Fragile environments Flashcards
What are the key components of fragile environments?
Non-living parts: rock, soil, climate
Living parts: plants, animals
What is the ecological footprint?
Measures how much land and sea are required to provide us with the water, food and energy we need to support our lifestyles. It measures the impact of humans on the natural world.
Which factors influence a country’s ecological footprint?
-Rate of population growth
-Level of consumption of resources per person
-Type of technology used
What is considered a sustainable and unsustainable footprint? What is the global average?
Sustainable footprints: 3,9 and below.
Unsustainable footprints: 4,0 and above.
Global average: 2,85.
What is desertification?
Once-productive land gradually changing into desert-like land. This process isn’t necessarily irreversible.
Name some areas at risk for desertification.
Sahel region, central Africa
Parts of northern Argentina, Peru and Bolivia
What are the natural causes of desertification?
Forest fires
Lack of rain
Soil erosion
Harsh climate events
What are the human causes of desertification?
Water erosion
Loss of biodiversity
Poor irrigation practices
Intensive use of agricultural lands
What are the causes of desertification in the amazon rainforest?
Fires and deforestation related to livestock farming are creating an arid zone that can’t sustain vegetation.
What are the causes of desertification in the Sahel region?
Population growth has led to increased logging, illegal farming and land clearing for housing.
What are the causes of desertification in the Western and Southwestern US?
Due to overgrazing and overcultivation. Lack of irrigation, deforestation and increased droughts are degrading the land.
What are the causes of desertification in Northern and Western Australia?
Effects of climate change (increased droughts and forest fires), overfarming
What is deforestation?
The cutting down of trees, mainly to use the land for building on it or creating farmland to feed livestock and produce agricultural products.
Why does deforestation happen?
Because forests are very dependent on rainfall and specific climates. They are also vulnerable to deforestation for farming purposes.
What are the natural causes of deforestation?
Forest fires, droughts and pests
What are the human causes of deforestation?
Agricultural expansion
Wood extraction
Livestock grazing
Population growth
What are Milankovitch cycles?
The collective effects of changes in the Earth’s movements on its climate over thousands of years. They include:
The earth’s orbit
The angle of the earth axis tilt
Direction that the earth’s axis of rotation is pointed to.
What are some causes of climate change?
Volcanic activity
Cosmic material
Human causes
How does volcanic activity contribute to climate change?
Volcanic gases like sulphur can cause global cooling, while volcanic carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, can promote global warming.
How does cosmic material contribute to climate change?
Cosmic rays help the formation of dense clouds in the lower atmosphere. These clouds retain more surface energy, keeping the surrounding air hot and potentially increasing t° on earth.
How are human causes contributing to climate change?
Burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock.
This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.
What are the 4 main greenhouse gases?
Carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide.
What are the sources of CO2?
Burning fossil fuels, burning fuelwood, deforestation.
What are the sources of methane?
Decay of organic matter - waste in landfill sites, animal manure, large areas of crops.
What are the sources of nitrous oxide?
Burning fossil fuels and use of artificial fertilizers.
What are the sources of chlorofluorocarbons?
Gases released via aerosols and coolants in fridges and AC systems.
Some types of packaging and insulation.
What are other issues caused due to deforestation?
Soli erosion, river pollution, local climate change, loss of biodiversity and global warming.
What will happen if the rainforest is cleared?
Global biodiversity will be much reduced.
Individual species will become endangered and then possibly extinct.
What are some responses to desertification?
What can be done to reduce/reverse it?
Education, reducing soil erosion, changing farming, fuelwood, water conservation.
What are water-spreading weirs?
Stone and cement constructions that extend from one side of a valley to the other. They’re usually built in a series along the length of the valley. The weirs hold back the flow of a river but allow the water to overflow and pass on downstream to the next weir.
Name two ways of conserving the rainforest.
Agroforestry and substitution.
What is the Great Green Wall?
An African-led project to grow 8000 km of forest across Africa’s width. Its goal is to provide food, jobs and a future for the people living in the Sahel region.
What should the sustainable management of any resource do?
-Respect the environment and cultures of local people
-Use traditional skills and knowledge
-Give people control over their land and lives
-Use appropriate technology - cheap, easy to use and not harmful
-Generate income for local communities
-Protect biodiversity
Name some ways to achieve sustainable management of forests.
Protection of forests
Planned and controlled logging Selective logging
Replanting forests
Developing of alternative energy supply
Name some international programs for action on deforestation.
-UN program on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (UN-REDD)
-UN forum on forests (UNFF)
-Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
-International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA)