Foundation Tier - Verbs Flashcards
Examples of Regular + Irregular Verbs
6 marks
spielen, haben, sein
- play, to have, be.
Translate to English;
spielen, haben, sein
(3 marks)
play, to have, be.
Translate to German;
play, to have, be
(3 marks)
spielen, haben, sein.
Examples of Reflexive Verbs
6 marks
ich wasche mich
- I wash myself.
Translate to English;
ich wasche mich
(3 marks)
I wash myself.
Translate to German;
I wash myself
(3 marks)
ich wasche mich.
Examples of Modes of Address
(7 marks)
du, Sie
- you (informal), you (formal - also can mean ‘she’ or ‘it’).
Translate to English;
du, Sie
(5 marks)
you (informal), you (formal - also can mean ‘she’ or ‘it’).
Translate to German;
you (informal), you (formal - also can mean ‘she’ or ‘it’)
(2 marks)
du, Sie.
Example of a Mode of Address (R)
2 marks
- her.
Translate to English;
(1 mark)
Translate to German;
(1 mark)
Impersonal Verbs (most common only)
6 marks
es gibt, es geht, es tut weh
- there is, it works, it hurts.
Translate to English;
es gibt, es geht, es tut weh
(3 marks)
there is, it works, it hurts.
Translate to German;
There is, it works, it hurts
(3 marks)
es gibt, es geht, es tut weh.
Examples of Separable/inseparable Verbs
(4 marks)
fernsehen - watch TV
verlieren - (to) lose.
Translate to English;
Fernsehen, verlieren
(2 marks)
watch TV, (to) lose.
Translate to German;
watch TV, (to) lose.
(2 marks)
Fernsehen, verlieren.
Examples of Modal Verbs: Present & Imperfect tenses, Imperfect Subjunctives of mögen
(10 marks)
ich mag (informal), ich mochte (formal), ich möchte - I like, I like, I want to. “mögen" as a modal verb is "möchte”.
Translate to English; ich mag (informal), ich mochte (formal), ich möchte
(3 marks)
I like, I like, I want to.
Translate to German;
I like, I like, I want to
(5 marks)
ich mag (informal), ich mochte (formal), ich möchte
Examples of Infinitive constructions (R) - Verbs
8 marks
um - around
zu - to
um … zu …; verbs with zu … - In Order to
Translate to English;
um, zu, um … zu …
(3 marks)
around, to, in order to
Translate to German;
around, to, in order to
(4 marks)
um, zu, um … zu …
Examples of Negative Forms - Verbs
6 marks
nicht, nie, kein
- not, never, no.
Translate to English;
nicht, nie, kein
(3 marks)
not, never, no.
Translate to German;
not, never, no
(3 marks)
nicht, nie, kein.
Examples of Interrogative Forms - Verbs
(6 marks)
Hast du Geschwister?
- Do you have siblings?
Translate to English;
Hast du Geschwister?
(4 marks)
Do you have siblings?
Translate to German;
Do you have siblings?
(3 marks)
Hast du Geschwister?
What is “mögen” as a modal verb?
1 mark