French Revolution Flashcards
What is the first event that happened in the French Revolution
France was bankrupt . Louis called a meeting of representatives from all 3 estates. This was called the estate-general. However,the demands of the third estate were ignored
What is the second event rhat happened in the French Revolution
Some members of the third estate met is a nearby tennis court and promised to continue meting until the king had responded to their demands. This was called the tennis court oath.
What was the third thing that happened in the French Revolution
There was a lack of food in Paris and in July 1789a groupe of angry workers attacked the bastille. They released some prisoners and took some wepons that were stored there.
What was the forth ting that happened in the French Revolution
Through the summer, violence spread to the countryside. Peasants attacked lords,burning down their houses and destroying tax documents . This was known as the great fear.
What was the 5th thing that happened in the French Revolution
In autumn, a group of Parisian women marched to the royal palace of Versailles and forced the king to move to Paris. A revolutionary government made up of representatives of the third estate was set up to rule alongside Louis.
What was the sixth thing that happen3d in the French Revolution
By November, food shortages had gotten even worse. A number of workers attacked the kings royal guards and several guards were beheaded.
hat was the seventh thing that happened in the French Revolution
In 1791, Louis and his family tried to escape Paris. They were captured and accused of trying to gain Australia’s support for an invasion on France. Louis was arrested and put on trial.
What was the eighth thing that happened in the French Revolution
In 1793, after a vote, Louis XVI was executed
Third Estate
Third class
Estate general
The representatives of the three states
National Assembly
The third estate committee
The king or queen or the royal family
Church leaders such as archbishops and bishops but also priest , monks and nuns
The wealthiest group. They are nobels or lords who own much of the land.their families have been rich for generations.
The poorest group in society. They work on the land. They often have to provide services foe the lord.
Theis were people who did not support the terror and the jacobins targeted
That were the people who decided who got excuted and often targeted the girondins
The terror was …….
After the French Revolution France went into a state on disorganisation and the government decided to introduce a death penalty to retain order.