Formulation Flashcards
What is the Pan Theoretical Model of Formulation?
Presenting - Problem
Predisposing - Vulnerability-genetic/biological/enviro
Precipitating - Onset/ exacerbants - triggers ..why now
Perpetuating - Maintaining
Protective - Positives for the client
Prognosis - Likely outcome with/without treatment
What is the Scientist Practitioner Approach?
- Assessment
- Diagnosis / formulation
- Testable clinical hypotheses
- Intervention
- Outcome
The CBT Formulation Approach
- Childhood Experience
- Core Belief
- Dysfunctional Assumption
- Trigger
- Negative Automatic Thoughts
- Emotion
- Behaviour
Explain the elements of Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)
IPT suggested that people develop psychological problems as a result of:
- Background biopsychosocial factors, that
- In the context of a specific kind of psychosocial stressor (loss, transition or conflict) and
- Insufficient social support, which
- Activate the attachment system and lead to poorly communicated attachment needs and
- Psychological distress
What is the Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) formulation approach?
- Bio/Psycho/Social/Cultural
- Interpersonal crisis (grief, loss, conflict, transition)
- Insufficient Social Support
- Activation of Attachment Behaviour
- Psychological Symptoms
Psychodynamic psychotherapy formulation approach
Formulation approach focusses on
Affect and expression of emotion
Exploration of attempts to avoid distress
Identification of recurring themes and patterns
Developmental focus
Interpersonal relations focus
Focus on the therapy relationship
What does Idiographic mean?
Pertaining to or involving the study or explication of individual cases or events (opposed to nomothetic).
What does nomothetic mean?
Pertaining to or involving the study or formulation of general or universal laws (opposed to idiographic).
Describe Four Key elements of a comprehensive psychlogical formulation;
Presenting Problem - What is the problem
Predisposing Factors - history background
Precipiting Factors - onset and exaserbation - why now? triggers
Perpetuating - what is making it worse
Protective - strengths for the client
Prognosis - likelihood of recovery with and without treatment
Describe THREE aspects of a clients psychological problem that should be clearly described within a CBT formulation
1. Childhood experience
2. Core Beliefs
3. Triggers
4. Dysfunctional Assumptions
5. Automatic Negative thoughts
6. Emotions
7. Behaviours
eutler Model
What factors might you take into consderation when planning a client’s course of psychological treatment?
Functional Impairment
Social support
Coping Style
Subjectve Distress
Problem Solving