Fragile Eco Systems Flashcards
Any change in one part of the system…
Will have an effect on all the other parts
What is an Eco system?
A collection of parts that are linked together in such a way as to form a working unit.
Resilient Eco systems
Can cope with change and after a time will regulate themselves and return to normal.
Fragile ecosystems
are vulnerable to change
How Eco systems can change
Disease Food chain Oil spill Overpopulation Drought River pollution War Bush fire Flood Overfishing Deforestation New species.
% of coral reefs:
- damaged beyond repair
- Under serious threat
- Healthy and safe
- 66%
- 25%
- 9%
Coral polyps
Tiny marine animal like a small jelly fish that attaches to a hard surface like a rock or the sea floor.
The polyp then divides up into thousands of clones that connect to each other to make a colony.
Where are coral reefs found?
Shallow water less than 150m deep so the sunlight can reach the algae. The algae provides the coral with food and gives them their vibrant colours.
Tropical waters eg. Red Sea, east coast of Africa, Southern Coast of India, coasts off north east and North west Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Why are coral reefs important?
The rainforests of the sea due to how many creatures and organisms they support
Approx. 25% of all marine life.
How are coral reefs a value to humans?
Rich fishing around reefs
Money to make from tourists
Source of medicine: products used to treat HIV and cancer found there
Break up power of waves that would hit shore during storms- reduce damage and flooding at coastal areas.
Threats to coral reefs
Overfishing- warps food chain
Pollution- causes algae overgrowth
Sedimentation- erosion caused by construction mining, logging and farming etc.
climate change- corals can’t survive if water too warm.
Coral mining- live coral is removed for use of bricks, road fill or cement
Careless tourism- touching reefs, stirring up sediment, collecting coral and dropping anchors on reef.
How to Protect reefs:
Conserve water- the less water used, less pollution to sea.
Plant a tree- trees reduce run off into oceans
Dispose rubbish properly- don’t leave unwanted fishing lines or nets in water or on beach. Any litter pollutes water.
Reduce pollution- walk, bike, or ride bus. Fossil fuel emissions from cars lead to ocean warming.
Where are the rainforests?
Around equator where temp. Stays around 30* year round.
Largest rainforests are in Brazil, Zaire and Indonesia.
What is deforestation?
The cutting down or felling of a large number of trees.
Why do people destroy rainforests?
To make use of rich and natural resources.
Rise in population means more land needed.
Agricultural expansion as well as increasing demands for fuel.
How are rainforests destroyed?
Fires Clear cutting for agriculture. Ranching and development. Unsustainable logging for timber. Degradation due to climate change.