Free-Standing Sculpture Flashcards
When was the New York Kouros made?
610 BC
What is the size of the New York Kouros?
Roughly life size
What is the New York Kouros made out of?
Which statue(s) is the New York Kouros similar to?
Egyptian Kouros, Anavyssos Kouros
What is the New York Kouros’ pose like?
- Stiff, upright pose with level features
- Left leg forward (but not enough to make hips uneven)
- Looking straight ahead - frontal
- Unnatural pose - but makes you focus on the patterns in the body
- Traditional kouros pose
What is the New York Kouros’ anatomy like?
- Incorrect proportions (e.g. head too big)
- Unnatural muscles - patterns - sharp lines
- Triangular face - large eyes - harsh transition between visual planes
- Hair = extremely stylised bead pattern - symmetrical ribbon
- Not naturalistic, but still beautiful
- Repeated patterns/symmetry (shallow W of pectorals & collar bone, V of diaphragm & pelvis, eyelid and eyebrow etc)
When was the Berin Goddess made?
570 - 560 BC
What is the Berlin Goddess made out of?
Which statue(s) is the Berlin Goddess similar to?
Peplos Kore
What is the pose of the Berlin Goddess like?
- Rigid pose - feet together, looking straight ahead
- Arms aren’t parallel (one tucked into cloak, one holding pomegranate) - slightly breaks visual planes
- More animated arms
- Unrealistically rigid pose
What is the anatomy of the Berlin Goddess like?
- Hourglass figure, but not defined breasts
- Naturalistic feet
- Long neck and broad shoulders
- Head is too small for body (eyes too small and bug-eyed, archaic smile, nose and ears too big, deep and tall head)
- Some areas are naturalistic, some aren’t
- Head does look very strange
What is the Berlin Goddess’ drapery like?
- Dress with cloak - stylised, uses defined lines
- On her back the catenary folds of the cloak contrasts with the vertical dress (contributes to hourglass)
- Also wears earrings, a necklace, and a hat
- Back is more realistic and effective than front
What is the Berlin Goddess’ hair like?
- Symmetrical, stylised
- Plait, headband, and hat
- Heavy and tall
- Not naturalistic, looks stuck onto her head
When was the Anavyssos Kouros made?
530 BC
Which statue(s) is the Anavyssos Kouros similar to?
New York Kouros, Kritios Boy
What is the Anavyssos Kouros’ pose like?
- Traditional kouroi pose - standing upright, arms by side, even weight distribution, left leg forwards, facing front
- Too stiff, not very natural
What is the Anavyssos Kouros’ anatomy like?
- More rounded and fleshy than previous. Well proportioned
- Muscles are more subtle (as is the symmetry)
- Really long shoulder blades on back
- Archaic smile
- Stylised hair (bead-like symmetry) - hasn’t improved
- Too rounded? Womanly?
- More naturalistic
What is the Anavyssos Kouros made out of?
When was the Peplos Kore made?
540 - 530 BC
What is the Peplos Kore made out of?
Which statue(s) is the Peplos Kore similar to?
Berlin Goddess
What is Peplos Kore’s pose like?
- Rigid, straight back, feet together, looking straight ahead
- Right arm by side, left is bent and extended towards the viewer (holding something) - interaction
- Level hips
- Rigid pose brought to life by animated face
- Left arm breaks visual plae and adds interaction (suggests she is thinking something)
What is the anatomy of the Peplos Kore like?
- Realistically proportioned
- Face is alive - soft and warm (archaic smile, symmetrical)
- Hair falls with natural movement (responds to figure) - it is still symmetrical but it isn’t a single block
- Animated face adds life and thought
- Naturalistic
What is the Peplos Kore’s drapery like?
- Peplos (sleeveless, folds at waist) with Chiton (logn sleeves) underneath
- Basically two blocks
- Would have been painted (can see traces of pattern)
- Top shows her figure, bottom half falls more vertically
- Fairly naturalistic - can see figure, and the overfold at her waist
When was Kritios Boy made?
499 - 475 BC
Which material was Kritios Boy made out of?
Which statue(s) is Kritios Boy similar to?
Anavyssos Kouros, Riace Bronzes
What is the pose of Kritios Boy like?
- Similar to kouroi pose but more relaxed
- Frontal pose, asymmetrical, head slightly tilted to side
- Weight on back leg, right leg is slightly forward (hips aren’t level)
- More relaxed - more naturalistic and alive
What is Kritios Boy’s anatomy like?
- Not much muscle (as he’s a boy)
- Delicately carved - beautiful
- No archaic smile
- Face isn’t well proportioned
- Long hair is wrapped around head - scalp has individually carved strands - wisps on back of neck
- Eyes made separately and painted
- Naturalistic body (but face and hair are less reliastic)
When were the Tyrannicides made?
