Formulas_Tonify Qi & Blood Flashcards
Si Jun Zi Tang ***
Four Gentleman Decoction
- Ren/Dang Shen 6-15 Ginseng - Ton all Qi
- Bai Zhu 6-9 Wh. Atractylodis - Ton Sp Qi, drain Damp
- Fu Ling 6-9 Poria - drain Damp through urination, Ton Sp
- Zhi Gan Cao 3-6 Liquorice - Ton Qi, harmonise
Tonify Qi and Strengthen Spleen
Sp Qi Xu
- Pallid complexion, low voice, reduced appetite, loose stools, fatigue, weakness of limbs, abdom. distention; esp after meals.
- P: Thin, empty weak
- T: Pale, thin white coat
Very gentle and harmonising, minimal side-effects
Liu Jun Zi Tang
Six Gentleman Decoction
- Si Jun Zi Tang - Ton Sp Qi
+ - Chen Pi 6-9 aged tangerine peel - Trans. Phlegm, move Qi downwards
- Ban Xia 9 Pinellia - trans. Phlegm, stop vomiting
Tonify Qi and strengthen Spleen, transform phlegm and stop vomiting
Sp Qi Xu + Phlegm
- Sp Qi Xu signs plus loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, heavy chest with some cough or copious phlegm.
Add sheng jiang (fresh ginger) and da zao to help its effect.
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang
Six Gentleman Decoction with Aucklandia and Amomum
- Si Jun Zi Tang
+ - Chen Pi 6-9
- Ban Xia 9
- Mu Xiang 6
- Sha Ren 6
Strengthens the Spleen and harmonises the stomach, regulates the Qi, and alleviates pain
- all the above plus reduced appetite, easily full, bloating, diarrhoea.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang ***
Tonify the middle to augment the qi decoction
- Huang Qi
+ - Si Jun Zi Tang ~ Fu Ling
+ - Dang Gui
- Chen Pi
- Sheng Ma
- Chai Hu
Tonifies the MJ, augments the Qi, raises the yang and lifts what is sunken (including spirit)
- SP/ST deficiency unable to raise clear: dizziness, unsteadiness, impaired vision, deafness, tinnitus, SOB, weak voice, shiny complexion, reduced food intake, loose stools
- Qi deficiency fever: intermittent fever worse on exertion, spontaneous sweating, aversion to cold, thirst for warm beverages
- Sinking of middle-jiao qi: haemorrhoids, rectal or uterine prolapse, chronic diarrhea, irregular uterine bleeding, loose stools
- T: pale
- P: frail
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San ***
Ginseng, Poria and White Atractylodis Powder
- Si Jun Zi Tang
+ - Shan Yao 9-15
- Lian Zi Rou 12-20
- Bai Bian Dou 12-20
- Yi Yi Ren 15-30
- Sha Ren 3-6
- Jie Gen 6-9
Augments the Qi, strengthens the Sp, leeches out Damp and stops diarrhoea
Sp Qi Xu with Damp (& diarrhoea)
- Loose stools or diarrhea, reduced appetite, weakness of the extremities, weight loss, distention and stifling sensation in chest and epigastrium, pallid and wan complexion
- T: pale; white coat
- P: thin, deficient or moderate
Four Substance Decoction
Key Formula to nourish the Blood
- Shu di Huang 9-12
- Bai Shao Yao 9-15
- Dang Gui 9-12
- Chuan Xiong 3-6
Tonifies the Blood and regulates the Liver
- dizziness, blurred vision, lusterless complexion and nails
- generalized muscle tension,
- insomnia, palpitations, thin body lacking strength
- irregular menses with little flow, lower abdominal pain
- T: pale
- P: thin and wiry; or thin and choppy
Ba Zhen Wan
Eight Treasure Decoction
- Si Wu Tang
+ - Si Jun Zi Tang
- (+ Sheng Jiang & Da Zao)
Tonifies and augments Qi and Blood
Qi and Bl Xu
- pallid or sallow complexion, palpitations with anxiety, reduced appetite, shortness of breath, laconic speech, extremities that are easily fatigued, lightheadedness/vertigo
- T: pale; white coat
- P: thin, frail; or large, deficient
Shi Quan Da Bu Wan ***
Ten Complete Great Tonification Pill
- Ba Zhen Wan
+ - Rou Gui 6-9
- Huang Qi 15-18
Tonifies and augments Qi and Blood (& warms)
Qi and Bl Xu
- wan complexion, fatigue, reduced appetite
- dizziness, palpitations, spontaneous sweating
- night sweats, cold extremities
- sores that do not heal
- irregular periods, continuous spotting
- T: pale; white coat
- P: thin, frail
Compared with Ba Zhen Wan: more strongly warms the yang and invigorates Blood
Sheng Mai San***
Generate the pulse powder
- Ren Shen 9-15 - Ton Qi
- Mai Men Dong 9-12 -Ton Yin (clear EH)
- Wu Wei Zi 3-6 - stop leakage
Lu Qi & Yin Xu + Sweating/coughing/wheezing (=leakage)
Augments qi, generates fluids, preserves yin, stops sweating
Chronic cough, with scanty sputum, breathless, easily sweating, dry mouth and tongue.
