today for free movement of goods?
build foundations for free movement of goods - next week case law - key for exam
= BACKGROUND ECONOMIC INTEGREATION on which internal market built, on which fm of goods is built
what is it when we think about internal market and fm of goods?
think internal market and fm of goods = based on free trade e.g economic integration
what is part 1?
Part I: Background in economic integration
- Stages in economic integration
- Options for post-Brexit trade with the EU
- Two types of economic integration in the EU - this part = important for exam
what was the orginial idea of eu?
original idea of eu was economic intergration was
-reason for this : idea was to make war impossible in europe , we ve come along way from 50’s.
Part I.1: Stages in economic integration - what is first stage?
look table - bottom is the highest level of economic integration and top lowest
Free trade area (FTA)
- starting of with free trade agreement - future uk eu relations all about if u = so you basically have fm of goods when have free trade agreement -
idea of free trade area is to abololish all itnernal borders for free movememnt of goods - e.g good produced in germany go into uk easily
what are customs duties - e.g u have to pay , if you dont have free trade agreement you have to pay
Part I.1: Stages in economic integration - 2nd stage?
2nd - customs union - FTA + common external customs tariff
means at border = fee or tax - common tariff - mic cut out
Part I.1: Stages in economic integration - 3rd stage?
3rd - Common/single/internal market (IM) - CU + free movement of persons, services and capital
- e.g me - me coming over from germany to bham teaching aston = fm of workers without any restrictions visas etc
Part I.1: Stages in economic integration - 4th stage?
4th-Economic union (EU)- IM + common economic policies and institutions
- for e.g have common inst btw uk and germany etc - idea to create level playing field for all traders in ey
Part I.1: Stages in economic integration - 5th stage?
5th - Political Union (PU) - EU + integration beyond economics, e.g. police, foreign policy
- steps in int - highest to lowest level
where do you think eu is on level of integration within these stages? - eu in middle, free movement of goods and services to economic union but we dont have full economic union bc full would have single currency and common fiscal policy
Part I.2: Options for post-Brexit trade with the EU - what did jeremy corbyn propose?
look at brexit and what jeremy corbyn proposed
- saying a new comprehensive customs union e.g no itnernal borders btw germany and uk, sit we have in eu thats what he wants post brexit aswell
Part I.2: Options for post-Brexit trade with the EU - why did he propose customs union?
to avoid extra costs of tariffs - concerned goods produced in uk that enter eu market and he wanted north irish border - no hard border, everyone is happy
hw to have this sit we only need free trade agreement we dont need custom union cos mean external tariff, so why is jeremy corbyn going further
Part I.2: Options for post-Brexit trade with the EU - more support for custom union?
What Prof. Woods is saying is:
- EU currently has trade agreements with over 50 states.
- BREXIT would mean that the UK has to start from scratch to rebuild agreements with those states
- The UK would be negotiating new trade deals on the basis of having 3.5% of world GDP, rather than as part of a bloc with 23% of world GDP
- so she making arg for economic power, eu can get better trade deals than britian on its own - jc proposed to stay within customs union, to use that power
also looks like eu dictating power eu knows they are based on trading negotiations
this is jeremy corbyns option, we have other options to
- Options for post-Brexit UK trade with the EU:
not so important
- Options for post-Brexit UK trade with the EU:
Join the EEA/EFTA (Norway-model) Part of internal market, but UK would be a rule-taker
Deep and special partnership (Theresa May)
A new UK-EU customs union (Jeremy Corbyn)
Eliminates internal tariffs and quotas between UK-EU for goods exported to EU countries
P (likely scenario): EU decides external tariffs on goods imported from outside the EU, with UK having no input into EU trade policy
No deal, i.e. trade with EU under World Trade Organisation rules P: costly
- Options for post-Brexit UK trade with the EU: what is question to ask?
would eu post brexit allow eu uk as only non ms to join negotiations - dont see that happening, jorbyn corbyn is as likely as theresa mays - we currently only have proposals post brexit
Part I.3: Two types of economic integration in the EU
how does economic int in eu work?
idea is - to make separate national markets into one internal market:
can do by 2 categories
Part I.3: Two types of economic integration in the EU - what is the aim ?
1st one = positive int -
aim = to remove barries/ borders to trade - harmonise ms and create level playing field, building common framework
Actor: EU legislature adopts legislation (e.g. Art. 114 TFEU)
Part I.3: Two types of economic integration in the EU
: how did barriers come as result in first place.
Such barriers may result simply from the fact that regulatory rules vary from MS to MS
E.g. Different laws about how to label cigarette packs
Part I.3: Two types of economic integration in the EU
: e.g of cigarette packs - POS INTEGRATION
- can see smoking kills, 2 can barely see - 2 compare cig packs - cant export in uk barrier to trade is packaging law and remedy is
to adopt leg that harmonises law and make 1 packaging law for whole of eu
- doing so have costs
- suprise cost, loss of economies of scale, information costs etc
Part I.3: Two types of economic integration in the EU
: what is the 2nd type of economic integration?
negative integration
Removal of existing barriers to trade (tariffs, quotas, packaging and product standards)
De-regulatory approach
Part I.3: Two types of economic integration in the EU
: summarising negative integration
Actor: the courts (national and CJEU)
e.g uk infringe on national cts what does national ct have to do in this case with uk law = dissapply = supremacy of eu law - removal of existing barriers to trade
and what doc allows u to enforce ur eu rights in nationa courts = DIRECT EFFECT e.g allowed to rely on eu law and then antioanl ct disapplied national law = deregulatory effect
freemovement of goods= eliminating barriers to trade
Part I.3: Two types of economic integration in the EU: overall of free movement of goods in eu law
remeber negatove int bc this is what freemovement of good in eu law about = eliminating national BARRIES TO TRADE
what have we finished now?
Finished backgroud, finished economic int- now look next at internal market and more details of what internal market means - remeber fm of goods is about internal market
what is part 2?
Part II: The internal market
The internal market: An introduction
The legal background
The four freedoms: common features
what is internal market?
The internal market – An introduction
- Definition: “Internal market” refers to the EU as one territory without any internal borders or other regulatory obstacles to the free movements of goods and services.
- TFEU “seeks to unite national markets in a single market”
How does Eu achieve internal market
How does the EU achieve the internal market?
use Positive and negative integration = tom achiever cross border trade
Aim: make trade between EU countries as easy as trade within them, by removing tariffs, quotas etc.
Aim: create a level playing field
What is heart of internal market
What is at the heart of the internal market? Cross-border trade!
= trade and no borders
What is the legal background of this
- The internal market: the legal background
Article 26 TFEU
‘1. The Union shall adopt measures with the aim of establishing or ensuring the functioning of the internal market, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaties.
2.The internal market shall comprise an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the provisions of the Treaties.
- just read dont take in
Articles for legal background of internal market
What are the four freedoms
- The four freedoms – common features
- Key idea: removal of barriers to free movement within the EU imposed by national legislation or administration, except those barriers which are justified in order to protect some recognised national interest
Four freedoms are about negative integration!
Exception clarifies: no absolute free movement in EU
slide four freedoms my analysis:
look common freedoms - especially in prob q in exam how step by step need to answe this and come back next week
here you can say theres no absolute freedom in eu - u can justify national laws and why u have this pic on cigarette packs
barriers to free movement = packaging requirements etc laws were looking at
- PROBLEM Q- starting point
- The four freedoms – common features
- Starting point: a measure (e.g. national law) raises issue relating to free movement. Three issues must be examined - SCOPE
1st step is law within scope of free movement of goods
does it breach
and if does may be justifed
so q what is justification? what is the public good?