- What happened to standards of living in the FRG in the 1950s and 1960s?
They rose, people began to spend their money on consumer goods. By 1963, 63% of homes had a fridge, 42% had a TV and 36% had a washing machine.
- Identify four reasons that led to rapid economic growth between 1955 and 1965.
Marshall Aid, the Korean War, new investment and refugees.
- How much Marshall Aid did the FRG receive by 1949?
They received 1.5 billion USD by 1951.
- Why did the Marshall Plan cause economic growth in the FRG?
Helped spark the recovery of FRG’s economy, providing the money needed to build new factories and buy new machinery.
- When was the FRG allowed to start producing war materials again?
In 1955 when they joined NATO.
- Why did the Korean War (1950-53) cause economic growth in the FRG?
Created a greater need for war supplies, so Germany can export more so there was more profit for businesses.
- Why did new investment in businesses cause economic growth in the FRG?
They could invest in new and more efficient machinery, so they can produce higher quality goods, selling them at low and competitive prices. Exports increased, so business profit increased, so they can invest further for expansion, so they hired more workers.
- How many workers moved from the GDR to the FRG in the 1950s?
3.6 million
- Why did refugees cause economic growth in the FRG?
Many had skills that the economy needed, so FRG can save money on education and training. More refugees meant more workers, so wages were low as demand fore workers was low. This caused economic growth as businesses made more profit.