FQ3: What role do healthcare facilities and services play in achieving better health for all Australians? Flashcards
What is the range of health facilities and services in Australia?
Primary care focuses on:
- Diagnosing
- Treatment
- Rehabilitation
- Care
- Early intervention
Health promotion
3 levels - federal, state, local
RANGE: INSTITUTIONS - private and public
What are the types of health facilities and services in Australia?
Hospitals - public and private
Nursing homes
Psychiatric hospitals
Medical services
Health-related services
Community support
EXAMPLES: GPs, Dental, Chiropractor, Radiographer, Specialists, Oncologists → cancer or suspected cancer, Psychologists/Psychiatrists → mental health treatment
Which health faculties/services are institutional and which are non-institutional?
1. public hospital
2. private hospital
3. psychiatric hospital
4. nursing homes
1. medical services
2. health-related services
3. pharmaceuticals (PBS)
4. community supports - there is no info on this
Describe the services provided by a public hospital and what barriers exist or are overcome.
- Serve a greater proportion of elderly and very young
- Provide increasing highly specialised and complex services
- same-day surgery
- Take most of the non-admitted patients
- Emergency services available
- Covered completely by Medicare
- Individuals are provided a doctor and a bed without extra cost associated
- Large wait times for elective surgeries
- People abusing the emergency system, long wait times for non-essential treatment
- Funding - affect the number of nurses/doctors allocated to work shifts (May reduce number of patients that can be attended to)
- Language barriers for patients from NESB
- Rural and remote areas (isolated communities) - limited access to a fully equipped hospital (Distance from major settlements)
Describe the services provided by a private hospital and what barriers exist or are overcome.
- Same-day surgery
- Perform more short-stay services
- Elective procedures
- Less complex procedures
- Must be able to pay or have private health care
- Not subsidised by Medicare
- Low SES - unable to afford access to these services due to limited funds available
- Rural and remote areas (isolated communities) - limited access to a fully equipped hospital (Distance from major settlements)
Describe the services provided by a psychiatric hospital and what barriers exist or are overcome.
- Both hospital services → continuing care within community
- GPs, private psychiatrists, community-based public mental-health services, specialised residential mental healthcare facilities
- Accessible to all (Covered by Medicare due to increased importance + awareness on mental health)
- Fewer psychiatric hospitals due to reduction in extended hospitalisations, limited access for patients, limited access for rural and remote
- Language + cultural barriers for patients from NESB
Describe the services provided by nursing homes and what barriers exist or are overcome.
- Care & long term nursing attention for those unable to care for themselves
- Some care for people with disability (young)
- Aged-care assessment teams
- Placement in patrons outside of institutions
- Public homes take 85% of the residents pension in return for services
- Private homes - require money from the patients’ own savings or a family member
- Limited based on income of families = Limited access for low SES
- Aged care assessment teams (Ensures only highly dependent people are placed in residential care, Limited access)
Describe medical services and what barriers exist or are overcome.
- Doctors, specialists, often health professionals
- GP consultation reimbursed by Medicare
- All australians are eligible to claim refunds for their specialist service payments outside of private hospital expenses from Medicare
- Still need to pay up front - difficult for low SES
GPs have the option of Bulk Billing or charging up front (Option: claiming back from Medicare)
- Language barrier for NESB - translator required
- Cultural barrier - e.g. females not seeing male doctors
- Limited access in rural or remote areas
Describe health-related services and what barriers exist or are overcome.
- Ambulance work
- Chiropractors
- Dentistry
- Health inspection
- Nursing
- Occupational therapy and speech therapy
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- State and government provide public dental services to primary and secondary school children
- Disadvantaged adults are also provided with dental care
- Cost of services - prevents many from utilising
- Limited access in rural or remote areas + ATSI
Availability of services
- Health funds will cover part of the cost, but the rest is out of pocket expense
- Cost of using service may be considered too high for average person to use
- Consultation is covered by Medicare (Bulk Billing)
- Purchase or optometry aids (glasses) is covered either by Health Funds or out of pocket expenses)
Describe the responsibility for health facilities and services under the Commonwealth government.
- Formation of national health policies
- Control of financing through taxes
- Provides funds to State and Territory Governments → influences decisions + deliveries
- Direct responsibility for special community services - war veterans, ATSI communities
- Contribute major funds to: Residential care, Medical services, Research, Public hospitals, Pharmaceuticals (PBS) - scheme, Community controlled ATSI primary health care
- Regulates private health insurance
- Organises health services for veterans
- Responsible for Medicare - Subsidising medical services, Joint funding with states and territories of public hospital services
- Major funder of health and medical research - e.g. National Health and Medical Research Council
- Regulated medicines, devices and blood
Describe the responsibility for health facilities and services under the state/territory governments.
Prime responsibility for providing health and community services: Hospital, Mental health, Family, Health promotion, Rehab
Responsible for: (in terms of premises, institutions and personnel): Regulation, Inspection, Licensing, Monitoring, Ambulance services, Handling health complaints
Deliver preventative services
E.g: cancer screening, immunisation programs
Describe the responsibility for health facilities and services under the private sector.
Provide wide range of services - Private hospitals, Alternative health services (dental, physiotherapy, chiropractic)
Generally privately owned, funded and operated through Businesses, Charity, Religious groups
E.g. NSW Cancer Council
Receive funding from both State and Governments and the Commonwealth Government
Describe the responsibility for health facilities and services under local governments.
- Responsible for implementing state health policies
- Controlling local environment issues (e.g. - maintenance of recreational facilities, e.g. - waste disposal, water fluoridation, water supply, food safety monitoring)
- Deliver some community-based and home-based health and support services
- Deliver some public health and health promotion activities
- Responsible for providing a range of care services: Personal, Preventive, Home care (E.g. waste disposal, Meals on Wheels)
E.g. most councils have Mother’s Group - mothers who have just given birth
Increase social networks + interactions
E.g. marathons to raise money for cancer
Describe the responsibility for health facilities and services under community groups.
Responsible for promoting health within a more concentrated/focus area of health
Formed on local needs basis → address problems specific to an area/region
E.g. Asthma Foundation, Diabetes Australia
Describe the SHARED responsibility for health facilities and services between local, state and territory and Commonwealth government.
- Regulation of health workforce
- Education and training of health professionals
- Regulation of pharmaceuticals and pharmacies
- Support improvements in safety and quality of health care
- Funding of public health programs and services
- Funding of ATSI health services