Foundations of Education Flashcards
Professionalism is not an end state for an occupation rather it is a continual process of reaching the forms of:
A. responsibility
B. accountability
C. obligation
D. prestige
which of the following is NOT a function of the school?
A. changing cultural practices
B. development of attitudes and skills
C. reproduction of species
D. socialization among children
basic education is intended to lay the foundation on which subsequent learning can be based. which is not part of basic education?
A. early childhood education
B. elementary education
C.secondary education
D.tertiary education
as provided for in Article II, Sec 17 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, “to foster patriotism, accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation, the state shall give priority” to the following, except:
A. education
B. science and technology
C. arts, culture, and sports
D. value education
among others, the 1987 Constitution demands that all educational institutions shall aim to do the following except:
A. foster respect for human rights
B. develop appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of our country
C.encourage critical and creative thinking
D. inculcate love for world class excellence
The Department of Education authorizes contributions in schools but not during enrollment. which is not an authorized distribution?
A. boy scouts of the Philippines membership fee
B. Philippine National Red Cross fee
C. School organization fee
D. Girl Scouts of the Philippines membership fee
despite opposition from some school officials, DepEd has continuously enforced the “no collection of fees” policy during enrollment period for public schools. Is this policy in accordance with EFA goals?
A. No, it violates the mandate of quality education
B. No, it does not support parent or adult education
C. Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education
D. Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparities
Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 is a framework for the establishment of an integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development. Likewise, it declares the rights of the educational community. Who comprise the educational community?
A. parents, students, teachers, school administrators
B. schools, community, non-teaching personnel, teachers
C.LGUs, students parents, NGOs
D. teachers, NGOs, public schools, private schools
Which of the following situation manifests a balance between teachers responsibility and accountability?
A.she entertains her students with personal stories until the end of the period
B.she spend most of the time on the latest gossips in showbiz
C.she teaches as much as she could for education period
D.she teaches as well as entertains the students with her personal stories.
it is said the some private schools employ teachers without license. is that in accordance with the Philippine Teachers’ Professionalization Act?
A.yes, provided the teacher has at least 5 years of teaching experience
B.yes, the professionalization act applies only to teachers in government schools, the license is a requirement for teaching applies to teacher in both public and private schools.
D. no, except if the teacher has very satisfactory performance continuously in the past 5 years
which legal basis guides the hiring of new teachers in the public schools?
A. localization of the law
B.professionalization law
C.magna carta for women
D.magna carta for public school teachers
is there a legal basis for increasing the teachers’ starting salary to Php 18,000 a month?
A. yes, the philippine constitution
B.yes, RA 7836
C. no, it is simply an act of benevolence
D. no, it is a gift from congress for teachers
you have the right to a just salary, but which is your corresponding duty? enroll in graduate studies work in school 8 hours from Monday to Friday teach to the best of my ability tutor every child in need of my assistance outside class hours
are elementary and secondary education compulsory for all children of school age?, only elementary education is compulsory
B.yes, for all childrens regardless of age, this violates parents’ and children’s right to decide what is best for them and their children
D.yes, that is why they are free of charge
the professional teachers code of ethics does not cover:
A.teachers of academic, vocational, special, technical or non-technical institutions
B.all full time or part time public and private school teachers and administrators
C.teachers in all educational institutions at the pre-school elementary and secondary levels
D.teachers in the tertiary level
which of these activities indicate that teachers value their status as role models?
A.accomplishing learner’s report cards
B.holding on to their job despite the difficulties
C.being popular in order to get a promotion
D.upholding the code of ethics
the code of ethics stipulates that the accountability of teachers includes his/her participation in: linkages
B.teaching of religion
C.political activities
the code of ethics for professional teachers stipulates that educational institutions shall offer quality education for all Filipino citizens. how is quality education defined in RA 9155
A.relevance and excellence of education are emphasized to meet the needs and aspirations of an individual and society.
B.all school aged children should be provided free and compulsory education
C.children with special needs should be mainstreamed with regular classes in the public schools
D.public and private basic education schools should provide relevant education.
article XIII of the code of ethics stipulates that the evaluation of the learner;s work should be based on merit and quality of academic ______
according to the code of ethics for professional teachers, upon which are appointments/ promotions/ transfers made?
A.merit and need
C.exigency of the service
D.civil status
which of the following are obligations of teachers?
I. accountable for the effective attainment of learning objectives
II. render reports on performance of learners
III. maintain and sustain professional growth
IV. participate as an agent of social, moral, intellectual, and cultural change
it is the responsibility of every teacher to undergo annual medical check-up in the interest of the:
I. teacher
II. school and community
III. learner
B.I only
D.III only
the education act of 1982 categorically states that it is a teacher’s ______“to refrain from making deductions in scholastic ratings for acts that are clearly not manifestations of poor scholarship”
in the education act of 1982, which is not a teacher’s right? expression of opinion and suggestions
B.joining labor organizations promoting teachers’ welfare legal services for cases connected with professional duties
D.filing anonymous complain against superiors
the basic policy of the education act of 1982 or batas pambansa blg. 232 is to establish and maintain complete. adequate, and integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development/ which of the following is not covered by the act?
A.private schools
B.literacy classes
C.sunday schools
D.multigrade classes
with death threat over his head, Teacher Mayra is directed to pass an undeserving student. If she is a hedonist, which of the following will she do?
