Freedom of religion Flashcards
Standard of review (Lemon test) – Governmental action benefitting religion may be valid if
• Secular purpose
• Primary effect neither advances nor prohibits religion, and
• Does not result in excessive government entanglement with religion
Financial aid to religiously affiliated institutions
• Permitted if the aid is secular in nature, used for a secular purpose, and distributed according to religiously neutral criteria
o Secular textbooks, computers, transportation, etc. found constitutional
• Level of government entanglement required is considered when deciding whether religion is being advanced or inhibited
• Tax exemptions—valid if equivalent to exemptions to other charitable institutions not advancing/inhibiting religion (i.e., can’t be available only to religious organizations)
o Tuition vouchers do not violate Establishment Clause if parents can decide whether to use them at religious or non-religious schools
- Held invalid as clearly promoting religion at school
• Prayer/Bible reading
• Period of silence for meditation/voluntary prayer
• Nondenominational prayer by cleric at graduation
• Posting of Ten Commandments
• Prohibiting teaching of Darwinism - Religious displays
• Ten Commandments on public property not allowed if it has predominantly religious purpose
• Government holiday displays permissible unless reasonable observer’s conclusion is that they endorse religion
Free exercise
Religious belief
• Absolutely protected and cannot be restricted by law
• Government cannot deny benefits or impose burdens based on religious belief
o Court may determine sincerity of person asserting belief, but may not determine reasonableness of belief
Religious conduct
• Not absolutely protected
• State laws that intentionally target religious conduct subject to strict scrutiny
• Neutral state laws of general applicability that have an impact on religious conduct only subject to rational basis test