P: rapid, deficient and thin
T: pale-red with dry thin coating (=EH)
As this is Yin Xu there are signs of Heat & Dryness! (Bu fei tang has no signs of Heat)
Yu Ping Feng San
Jade Windscreen Powder
- Hung Qi (Astragalus) - Ton Qi
- Bai Zhu (Atractylodis) - Ton Sp Qi, stab. Exterior, stop sweat.
- Fang Feng (Saposhnikovae) - Expel Wind, release Exterior
Ton Qi, Stabilise Exterior, Stop sweating
Lu/Wei Qi Xu: easily catching colds, aversion to drafts, spont. sweating
T: pale, white coat
P: floating, def., soft
Preventative! Not for acute Invasions of EPFs
Er Zhen Tang
Two Aged Herbs Decoction
- Chen pi (aged tangerine peel)
- ban xia (pinellia)
Transform Phlegm, stop nausea & vomiting
Bu Fei Tang
Tonify the Lungs Decoction
- Ren shen - ton qi
- Huang qi - ton Lu qi
- Shu di huang - ton Bl & Yin (=Kid)
- Wu wei zi (shisandrae) - stop leakage
- zi wei - moisten & stop cough
- sang bai pi (mulberry) - descent Lu qi
Lu Qi Xu (chronic cough in elderly or damaged by illness)
Act: Ton Qi, stabilise exterior
Ind: SOB, spon. sweating, coughing, wheezing
T: pale (ie no Heat)
P: frail, deficient or large
Compared to Sheng mai san, here are no signs if heat or dryness.
Sì Jūn Zǐ Tāng
Four Gentlemen Decoction
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Zhi Gan Cao
(Sheng Jiang)
(Da Zao)
Spleen and Stomach Qi Deficiencies
- Tonifies Qi
- Strengthens the Spleen
Sì Jūn Zǐ Tāng
Four Gentlemen Decoction
- Symptoms
Pale face, sallow complexion, low and soft voice, reduced appetite, lassitude, weakness of the extremities, and loose stools.
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Thready or Deficient
Liù Jūn Zǐ Tāng
Six-Gentlemen Decoction
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Ren Shen (sub Dang Shen)
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Zhi Gan Cao
Chen Pi
Zhi Ban Xia
(Sheng Jiang)
(Da Zao)
- Spleen and Stomach Qi Deficiencies accompanied by Dampness and Phlegm
- Strengthens the Spleen and Stomach
- Regulates Qi
- Stops vomiting
Liù Jūn Zǐ Tāng
Six-Gentlemen Decoction
- Symptoms
Loss of appetite, loose stools, nausea or vomiting, focal distention and a stifling sensation in the chest and epigastrium, and often coughing up copious, thin, and white sputum.
Xiāng Shā Liù Jūn Zǐ Tāng
Six-Gentlemen Decoction with Aucklandia and Amomum
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Si Jun Zi Tang
Chen Pi
Zhi Ban Xia
Mu Xiang
Sha Ren
Sheng Jiang
- Spleen and Stomach Qi Deficiencies accompanied by Cold and Damp stagnation in the Middle Jiao
- Tonifies Qi
- Strengthens the Spleen and harmonizes the Stomach
- Regulates Qi and warms the Middle Jiao
Xiāng Shā Liù Jūn Zǐ Tāng
Six-Gentlemen Decoction with Aucklandia and Amomum
- Symptoms
Reduced appetite with a feeling of surfeit after eating very little, belching, abdominal and epigastric distention or pain, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.