477/6 BC
What are the Tyrannicides made out of?
Who sculpted the Tyrannicides?
Kritios and Nesiotes
Who sculpted Kritios Boy?
Who are the Tyrannicides?
Aristogeiton (older) and Harmodius (younger) - called the Tyrannicides as they killed a tyrant
Which statue(s) are the Tyrannicides similar to?
The Riace Bronzes
What is the pose of the Tyrannicides like?
- In action - charging forwards with torsos turned slightly to the side
- Arms otustretched and legs wide
- Harmodius (right) is youger and more rashly rushing forwards
- Aristogeiton (left) is more mature and cautios - uses his cloak for protection
- Dynamic and engaging
- Very good portrayal of age and temprament (not just body types - also character)
What is the anatomy of the Tyrannicides like?
- Well proportioned
- Aristogeiton has more pronounced calf and thigh muscles as he is older
- Faces are also age-dependant (Ar has beard, Ha has a more rounded and youthful face)
- Naturalistic and shows age well
What is the drapery of the Tyrannicides like?
Aristogeiton holds a cloak for protection - it is well carved
When was the Delphi Charioteer made?
480 - 470 BC
What is the Delphi Charioteer made out of?
What is important to note when evaluating the Delphi Charioteer?
It was part of a group piece with large horses - it wasn’t designed to be displayed as a single figure and so should not be evaluated as one.
What is the pose of the Delphi Charioteer like?
- Restrainted - upright, holding reins of a chariot, slightly relaxed
- Head turned slightly to side and body turned slightly in the other direction (spiral)
- Boring pose (but it was part of a group piece)
What is the anatomy of the Delphi Charioteer like?
- High waistline
- Face is animated and naturalistic - framed by curly naturalistic hair (realistic headband too)
- Naturalistic and detailed feet and hands
What is the drapery of the Delphi Charioteer like?
- Top has folds with form, but bottom folds are vertical and motionless (not naturalistic)
- Wearing a tunic with a belt and straps over shoulders
- Reins are beautifully carved and realistic
Who is the Delphi Charioteer dedicated to?
When was Artemisium Zeus made?
475 - 450 BC
Who might Artemisium Zeus portray and why can’t we tell?
Would be identified by what is in his hand (lost)
- Zeus (thunderbolt)
- Poseidon (trident)
- Athlete (javelin)
What is Artemisium Zeus made out of?
What is the pose of Artemisium Zeus like?
- In action of throwing
- Trailing foot is slightly off the ground, weight is on the front leg (bent)
- Arms and legs are outstretched - uses space fully and creates a powerful, dynamic pose
- Front arm outstretched for balance
- Head turned and torso stretched slightly
- Small point on rear foot - couldn’t do that with marble (fully exploits bronze)
What is the anatomy of Artemisium Zeus like?
- Fairly naturalisitic and well proportioned
- Muscular torso and thighs
- Hands and feet are well carved
- Can see ribs (realisitic)
- Well proportioned face but lips aren’t parted and eyebrows aren’t realistic (face isn’t active)
- Should the torso be more stretched?
When were the Riace Bronzes made?
475 - 450 BC
Which material are the Riace Bronzes made out of?
Teeth = silver Nipples = copper
What are the poses of the Riace Bronzes like?
- Pair standing in a fluid, relaxed pose - standing, holding shields and weapons
- Asymmetrical - hips and shoulders aren’t level (contraposto)
- Right arm relaxed, left is tense (holding shield)
- Weight is on right leg, left is relaxed and bent
- Heads are significantly turned to the side
- Doesn’t look good from all angles
- Naturalistic
What is the anatomy of the Riace Bronzes like?
- Naturalistic - athletic, defined muscles (heavy pectoral and claves)
- Hirsute (lots of hair)
- Pronounced cheekbones - realistic nose, good depth to face, individual eyebrow hairs and eyelashes - mouth open, animated
- Intricate scalp hair and realistic ringlets
When was the Discobolos made?
475 - 450 BC
Who was the sculptor of the Discobolos?
What was the Discobolos made out of?
What is the pose of the Discobolos like?
- A snapshot of action, just before he throws the discus - potency of potential movement
- A coiled spring, full of energy
- Legs bent and tensed
- Back in a zig zag, arms in a continuous curve (contrast creates energy, tension, and balance)
- Position and purpose is clear
- Side view is poor
What is the Discobolos’ anatomy like?
- Athletic
- Repition and symmetry and avoided (more naturalistic)
- Fold on stomach, can see ribs on right side, tense muscles
- Face is motionless (not very naturalistic)
Which statue(s) is the Discobolos similar to?
Artemisium Zeus (athletic pose)
When was the Doryphoros made?
440 BC
Who was the sculptor of the Doryphoros?
Which material is the Doryphoros made out of?
What is the pose of the Doryphoros like?
