french revolution Flashcards
Characteristics of the first estate?
130 000 clergy
paid no taxes
Characteristics of the second estate?
400 000 nobles, owned 35% of French land
Paid no taxes
Characteristics of the third estate?
Most of the French population — middle classes, peasants, labourers, workers, craftsmen, merchants and professionals
They had no say in running the country
Paid all the taxes
Privileges of the King?
—The King, through their ministers and local officials, ruled absolutely; this meant that they had complete authority over France
—The ‘parliament’ (Estates General) had not been called since 1614
Description of everyday life: first & second estates vs the third estate
1+2:: Many nobles and clergy lived in great luxury in chateaux and palaces
3:: Peasants had to use the lord’s mill, oven and winepress, and pay for them; peasants could not hunt or fish on nobles’ estates
Description of taxes: first & second estates vs the third estate
1+2:: nobles were exempt from most taxes
3:: peasants had to pay taxes to their lord, the King and the Church
Description of military service: first & second estates vs the third estate
1+2:: nobles did not have to do military service
3:: peasants were forced to do military service
Description of feudal privileges: first & second estates vs the third estate
1+2:: nobles had almost complete authority over peasant; nobles collected tolls from people using roads and markets
3:: none
What are the political problems of the French government by the end of the 19th century? 1. 2. 3. 4.
- unpopular King and Queen
- court factions (administrative problems)
- customs and laws across France
- Poor leadership
Describe the first political problem of the French government.
—King Louis XVI was not popular due to his marriage with his wife Queen Marie Antoinette, the daughter of the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa
—Austria was accused for France’s defeat in the Seven Years’ War (1753-63)
Describe the second political problem of the French government.
—All of Louis’ ministers did not make collective decisions, instead all of them meet Louis individually and Louis would make the decision case by case
—The result was that the government was inefficient and there were faction power struggles as different ministers represent different royal factions
Describe the third political problem of the French government.
—France had no single representative body to pass laws and customs across France
—All royal legislation had to be passed by one of the 13 parlements
—Policies were carried out ineffectively across the country
Conclude the political problems of the French government.
—The King could not make radical changes to the government and taxations
—Result:: tensions grew rapidly within the society
Name the four economic problems of the French Government.
- Expensive foreign wars and debts
- Inefficient tax system
- The American Independence War
Describe the first economic problem of the French government.
Expensive foreign wars and debts:
—The King’s biggest problem was money
—The monarchy was heavily in debts due to the expensive foreign wars ((eg the War of Austrian Succession — 1 billion livres, the Seven Years War — 1.5 billion livres))
—The King had to borrow money from the international bank to pay for the war
—The more money he borrowed, the more interests he had to pay and made matters worst
Describe the second economic problem of the French government.
Inefficient tax system:
—The nobles were exempted from most of the taxes
—Tax collection was inefficient and incomplete because of all the regional differences
—Corruption as tax collectors embezzled tax money, yet the King could do nothing to these corrupted tax collectors as most of them were backed up by powerful noblemen or churchmen
Describe the third economic problem of the French government.
The American Independence War:
—Louis’ financial advisor overestimated France’s financial ability and suggested to the King that France could pay for the American Independence War
—He was wrong, the war made France further in debts
Describe the give examples of France’s attempts to improve financial problems.
—cut useless offices and positions —> led to the nobles’ resentment
—removal of price control and proposed a new property tax —> led to the nobles’ resentment
—Attempts to sell offices and position and increase spendings to make things look great —> led to the sudden surge of debts and further burdened France’s financial problems
Describe the government’s financial situation at its worst.
By 1786, the French government was close to bankrupt.
What were the social problems of the French Government?
—Corruption among the nobles and the churchmen
—Poor harvest 1770 and 1789
Describe the first social problem of the French government.
Corruption among the nobles and the churchmen:
—Higher churchmen kept all the money from donations and tithes; while lower churchmen had to beg for money to keep their church running
—Higher noblemen were hated by lower noblemen as the higher noblemen oppressed the lower
—However, both the churchmen and noblemen were hated by all in France
Describe the second social problem of the French government.
Poor harvest 1770 and 1789:
—Serious starvation and famine from 1770 to 1789
—Peasants went to the towns to find jobs to sustain themselves
—Unskilled workers and peasants lived in poor (crowded, unhealthy) conditions in all parts of towns
—They depended heavily on bread, the cheapest food item; a sudden rise of the price would trigger public disorders
What are the social conditions of French in 1788?
—worst harvest in French history — caused by the significant drop of temperature, leading to the death of crops
—Food prices rose to the high point by 17 July, 1789
—Many had gone starving and died
Describe the inspiration of the Enlightenment.
—Deepened the discontent of the French people towards social inequalities
—The people were determined to challenge absolutism and social injustice
—Political discussion groups, salons, became popular. They talked about politics and the social problems.
Describe the encouragement resulted from the American Revolution.
—French sent soldiers to help the Americans. The returned soldiers brought back experience and ideas of liberty and equality
—The Americans financially supported the French