French review Flashcards
How do you say day in french?
Un jour.
How do you say week in french?
Une semaine.
How do you say month in french?
Un mois.
How do you say year in french?
How do you say date in french?
La date.
What day does the french week start with?
How do you say monday in french?
How do you say tuesday in french?
How do you say wednesday in french?
How do you say thursday in french?
How do you say friday in french?
How do you say saturday in french?
How do you say sunday in french?
How do you say january in french?
How do you say february in french?
How do you say march in french?
How do you say april in french?
How do you say may in french?
How do you say june in french?
How do you say july in french?
How do you say august in french?
How do you say september in french?
How do you say october in french?
How do you say november in french?
How do you say december in french?
What does ecoutez mean?
What does parlez mean?
What does levez la main mean?
Raise your hand
What does asseyez-vous mean?
Sit down
What does faites la queue mean?
Form a line
What does debarrassez les pupitres mean?
Clear your desks
What does sortez vos cahier mean?
Take out your notebooks
What does sortez une feuille de papier mean?
Take out a sheet of paper
What does silencez mean?
What does ecrivez mean?
What does bonjour mean?
Hello or good morning
What does bonsoir mean?
Hello or good afternoon (after 6 pm)
What does au revoir mean?
Formal goodbye
What does salut mean?
Informal good bye or hello
What does a bientot / a tres bientot mean?
See you soon or see you very soon
What does a plus tard mean?
See you later
What does bonne journee mean?
Have a good day
What does bonne siree mean?
Have a good evening
What does bonne nuit mean?
Good night
What does coo coo mean?
Informal hello
What does comment vous appelez-vous mean?
What is your name?
What does comment allez-vous mean?
How are you?
How do you respond to the question comment t’appelles-tu or comment vous appelez-vous?
Je m’appelle Amber.
My name is Amber
How do you respond to the question a s’ecrit comment?
Ca s’ecrit ah-m-bay-uh-ray.
It is spelled a-m-b-e-r.
How do you respond to the question ca va or comment va-tu?
Ca va bien.
I am good.
What does merci mean?
Thank you
What does s’il te plait mean?
What does de rien mean?
Your welcome or no problem
Sally asks you “Quel age as-tu?”. How do you respond?
J’ai onze ans.
I am 11 (I have 11 years).
You want to know how old Sally is. What do you ask?
Quel age as-tu?
Sally asks you for your telephone number. You say…
Mon numero do telephone est… (moN num-re-on day telephonA) My telephone number is…
You want to know Sally’s telephone number. What do you ask?
Quel est ton numero de telephone? (kelly Ton num-ray-uh day telephone?) What is your telephone number?
Sally asks you “D’ou etes- vous?”. What do you say?
Je viens de North Carolina (Ja-von-der North Carolina)
I am from North Carolina.
You want to know where Sally is from. You ask her…
D’ou etes- vous? (Do-est-tes vou?)
Where are you from?