Freedom (or lack thereof) Flashcards
The Dispossessed, Ursula Le Guin, 1974
“It’s your nature to be Tirin, and my nature to be Shevek, and our common nature to be Odonians, responsible to one another. And that responsibility is our freedom. To avoid it would be to lose our freedom.” (Le Guin 1999)
Ambiguity in Utopia: The Dispossessed, Judah Bierman, 1975
Anarres is a utopia because of “an individual freedom based on absolute non-coercion”
(Bierman 1975)
The Tempest, Shakespeare, early 1600s
“It was mine art,/
When I arrived and heard thee, that made gape/
The pine and let thee out.”
(Shakespeare 2008)
The Dispossessed 2
“We’ve been saying, more and more often, you must work with the others, you must accept the rule of the majority. But any rule is tyranny.”
(Le Guin 1999)
Tempest 2
“What would my potent master? Here I am.”
Shakespeare 2008
Possession, Surrender, and Freedom in The Tempest,
A.M. Potter, 1983
“he gives the island which he has ruled with such power, back to Caliban and surrenders Ariel, the instrument and agent of that power”
(Potter 1983)