Frankenstein quotes Flashcards
the creature warns victor to “watch the wiliness of a…
snake, that may sting with his venom”.
the creature is filled with “the impotence…
of anger”
at the delacy cottage we witness “kindness and
the creature was “gilded by bright rays
of hope”
the creature “could not help..
victor believes her will “hasten to..
the arms” [of his “beloved dead”]
victor warns walton that he should “avoid…
Victor encourages walton to hope as he was “blasted in…
my hopes”
Victor believes science will “pour a torrent of…
light into a dark world”
Victor desires to make humans…
“invulnerable” to disease
he hopes science will “banish disease from…
the human frame”
victor intended the creature to be “beautiful” but…
instead fills him with “horror and disgust”
the creature gives victor hopes of him being…
victor fears the creature will propagate a “race…
of devils”
victor fears the creature will threaten the “very…
existence” of mankind
victor convinces himself that the creature is a “monster” and a….
“i love my cousin tenderly and sincerly i never saw any woman who excited as Elizabeth does…
my warmest admiration and affection. my future hopes and prospects are entirely bound up in the expectation of our union”
“i eagerly longed to discover myself to the cottagers,…
i ought not to make the attempt until i had become master of their language”
“now that i had finished the beauty…
of the dream had vanished”
“i resolved to return to the cottage, seek the old man…
and by my representations with him to my party”
“what i ask of you is reasonable and moderate; i demand a creature of…
another sex but as hideous as myself; the gratification is small but it is all that i can receive and it shall content me”
“i am malicious because …
i am miserable”
“but revenge kept me alive…
i dared not die and leave my adversary in being”
“it is well i go but
remember i shall be with you your wedding night”
“but now when i appeared almost in grasp of my foe…
my hopes were suddenly extinguished and i lost all trace of him more utterly than i had ever done before”
“the work was soon finished in a few minutes a tumultuous sea…
rolled between me and my enemy and I was left drifting on a shattered piece of ice”