French wars of religion 1 1562-1570 Flashcards
Opposed to guise
Huguenot bourbon family led by Antoine de bourbon and wife Jeanne d’albret. Prince of conde and younger brother of antoine dismayed by guise dominance of king
Married to mary stuart queen of scots
Guise looked to dominate court. Mary’s mum was sister of Francis Duke of Guise.
Catherine de medici (hii’s widow) opposed guise
Thought guise would only look after own interests. But francis payed more attention ti duke of guise rather than this mother
Catholic. Anne de montmorency head of family constable of france hated heresy. Yet sister louise de chatillon favoured huguenots her sons and annes’ two sons fancis and henry de damville did also
Conspiracy of amboise 1560
Huguenot nobles attempted to capture fii whilst at chateau of amboise to liberate him from guise. Leader = jean du barry seigneur de la renaudie. He consulted louis de bourbon and calvin however they were not willing to endorse conspiracy. Leaked to guise who waited march 1560 several hundred huguenots captured hanged as traitors. Huguenots dangerous sought to overthrow established order and crown itself. Conde arrested for links however catherine released him policy of compromise
Francis II
1559- 1560
Catherines estates general
1560&1561 failed to find solution so 1561 took matters in own hands and invited leaders from both sides to meeting at Poissy to reunite. However unwilling to compromise disagreements inc on eucharist
Military triumvirate to destroy heresy
1561 duke francis if guise , constable monmerency & marshall saint andre with spanish aid from phillip ii.
Charles IX
Edict of st germain
1562 limited but legal recognition of huguenots. Allowed to worship outside town walls not allowed to arm sing psalms in public or worship freely without fear of persecution. Resentment in parlement of paris refused to register sending remonstrance. 1562 finally registered with amendment claiming against their will
Massacre of vassy
1562 duke of guise and followers killed unarmed huguenots worshipping im walls of vassy= contravention of edict of saint germain. They marched in paris raised cath army. Prots hel national synod under conde = two armed opposing camps
First war of religion 1563
Initial conflict 1562 = nobility take up military leadership. Conde& coligny leading. Third national synod orleans 1562 conde proclaimer protector of all calvinist churches. Armed resistance to guise declared. Catholic triumvirate. Cath forces attempt to split conde forces in north = king of navarre fatally wounded. Marshal saint andre killed. Duke francis of guise assassinated 1563. 2of original triumvirate dead and other held captive
Edict of amboise
1563 limited freedom of worship for hugs. Restricted to suburbs
Significance of 1st war
Compromise settlement=unenforcable. Parlement of paris refused to ratify edict of amboise 1563 as it offered legal recognition to calvinism. Catherine made a declaration through lit de justice -unpopular act to be enforced.
2nd war of religion
1567 (lasted 6 month). Huguenot fears that spanish troops would confront huguenots on way to netherlands. Coligny and conde created plot to kidnap king and free him from guise faction. Nearly a success but failed royal court in meaux heard condes troops were mobilised 1567. 1568 2nd war ended with edict of longjemeau legal worship of calvind in suburbs of one town in each baillaige.
Plot to seize huguenot towns and capture conde coligny
1568 forced through royal council. Cardinal of lorraine’s plot= guise faction dominated. Henry duke of anjou affiliated with cardinal of lorraine rather than mother. Plot failed- prot leaders fled to la rochelle
Third war 1568-70
Huguenot foreign aid. 1568 coligny conde signed formal treaty with william of orange = common enemy w phillip ii. German states and england E1 gave support
Peace of saint germain
1570 ended 3rd war. Prot worship permitted inside two towns per govt reigon and specified to avoid ambiguity/dispute. Equality of taxation / hold offices - reintegrate huguenots in society. Property seized in 1562 to be returned. Prots could worship freely in certain towns and consolidate military position
Catherines estates general
1560&1561 failed to find solution so 1561 took matters in own hands and invited leaders from both sides to meeting at Poissy to reunite. However unwilling to compromise disagreements inc on eucharist
Military triumvirate to destroy heresy
1561 duke francis if guise , constable monmerency & marshall saint andre with spanish aid from phillip ii.
Charles IX
Edict of st germain
1562 limited but legal recognition of huguenots. Allowed to worship outside town walls not allowed to arm sing psalms in public or worship freely without fear of persecution. Resentment in parlement of paris refused to register sending remonstrance. 1562 finally registered with amendment claiming against their will
Massacre of vassy
1562 duke of guise and followers killed unarmed huguenots worshipping im walls of vassy= contravention of edict of saint germain. They marched in paris raised cath army. Prots hel national synod under conde = two armed opposing camps