fourth practical Flashcards
distinguishing characteristics of buffalos
deep, robust body
very long dorsal fin base with > or equal to 22 rays
symmetric subopercle
characteristics of yellowfin shiner
terminal mouth
thick black stripe
sometimes faint caudal spot
more pointed snout
characteristics of spottail shiner
subterminal mouth
large eye
body with little pigment or faint lateral stripe
large prominent caudal spot
distinguishing characteristic of lake chubsucker
34-38 midlateral scales
characteristics of santee chub
small maxillary barbel
mouth very subterminal
body more fusiform
characteristic of whitefin shiner
no barbel
mouth slightly subterminal
taller body, compressed
distinguishing characteristics of notchlip redhorse
body more robust
13 or less caudal peduncle scales
13 or more dorsal rays
characteristics of warpaint shiner
thick bands of pigment on caudal and dorsal fins
mouth terminal, oblique
characteristics of longnose dace
long snout; extends well past lower jaw
very fine scales
premaxillary frenum present
barbel present
characteristics of rosyside dace
decurved lateral line
massive supra/terminal mouth
characteristics of genus cyprinella
patches of pigmentation in last few dorsal rays
Diamond scales
laterally compressed deep bodies
relatively small eye
characteristics of fathead minnow
crowded predorsal scales crowded anteriolateral scales small mouth adult males with tubercles short first dorsal ray black spot on dorsal fin and base of caudal fin
characteristics of common carp
first dorsal ray is a spine
has barbels
characteristics of blue head chub
large terminal mouth
terminal barbel
no decreasing lateral line scales
no spot on dorsal fin
distinguishing characteristic of white sucker
ascending lateral line scales
distinguishing characteristic of northern hogsucker
head concave between eyes
mouth inferior, distended
lips entirely papillose
distinguishing characteristic of creek chubsucker
40-46 midlateral scales
characteristics of rosyface chub
punctulated lateral stripe
distinguishing characteristics of all chub suckers
no lateral line
very oblique, subterminal mouth
characteristics of grass carp
thick caudal peduncle
terminal mouth
preanal length 3x post anal length
characteristics of golden shiner
decurved lateral line
superior mouth
falcate anal fin
distinguishing characteristics of carpsuckers
deep robust body
very long dorsal fin base with > or equal to 22 rays
asymmetric subopercle
characteristics of creek chub
black spot on dorsal fin
preterminal barbel
large terminal mouth
decreasing lateral line scale size
distinguishing characteristics of spotted sucker
numerous rows of conspicuous spots
mouth subterminal, oblique
no lateral line
characteristics of central stoneroller
horseshoe-shaped mouth
lower jaw has hard cartilaginous shelf
characteristics of genus luxilus
no patches of dark pigmentation on dorsal membranes
“tall” scales
large eyes and mouth
laterally compressed/deep-bodied
characteristics of genus hybopsis
very fusiform sreamlined body
scales more rounded, not diamond shaped
eye generally large
snout very rounded, subterminal mouth
distinguishing characteristics of striped jumprock
body very elongate
15 or more caudal peduncle scales
less than 13 dorsal rays
characteristics of goldfish
first dorsal ray is a spine
no barbels