Shēn Líng Bái Zhù Sǎn
Ginseng, Poria, and White Atractylodes Powder
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Si Jun Zi Tang
Shan Yao
Bai Bian Dou
Lian Zi
Yi Yi Ren
Sha Ren
Chao Jie Geng
- Spleen and Stomach Deficiencies with Dampness
- Tonifies Qi and strengthens the Spleen
- Resolves Dampness
- Stops diarrhea
Shēn Líng Bái Zhù Sǎn
Ginseng, Poria, and White Atractylodes Powder
- Symptoms
Loose stools or diarrhea, reduced appetite, weakness of the extremities, weight loss, distention and a stifling sensation in the chest and epigastrium, pallid and wan complexion, and possible vomiting.
Tongue: Pale with a white coating
Pulse: Thready (Xi) and Moderate (Huan) or
Deficient (Xu) and Moderate (Huan)
Bǔ Zhōng Yì Qì Tāng
Tonify the Middle to Augment the Qi Decoction
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Huang Qi
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Zhi Gan Cao
Jiu Xi Dang Gui
Chen Pi
Sheng Ma
Chai Hu
- Spleen and Stomach Deficiencies with inability to raise clear Yang
- Qi Deficiency fever
- Qi Deficiency with prolapse of organs
- Tonifies the Middle Jiao and benefits Qi
- Raises Yang and lifts what has sunken (organ prolapse)
Bǔ Zhōng Yì Qì Tāng
Tonify the Middle to Augment the Qi Decoction
- Symptoms
Dizziness, unsteadiness, impaired or unclear vision, deafness, tinnitus, shortness of breath, laconic speech, a weak voice, a shiny, pale complexion, reduced intake of food, and loose stools.
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Feeble (Wei)
Intermittent fever that worsens with exertion, as well as spontaneous sweating, aversion to cold, thirst for warm beverages.
Tongue: Pale and swollen
Pulse: Large (Da) but Forceless (Wu Li)
Hemorrhoids, rectal or uterine prolapse, prolapse of the internal organs, chronic diarrhea or dysentery, irregular uterine bleeding, reduced intake of food, and loose stools.
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Deficient (Xu) and Soggy (Ru)
Shēng Mài Sǎn
Generate the Pulse Powder
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Ren Shen
Mai Men Dong
Wu Wei Zi
- Damaged Qi and Yin due to chronic coughing
- Damaged Qi and Body Fluids due to Summer-Heat
- Tonifies QI and promotes the generation of Body Fluids
- Astringes to preserve Yin
- Stops excessive sweating
Chronic coughing with scanty sputum that is difficult to expectorate, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, a dry mouth and tongue.
Tongue: Pale red with a dry thin coating
Pulse: Deficient (Xu) and Rapid (Shuo) or Deficient (Xu) and Thready (Xi)
Profuse sweating, dry throat, thirst, irritability, lethargy, and shortness of breath.
Pulse: Deficient (Xu) and Rapid (Shuo)
Shēng Mài Sǎn
Generate the Pulse Powder
- Symptoms
Sì Wù Tāng
Four-Substance Decoction
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Shu Di Huang
Bai Shao
Dang Gui
Chuan Xiong
- General Blood Deficiency
- Deficiency and injury of the Chong Mai and Ren Mai
- Nourishes Blood and regulates Blood circulation
- Regulates the Liver and menstruation
Dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, pale face, pale lips, fingers are pale, dry and soft, a sallow lusterless complexion, generalized muscle tension, insomnia, palpitations, a thin body lacking strength, irregular menstruation with little flow or amenorrhea, and periumbilical and lower abdominal pain.
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Thready (Xi) and Wiry (Xuan) or Thready (Xi) and Choppy (Se)
Irregular menstruation, hypomenorrhea or hypermenorrhea, delayed menstruation or amenorrhea, trickling of blood with pale red colour, hard abdominal mass from Blood Stasis, pain around the lower umbilicus and lower abdomen, and also for restless fetus disorder.
Sì Wù Tāng
Four-Substance Decoction
- Symptoms
Táo Hóng Sì Wù Tāng
Four-Substance Decoction with Safflower and Peach Pit
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Shu Di Huang
Dang Gui
Chao Bai Shao
Chuan Xiong
Tao Ren
Hong Hua
- Blood Deficiency with Blood Stagnation
- Nourishes Blood
- Regulates Blood circulation and eliminates Blood Stasis
Táo Hóng Sì Wù Tāng
Four-Substance Decoction with Safflower and Peach Pit
- Symptoms
Shortened menstrual cycle with copious dark purple, sticky blood with or without clots. Also, for menstruation accompanied by abdominal pain and distention.