A.don’t pass him. live by principle of justice. she will get reward. If not in this life, in the next
B.Don’t pass him. she surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in order to pass
C.pass the student. that will be of use to her, the student, and his parents
D.pass the student. why suffer the threat?
can parents pass on their duty to educate their children to the school especially if they are illiterate, parents have the primary duty to education children.
B.yes, because the parents did not go through formal training for the education of their children depends on the condition of parents depends on the condition of students
balita university prescribed conditions for student admission. does it have the right to deny admission to a student?, because education is a right, because everyone must be given access to schools
C.yes, in the name of academic freedom
D.yes, for the sake of the university’s excellence performance
a high school graduate was denied admission to a university on the grounds that he failed the admission test. the student insisted that he had the right to be admitted and the act was a violation of his right to education. was the student correct?, the university may refuse the student in its exercise of academic freedom., if the university is exclusively for girls
C.yes, education is everyone’s right
D.yes, especially if he belongs to the indigenous people groups
upon prior consent of parents and school authorities, religion may be taught in Philippine schools ______
A.within regular class
B.after class
C.during vacant period
D.after recess
teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect their teaching. does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching?, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for the betterment of communities
B.yes, because teaching is more than enough for full time job, because to lead in community activities is the job of elected officials
D.yes, if they are given other assignments justice demands that they be properly compensated
as provided for in the education act of 1982, how are the institutions of learning encouraged to set higher standards of quality over the minimum required for state recognition?
A.academic freedom
C.granting of special permit
D.voluntary accreditation
which of the following situations presents a values conflict?
A.the teacher and his students have class standing as their priorities
B.the teacher and the administrator follow a set of criteria in giving grades
C.the teacher has students whose parents want their children to obtain higher grades than what they are capable of getting
D.the teacher sets high expectations for her intelligent students such as getting higher grades
teacher belinda does not personally agree with one school policy. what is her professional responsibility? indifferent about it but exert effort to understand it
B.make an honest effort to understand, support, and carry out the school policy even if she does not personally agree
C.remain connected with the school but defy the policy because in conscience she cannot agree
D.lead a campaign against its abolition
which of the education provisions are contained in Republic Act 7277 or Magna Carta for Disabled Persons? I. special education II. access to education III. rehabilitation services IV. assistance to disabled persons
C.I and II
D.I only
the “Paaralan sa bawat barangay” takes its roots in the establishment of one primary school in every municipality as mandated by:
A.the educational decree of 1863
B.the education act of 1901
C.the education act of 1982
D.the education act of 477
which was the first body to perform regulatory functions over the teacher profession
A.civil service commission
B.professional regulation commission
C.national board of teachers
D.board for professional teachers
through the enactment of Republic Act 7836, the regulation and licensing of teachers is now with the:
A.department of education, culture, and sports
B.commission of higher education
C.professional regulation commission
D.civil service commission
In RA 7836, what collegial body has the power to revoke the certificate of registration of teachers after due process?
A.board of teacher education
B.board of alliance of concerned teacher
C.board for professional teachers
D.board of teacher examiners
why should a teacher take the obligation upon himself to student and understand the custom and traditions of the community where he works? change the culture of the community have a sympathetic attitude for the people of the community identify the weakness of the culture of the community please the people of the community
subject in grade 1
which curricular move served to strengthen the spiritual and ethical values?
A.integration of creative thinking in all subject
B.introduction of values education as a separate subject
C.reducing the number of subject areas into skills subject science as a subject in grade 1
homeroom adviser always emphasizes the importance of cleanliness of the body. Children are taught how to wash their hands before and after eating. What is this practice called?
C.mores norm
which of the following should be done to build a sense of pride among Filipino youth?
A.replace the study of folklores and myths with technical subjects our history and stress on our achievements as people our history from the perspectives of our colonizers
D.set aside the study of local history
in her desire to motivate students to study very well. teacher lena posted the scores of all her students at the end of the periodic test. is the act in accordance with ethical principles?, it violates the principle of confidentiality of scores and grade
B.yes, teacher lena had a very good intention, and that is to motivate the students to study well
C.yes, scores are notyet the grades anyway
D.yes, if the scores are high, and no, if the scores are low
the teacher openly criticizes before the class the school’s policy on school uniform. which ethical principle is violated?
A.respect for authority
B.respect for colleagues
C.respect for learners
D.respect for institution
a student complains to you about his failing grade in the first grading period. you recomputed and indeed you find a significant error in his grade computation. your decision is not to accept the erroneous computation for fear that you may lose credibility. is this morally right?, the end does not justify the means, the reason for not accepting the error before the student is flimsy
C.yes, as a teacher you must maintain your credibility
D.yes, the end justifies the means
a teacher shall transact all official business through
when a failing students comes to you for help and asks you for extra work so he can pass, what is ethical for you to do?
A.find out why he is delinquent and extend the needed assistance in solving his difficulties
B.make the extra work that he is asking extremely difficult for him to learn a lesson
C.give him the extra work he is asking then if he passes quality work, give him a passing mark
D.give an easy extra work so he can really be helped to pass
a teacher shall behave with honor and dignity at all times. what activities should the teacher refrain from participating? I. Gambling II. smoking II. Illicit relations IV. lotto betting
A.I only
D.III only
teacher iah, a young high school teacher, senses that the oldest student in the class, Felix, is attracted to her. The attraction is becoming mutual. is there anything unethical?
I. There is, if Teacher iah gives preferential treatment to Felix and their actions become scandalous.
II. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to someone. It is what we do that makes it ethical or unethical.
III. There is, the attraction is the beginning of the unethical action.
A.I only
D.III only
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