Foundational knowledge Flashcards
Experimental Learning Theory (Kolb)
Learning occurs through 4 stages of experience
- Concrete experience: Actively caring out an activity
- Reflective observation: Thinking about activity
- Abstract conceptualization: trying to form idea of a model
- Active experimentation: Testing the model.
Prefers learning through a combination of concrete experiences and active experimentation
Solves problems through trial and error.
Prefers abstract concepts and reflective conversation.
More interested in abstract ideas than applying them
Prefers concrete experience and reflective observation
likes to work with people/ is imaginative and emotional
Prefers abstract concepts and active experimentation.
Prefers dealing with things than people.
Observational/ Vicarious Learning (Bandura)
By watching how others interact with environmental stimuli people will want to imitate those behaviors to receive the same reinforcements
Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE)
measures an individuals confidence for setting goals, making efforts to achieve them and persisting in those efforts.
Focuses on persons self efficacy coping with everyday problems, adversity, and adaptation to change.
Skill Confidence Inventory (SCI)
Measures vocational self-efficacy. Focusing on confidence for success in activities coursework and tasks
High Skill Confidence corresponds to a 3-5 or higher score
Medical Model
- Historical basis of this model emphasizes diagnosis, symptoms, treatment and cure.
- In this model the Physician in the primary practitioner who determines TRs role in treatment
- This model assumes the client has an illness to be healed, cured or treated. Focuses on disease condition not holistic needs.
- Applied in hospitals, clinics, physical medicine and rehabilitation settings
Community Model
“The special recreation model”
-TR/RT services provides a wide variety if leisure opportunities within the clients community
Education or Training Model
Helping clients to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to become productive members of society.
- TR teaching leisure and social skills, vocational training, remedial education
- Often applied to individuals with developmental disabilities
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Model
- Examine and make use of clients abilities and strengths and to remain in the here and now rather than dwell on the past.
- Promote clients optimal level of functioning in the community (which includes residing and participation)
- Help clients to acquire education, vocational skills, social skills, coping skills, adaptation skills, recreational skills and household living skills.
Health and Wellness Model
Emphasizes promoting wellness (regular physical activity, nutritious diets, avoiding harmful habits, eating junk foods high in sodium, saturated fats, and refined sugar and flour, regular wellness doctor visits)
Person Centered Model
- Looks at the whole person not as an illness but someone with specific preferences, gifts, dignity and strengths.
- Helps decrease client dependence not he system while promotion client community living, engagement of natural client supports and meaningful client involvement in recovery and a fulfilling life.
Recovery Model in Mental Health
- Goals is to allow clients to maintain control of their lives and make decisions rather than focusing on returning to previous levels of functioning
- Focusing on the skills and resilience the clients have and encourages them to establish new goals to more forward in life
- Self-determination is central to this model
- International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
- Is the Who framework for measuring health and disability at individual and population levels.
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO)
- Grants certification and accreditation to more than 20,500 healthcare programs
- First healthcare accrediting agency to adopt standards for therapeutic recreation
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)
- Founded 1966
- Nonprofit, independent organization that serves as an external source of accreditation for health and human service providers
Medicare part A
hospital insurance covers inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing facility, hospice, lab tests, surgery, home health care.
Medicare part B
(medical insurance) including doctor and other health care providers’ services and outpatient care. Part B also covers durable medical equipment, home health care, and some preventive services.
Medicare part C
Medicare Advantage Program through with beneficiaries can enroll in private health plan
Medicare part D
Covers outpatient prescription drugs through private plans that contract with medicare
administered by individual states and covers medical needs more people of all ages
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA)
Requires state assessment and reporting of long-term facility resident outcomes receiving medicare/medicaid
Including documentation of physician ordered RT/TR active treatment outcomes and activity preferences.