Framework of Larynx Flashcards
Vibration of the vocal folds which produces speech voicing
What is the energy source for phonation?
Vocal folds (cords)
Paired band of tissue housed within the larynx. Vibrating component used to produce sound.
Process of bringing cords together for phonation
Drawing vocal cords apart to terminate phonation
Bernoulli Principle
Given a constant volume of flow of air or fluid, at a a point of constriction there will be a decrease in air pressure and increase in the velocity of flow- hose example
Cricoid cartilage
Sits on top of the trachea. Contains arch and posterior quadrate lamina.
Arch- Low narrow portion in front that provides clearance for vocal folds
Posterior quadrate lamina- the wide thick portion in back that provides point of articulation for arytenoid cartilages
Thyroid cartilage
Articulates inferiorly with cricoid cartilage- is the largest laryngeal cartilage
Thyroid laminae
2 plates of cartilage that make up the anterior surface of thyroid cartilage
Inferior and superior cornua of thyroid cartilage
Horns located on the posterior aspect of thyroid cartilage
Thyroid angle of thyroid cartilage
Where thyroid laminae join
Thyroid notch
Superior most point of thyroid angle
Oblique line
Lateral superficial aspect of thyroid laminae
Inferior cornua of thyroid cartilage
Project downward to articulate with cricoid cartilage
Superior cornua of thyroid cartilage
Projects upward to articulate with hyoid bone
Arytenoid cartilages
Paired cartilage that articulates with the lamina of the cricoid cartilage. Forms posterior point of attachment for vocal folds- allowing for onset and offset of voicing. Pyramidal in shape
Apex of arytenoid cartilage
Superior portion of arytenoid
Base of arytenoid cartilage
Inferior that articulates with cricoid
Vocal process of arytenoid cartilage
Projects toward thyroid notch for vocal fold attachment
Muscular process of arytenoid cartilage
Lateral portion of arytenoid
Attachment for muscles that adduct and abduct vocal folds
Corniculate cartilages
Paired cartilage that rides on the superior (apex) surface of each arytenoid
Unpaired leaf shaped cartilage. Arises from inner surface of angle of thyroid cartilage just below notch.
How does the epiglottis attach?
Via thyroepiglottic ligament to thyroid, and joins arytenoid cartilage via aryeppiglottic folds.
How does the epiglottis work?
Folds over to protect the airway during swallowing- food passes over epiglottis and into the esophagaus
pizza example
Pharyngeal recesses
Valleculae and pyriform sinuses
Pair of small indentations between root of tongue and epiglottis. Important landmark in determining swallowing deficits
Pyriform sinuses
Small fossae (indentations) between aryepiglottic folds medially and mucous lining of the thyroid cartilage.
Valleculae and swallowing- what happens?
During a normal swallow, larynx elevates while epiglotts folds down to protect food and liquid from entering the airway. When compromised, larynx may not elevate and food and liquid accumulates in “little valleys” or valleculae
Cuniform cartilages
Small paired cartilage embedded in aryepiglottic folds. Causes small bulge on membrane surface. Also provides support for membranous laryngeal covering.
Hyoid bone
Unpaired bone. Only bone unattached to other bone- it is suspended by musculature. Articulates with superior cornu of thyroid cartilage.
Corpus of Hyoid bone
Point of attachment for 6 muscles
Greater cornu of hyoid bone
Lateral surface of corpus that projects posteriorly
Lesser cornu of Hyoid bone
Junction of corpus and greater cornu
Surgical removal of the larynx. Oral cavity is sealed off from the trachea and lower respiratory passageways. Inability to produce sounds and tracheastomas are put in to allow for breathing.
What are the biological functions of the larynx?
Primarily protects the airway from foreign objects
Hold breath, heavy lifting, phonation, childbirth