- Young, athletic man walking (in mundane environment)
- In action of stepping forwards
- Left arm holding spear - tensed
- Head turned to right
- Asymmetrical hips (weight on right, left is stepping)
- Torso (right extended, left contracted)
- Understated pose - perfection of anatomy
- Looks good from all sides (harmony and interaction)
What is the Doryphoros’ anatomy like?
- Defined muscles (stomach, calves)
- Well proportioned head - beardless, lips separated
- Embodies Polykleitos’ contraposto (tense right leg, relaxed left. tense left shoulder, relaxed right. left knee low, left ankel high.)
- Realistic
When was Nike made?
420 BC
Who was the sculptor of Nike?
Where was Nike situated?
On a 10m triangular pillar a few metres south-east of the temple of Zeus at Olympia.
What is Nike made out of?
What is Nike’s pose like?
- About to land
- Left arm holding a cloak (billows behind her)
- Simultaneously moving forwards and downwards
- Head tilted to the ground
- Arms outstretched
- Clear, dramatic pose - full of movement
- Sophistocated
What is Nike’s anatomy like?
- Curvy, full figure (especially stomach and thighs)
- Soft flesh, visible through drapery
- Well proportioned
- Elegant and beautiful
- Left leg and breast bare - cloth swept off (rare to be nude, never mind a partially nude goddess)
What is the drapery of Nike like?
- Speed shown through the billowing cloak
- Abundant, thin material
- Cloth swept off left breast and leg
- Drapery tightened on right leg
- Drapery responds to the pose - demonstrates motion
- Drapery would have been painted brightly - would contrast with white skin
When were Eirene and Ploutos made?
375 BC
Who was the scuptor of Eirene and Ploutos?
What do Eirene and Ploutos represent?
Eirene (peace) and Ploutos (weath)
Peace is the nurse of wealth.
Without peace there cannot be prosperity.
abstract concept
Which sculpture(s) are Eirene and Ploutos similar to?
Nike by Paionios
Hermes and Dionysus
What is the pose of Eirene and Ploutos?
- Eirene holds Ploutos with her left arm, Ploutos reaches towards her - looking at each other
- Relaxed - weight on left leg, right leg is bent
- Leaning backwards and slightly to the right
- Pose isn’t active but she has natural movement
- Naturalistic pose
- Interaction between mother and child (plus intellectual meaning) - added interest
What is the anatomy of Eirene and Ploutos like?
- Naturalistic (can see breasts and left knee throught drapery)
- Detailed hair, ringlets, traces of colour
- Loving, peaceful expression
- Ploutos is fleshy and naturalistic (but a bit like a mini adult rather than a baby)
- Good interaction between anatomy and drapery
What is the drapery of Eirene and Ploutos like?
- Catenary folds on upper half - aetheltically pleasing, responds to breast and lean to right
- Can see bent left knee through drapery
- She is enveloped in drapery
- Overfold around waist is detailed and skilled
- Bottom half is slightly static
When was Hermes and Dionysus made?
350 - 325 BC
Who was the sculptor of Hermes and Dionysus?
Which material is Eirene and Ploutos made out of?
Which material is Hermes and Dionysus made out of?
What is Hermes doing with Dionysus?
He is taking him to the nymphs that will raise him. In the meantime he is giving him grapes.
What is the pun in Hermes and Dionysus?
Dionysus is reaching for grapes - he will become the god of wine (and civilisation)
What is Hermes and Dionysus’ pose like?
- Hermes is deliberatly in a strange and unnatural pose os Praxiteles can show his skill - deliberatly effortless
- Praxitelean curve (double curve)
- Weight on right leg and right arm raised (dangling grapes)
- Leaning very far to right - tree trunk is needed to support this
- Head turned and neck tilted
- Adaptation of Polykleitos’ canon (shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles all slant in the same direction)
What is Hermes and Dionysus’ anatomy like?
- Understated naturalism
- Tall and slender (long legs)
- Torse stretched because of pose - pectoral muscles respond well
- Youthful (slight muscles but naturalistic)
- Soft, radiant skin. Veins in feet (good detail)
- Naturalistic response to lean on his back
What is the drapery of Hermes and Dionysus like?
- He’s not wearing it, the drapery has slid off Dionysus
- Only included to show off skill (very well done)
What is Hermes’ face like? (in Hermes and Dionysus)
- Deep set eyes (thoughful)
- Small face and mouth
- Scruffy, curly hair
When was Apollo Sauroktonos made?
350 - 325 BC
Who was the sculptor of Apollo Sauroktonos?
Which material is Apollo Sauroktonos made out of?
What is the pose of Apollo Sauroktonos like?