Dāng Guī Bǔ Xuè Tāng
Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Huang Qi
Jiu Xi Dang Gui
- Qi and Blood Deficiencies due to overexertion
- Tonifies Qi and generates Blood
Dāng Guī Bǔ Xuè Tāng
Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood
- Symptoms
Hot sensations at the skin and muscle layers, a red face, irritability, thirst with a desire to drink warm beverages, slow healing of wounds, and possible fever and headache due to loss of blood. In women during menstruation or after labour, three may be hypomenorrhea, excessive loss of blood after labor, a feverish sensation, and headache.
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Full (Hong), Large (Da), Deficient (Xu), and Forceless (Wu Li) when pressed hard
Bā Zhēn Tāng
Eight-Treasure Decoction
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Zhi Gan Cao
Shu Di Huang
Bai Shao
Dang Gui
Chuan Xiong
(Sheng Jiang)
(Da Zao)
- Qi and Blood Deficiencies
- Tonifies Qi and Blood
Bā Zhēn Tāng
Eight-Treasure Decoction
- Symptoms
Pale or sallow complexion, palpitations with anxiety that may be continuous, reduced appetite, shortness of breath, laconic speech (lack of desire to speak), extremities that are easily fatigued, and lightheadedness and/or vertigo.
Tongue: Pale with a white coating
Pulse: Thready (Xi) and Feeble (Wei) or Large (Da) and Deficient (Xu) and without strength
Shí Quán Dà Bǔ Tāng
All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Zhi Gan Cao
Shu Di Huang
Bai Shao
Dang Gui
Chuan Xiong
Huang Qi
Rou Gui
(Sheng Jiang)
(Da Zao)
- Qi and Blood Deficiencies with Yang Deficiency and Cold manifestations
- General Deficiency of the body
- Warms and tonifies Qi and Blood
Shí Quán Dà Bǔ Tāng
All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction
- Symptoms
Pale complexion, fatigue, reduced appetite, dizziness, listlessness, dyspnea, palpitations, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, cold extremities, and spermatorrhea.
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Thready (Xi) and Feeble (Wei)
Deficient cough, poor appetite, sallow appearance, weakness of the legs and knees, chronic ulcers or prolonged healing of wounds, irregular menstruation or continuous spotting from uterine bleeding or beng lou, and seminal emissions in men.
Guī Pí Tāng
Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Ren Shen
Chao Huang Qi
Bai Zhu
Zhi Gan Cao
Dang Gui
Long Yan Rou
Chao Suan Zao Ren
Zhi Yuan Zhi
Fu Ling (Fu Shen)
Mu Xiang
(Sheng Jiang)
(Da Zao)
- Heart and Spleen Deficiencies due to over-thinking and excessive worrying
- Spleen Deficiency being unable to keep Blood circulating within the vessels
- Tonifies Qi and nourishes Blood
- Strengthens the Spleen and nourishes the Heart
Guī Pí Tāng
Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood
- Symptoms
Forgetfulness, palpitations (with or without anxiety), insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, anxiety and phobia, feverishness, withdrawal, reduced appetite, and a pallid and wan complexion.
Tongue: Pale with a thin white coating
Pulse: Thready (Xi) and Feeble (Wei)
Hematochezia, scanty or massive uterine bleeding, early menstruation, hypermenorrhea or pale blood, prolonged menstrual period, and a thick white vaginal discharge.
Zhì Gān Cǎo Tāng
Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction
- Herbs
- Indications
- Actions
Zhi Gan Cao
Sheng Di Huang
Ren Shen
Gui Zhi
Mai Men Dong
E Jiao
Hou Ma Ren
Sheng Jiang
Da Zao
- Deficiencies of Qi and Blood
- Tonifies Qi and nourishes Yin
- Tonifies Blood and restores the pulse
Zhì Gān Cǎo Tāng
Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction
- Symptoms
Palpitations that may be accompanied by anxiety, irritability, insomnia, emaciation, a weak physical condition, shortness of breath, and constipation.
Tongue: Pale and shiny
Pulse: Intermittent (Dai), or Slow (Chi) and Intermittent (Dai), or Thready (Xi), Faint and Forceless (Wu Li)