Binary Opposition Flashcards
Paradise Lost, John Milton, 1671
“th’ Arch-Enemy,/
And thence in Heav’n called Satan”
“Milton 2000)
The Dispossessed, Ursula Le Guin, 1999
“Shevek knew that the concept of superiority… was important to the Urrasti; they often used the word “higher” as a synonym for “better” in their writings, where an Anarresti would use “more central””
(Le Guin 1999)
Katherine Cross, 2018, Ursula Le Guin’s The Dispossessed and the Reimagining of Utopianism
Urras and Anarres represent “the difference between formal power - uniforms, titles, hierarchies, and laws - and informal power - the coercions of customs, norms, and ordinary relationships”
(Cross 2018)
PL 2
“Nor hope to be myself less miserable/
… For only in destroying I find ease/
To my relentless thoughts”
(Milton 2000)
The Old English Genesis and Milton’s Paradise Lost: the Characterisation of Satan, Elisa Ramazzina, 2016
“he is multifaceted and often contradicts himself, being both hero and villain, rebellion against God’s trynna but behaving as a tyrant.”
(Ramazzina 2016)
Dispossessed 2
“We’ve been saying, more and more often, you must work with the others, you must accept the rule of the majority. But any rule is tyranny.”
(Le Guin 1999)