Foundations Of Government Flashcards
To change
A change to the constitution
A document that gives the holder the right to organize settlements in an area
Common law
A legal system based on custom and court rulings
An agreement a contract among a group of people
Supporters of ratification of the constitution and of a strong central government
General assembly
A government body that makes states laws
Natural rights
The idea that all humans are born wi h rights, which include the right to life, Liberty, and property
Consent of the governed
People are the source of any and all government power
Limited government
The government is not all powerful and may do only those things the people have given it the power to do
Rule of law
All people, including those that govern, are bound by law, everyone must obey the law
In a democratic system of government the people rule
Representative democracy
In a representative system of government people elect public office holders to make laws and conduct government on their behalf
Majority rule
Decisions are made by the majority of the people and the government abides by their wishes
Minority rights
Even though majority rules, the minority have rights which are protected
What are the five limits on government
Rights of the minority Constitution Rule of law Separation of power Consent of the governed
What was the magna carts
Confronted king john and forced him to sign that the king is not above the law, king had to abide by the rules he put in place 1215
What was the English bill of rights
Stated the rights and freedoms of British citizens by member of English parliament 1689, ideas were corporates into the constitution and bill of rights
What was the Mayflower Compact
Represented one of the first forms of self government in North America and people were free from religious persecution and maintained order, 1620
What were the charters of the VIRGINIA company of London
Guaranteed British rights to the colonists of VIRGINIA by king James I provided settlers supplies and ships for the settlement. Established a government and business for va colonists
What was the VIRGINIA declaration of rights
Listed individual rights by George mason and provided freedom of religion, power to the people and due process, 1776 served as the basis for the bill of rights
What was the va statute for religious freedom
Provided for freedom of religious beliefs and opinions by Thomas Jefferson, 1786
What was The Declaration of Independence
Asserted that the colonies were independent from Britain, Thomas Jefferson and others, all people are created equal with unalienable rights and started the American revolution
What were the articles of confederation
Maintained that major powers resided with individual states, 1781 by the members of the continental congress, established the first form of national government, failed with no power to tax and enforce laws and led to the writing of the constitution