- Apollo (as a youth) playing - leaning against a tree and toying with an arrow (to kill a lizard)
- The tree is structurally unnecessary (but needed for the context of the lizard)
- Dramatic Praxitelean lean
- Weight on right leg, left foot raised
- God captured in a personal scene and humanised
- Relaxed, naturalistic pose
What is Apollo Sauroktonos’ anatomy like?
- Similar to Hermes’ but Apollo’s shoulders slant in the opposite direction - more natural
- Youth, childlike flesh - not much muscle
- Feminine facial features
- Naturalistic
Which sculpture(s) is Apollo Sauroktonos similar to?
Hermes (and Dionysus) Marathon Boy (almost identical pose but in reverse)
How is Apollo Sauroktonos symbolic?
It foreshadows his later slaying of the Python at Delphi
When was Knidian Aphrodite made?
350 - 325 BC
Who is the sculptor of Aphrodite of Knidos?
What is Knidian Aphrodite made out of?
What is revolutionary about Aphrodite of Knidos?
First female nude
What are Praxiteles’ tradmarks?
Praxitelean curve
Humanising gods
(Double meanings - puns, foreshadowing)
What is Knidan Aphrodite’s pose like?
- Facing forwards. Preparing for exiting bath (drapery over hydria) responding to someoen watching her (gaze)
- Body is contracted in response to the intruder - knees pressed together, hand covering herself
- Weight on right leg
- Head turned to the left (where the intruder is)
- Captures and humanises the divine
- Pose and context are linked very well
What is Aphrodite of Knidos’ anatomy like?
- Voluptuous figure - full. Soft skin. Crease in stomach
- Defined pelvis and fingers
- Adaptation of contraposto (not on a man, not athletic) - but still naturalistic
- Soft face, triangular. Curly hair
- Delicacy. Feminine beauty (fitting for the goddess of love)
What is the drapery of Knidian Aphrodite like?
- Limp, beautifully carved drapery hangs over the hydria (water jar)
- Contrasts with Aphrodite’s soft flesh (and colours would contrast too)
- Praxiteles shows his skill without having her clothed
How was Aphrodite at Knidos displayed and why?
- Displayed in a tholos temple at Knidos
- 360 degree view - meant to be appreciated at all angles
How does the viewer interact with Knidian Aphrodite?
- Feel embaressed as she is (covering up)
- Feel as if you are the intruder - like you’re not meant to be seeing her nude
When was Marathon Boy made?
350 - 325 BC
Who was the possible sculptor of Marathon Boy?
Where does Marathon Boy’s name come from?
The statue was pulled from the sea at Marathon
What is Marathon Boy made out of?
Which statue(s) is Marathon Boy similar to?
Hermes and Dionysus (similar pose) Apollo Sauroktonos (reverse pose)
What is Marathon Boy’s pose?
- Unknown context
- Variation of Hermes’
- Right arm is raised (leaning?) - left is holding something to the side
- Weight is on left leg, right is raised
- Praxitelean curve
- Head is turned to the left and down
- Naturalistic (but unclear what he is doing)
What is the anatomy of Marathon Boy like?
- Naturalistic and refined
- Defined muscles (e.g. pectoral)
- Long legs (like Hermes)
- Delicate hands
- Static face
- Curly, messy hair - ribbon with a horn-like object on his head
When was the Apoxyomenos made?
350 - 325 BC
Who was the sculptor of the Apoxyomenos
What was the Apoxyomenos made out of?
Bronze (needed for his extended arm)
What is the Apoxyomenos’ pose?
- Man scraping oil and dirt off after bathing (mundane)
- Both arms are tensed - left is bent, scraping, and right is extended forwards (breaks space in front of the figure)
- In action of shifting weight - mobile
- Multiple good views (like a real person)
- Looking at the viewer - interaction
- Leans slightly
- Shows the unglamouros beauty in the mundane
What is the Apoxyomenos’ anatomy like?
- Naturalistic, beautiful, delicate
- Lean and tall (had consciously altered Polykleitos’ canon)
- Defined muscles (pelvis, calves)
- Face is too rounded for the body?
What is the height of Kritios boy?
What size is the Anavyssos Kouros?
1.94m (life size)
What size are the Tyrannicides?
Slightly over life size
What is the size of the Delphi Charioteer?
Life size
What size is Artemisium Zeus?
2.09m (Slightly bigger than life size)
What size are the Riace Bronzes?
Life size
What size is the Doryphoros?
2.13m (just over life size)
What is the size of Hermes and the infant Dionysus?
Life size
What is the size of Apollo Sauroktonos?
Life size
What is the size of Marathon Boy?
What is the Apoxyomenos’ size?
Life size
What is the size of the Berlin Goddess?
Slightly over life size
What is the size of Peplos Kore?
What is the size of Nike by Paionios?
Over life size
What is the size of Eirene and Ploutos
Over life size
What is the size of Aphrodite of Knidos?
Over life size