Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscle Flashcards
Elevators of hyoid and larynx
digastricus anterior digastricus posterior stylohyoid mylohyoid geniohyoid hyoglossus genioglossus inferior pharyngeal constrictor -thyropharyngeus -cricopharyngeus
Digastricus anterior
origin- inner surface of mandible
insertion- joins posterior digastricus by means of intermediate tendon.
action- draws hyoid up and forward
Digastricus posterior
origin- mastoid process of temporal bone behind ear
insertion- hyoid bone
action- draws hyoid up and back
origin- styloid process of temporal bone
insertion- corpus of hyoid bone
action- elevates and retracts hyoid bone
Floor of oral cavity
origin- underside of mandible
insertion- corpus of hyoid bone
action- elevates hyoid and projects it forward or depresses mandible
origin- mental spines of mandible
insertion- hyoid bone at corpus
action- elevates hyoid and draws it forward
origin- entire surface of greater cornu of hyoid bone
insertion- sides of tongue
action- hyoid elevator, lingual depressor
origin- inner surface of mandible
insertion- anterior surface of hyoid corpus
action- hyoid elevator
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor- thyropharyngeus
Propels food through the pharynx
action- contraction promotes elevation of larynx while constricting the pharynx
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor- cricopharyngeus
Sphincter muscle at esophagaus orifice
action- contraction promotes elevation of larynx while constricting pharynx
Depressors of hyoid & larynx
origin- post superior region of manubrium sterni and medial end of clavicle
insertion- inferior margin of hyoid corpus
action- depresses hyoid
Omohyoid- superior belly
Terminates on side of hyoid corpus
Joins at intermediate tendon with inferior belly
action- depresses hyoid and larynx
Omohyoid- inferior belly
Originates on upper border of scapula
Joins at intermediate tendon with superior belly
action- depresses hyoid and larynx
origin- manubrium sterni and 1st costal cartilage
insertion- oblique line of thyroid cartialge
action- depresses thyroid cartilage
origin- oblique line of thyroid cartilage
insertion- greater cornu of hyoid bone
action- depresses hyoid and raises larynx
Extrinsic laryngeal musculature
1 attachment on a laryngeal cartilage, other on nonlaryngeal structure. Responsible for major adjustments of the larynx- elevators & depressors.