Formulas Flashcards
Rate of turn
- RoT = rate of turn [radials/s]*
- φ = bank angle [x°]*
- g = gravitational force [m/s2]*
- v = velocity [m/s]*
- r = radius [m]*
- v = velocity [m/s]*
- φ = bank angle [x°]*
- g = gravitational force [m/s2]*
Bank angle
- φ = bank angle [x°]*
- v = velocity [m/s]*
- r = radius [m]*
- g = gravitational force [m/s2]*
Load factor in turn
- nT = load factor in turn*
- φ = bank angle [x°]*

Load factor
- n = load factor*
- L = lift [N]*
- W = weight [N]*
Distance to climb
- distance to climb [NM]*
- h = height [ft]*
- RoC = rate of climb [ft/min]*
- GS = ground speed [kt]*
Time to climb
- time to climb [s]*
- h = height [ft]*
- RoC = rate of climb [ft/min]*
Ground gradient (FPG)
- FPG = flight path gradient or ground gradient [%]*
- h = height [m]*
- SAD = still air distance [m] (can be different, as long as h and d have the same unit)*
- TAS = true airspeed [kt]*
- GS = ground speed [kt]*
Climb gradient alternatives
- CG = climb gradient [%]*
- h = height [m]*
- d = distance [m] (can be different, as long as h and d have the same unit)*
- RoC = rate of climb [ft/min]*
- TAS = true airspeed [ft/min]*
Rate of climb
RoC = CG • TAS
(completely correct: RoC = CG • TAS • 6000/6080)
- RoC = rate of climb [ft/min]*
- CG = climb gradient [%]*
- TAS = true airspeed [kt]*
- T = thrust [N]*
- D = drag [N]*
- W = weight [N]*
Climb gradient
- CG = climb gradient [%]*
- T = thrust [N]*
- D = drag [N]*
- W = weight [N]*
New stall speed with changing mass/weight
- Vs new = new stall speed [kt]*
- Vs old = old stall speed [kt]*
- Wnew = new weight [N] (can be mass [kg])*
- Wold = old weight [N] (can be mass [kg])*
New stall speed with changing load factor
- Vs = stall speed [kt]*
- Vs1g = minimum speed where L = W (steady horizontal flight) [kt]*
- n = given load factor*

Climb angle ↔ climb gradient
γ = tan-1 (CG/100%)
CG = tan (γ) • 100%
- γ = climb angle [x°]*
- CG = climb gradient [%]*
Lift formula
L = ½ • ρ • v2 • S • CL
- L = lift [N]*
- ρ = density [kg/m2]*
- v = true airspeed [m/s]*
- S = wing surface area [m2]*
- CL = lift coefficient*
Circumference/area of a circle
C = 2 • π • r
A = π • r2
- C = circumference of circle [m]*
- A = area of circle [m2]*
- r = radius [m]*
Mach angle
- μ = Mach angle [x°]*
- a = local speed of sound [kt]*
- TAS = true airspeed [kt]*
- M = Mach number*
Mach number
- M = Mach number*
- TAS = true airspeed [kt]*
- a = local speed of sound [kt]*
Local speed of sound
- a = local speed of sound [kt]*
- T = temperature [K]*
Mass flow
mass flow = A • ρ • v
- A = cross section area [m2]*
- ρ = density [kg/m2]*
- v = velocity*
Gas equation
p = ρ • R • T
- p = pressure [N/m2]*
- ρ = density [kg/m2]*
- R = gas constant*
- T = temperature [K]*
1 NM = ? km = ? ft
1 NM = 1.852 km = 6080 ft
Runway slope
rwy slope = (Δ threshold elevation / distance between thresholds) • 100%
- rwy slope = runway slope [%]*
- Δ thld elev and distance between thlds in same unit!*
Departure (GNAV)
dep = chlong • cos(lat°)
- dep = departrue [NM]*
- chlong = change in longitude [x’ (minutes)]*
- lat = latitude [x° (degrees)]*
Cross-/head-/tailwind components
XWC = Vwind • sin(wa)
HWC or TWC = Vwind • cos(wa)
- XWC = crosswind component*
- HWC = headwind component*
- TWC = tailwind component*
- Vwind = wind speed (wind speed and components same unit)*
- wa = wind angle [x°] (never more than 90°)*
Earth convergence
EC = chlong • sin(mean lat°)
- EC = earth convergence [x° (degrees)]*
- chlong = change in longitude [x° (degrees)]*
- mean lat = mean latitude [x° (degrees)]*
Conversion angle
CA = ½ • EC
- CA = conversion angle [x°]*
- EC = earth convergence [x°]*
ILS glide path intercept height
(glide angle/gradient)
Intercept height = θ • 100 • dist from thld + height above thld
Intercept height = glide gradient • 60 • dist from thld + height above thld
- Intercept height [ft]*
- θ = glide angle [x°]*
- height above threshold [ft] (usually 50 ft)*
- thld = threshold*
Rate of descent (GNAV)
(glide angle/gradient)
RoD = θ • 100• (GS/60)
RoD = glide gradient • GS
- RoD = rate of descent [ft/min]*
- θ = glide angle [x°]*
- GS = groundspeed*
Angle of bank in rate one turn
(rule of thumb)
Angle of bank in rate one turn = (TAS ÷ 10) + 7
- Angle of bank [x°]*
- TAS = true airspeed [kt]*
- Rate One Turn = 3°/s*
Brake Horse Power
BHP = T • RPM • constant
BHP ~ T • RPM (~ = proportional)
- BHP = Brake Horse Power*
- T = Torque [Nm]*
- RPM = Revolutions per minute*
Engine Pressure Ratio
EPR = Engine Pressure Ratio
Bypass ratio
see attachment
Jet engine static thrust
T = A • (p<span>nozzle</span> - p0)
- T = static thrust*
- A = area of nozzle [m2]*
- pnozzle = exhaust nozzle static pressure [Pa]*
- p0 = ambient static pressure [Pa] (so if given in hPa, make sure to convert to Pa)*
Jet engine total thrust
Net engine thrust = thrust + static thrust
Jet engine thrust
T = m • (Vout - Vin)
- T = thrust*
- m = mass flow [kg/s]*
- Vout = exhaust nozzle gas velocity [m/s]*
- Vin = true airspeed [m/s]*
Hennings formula
base of CU = spread • 400
base of CU = base of cumulus cloud [ft]
True height
(compared to ISA)
Δhtrue = ΔhISA • (1 + 0.004 • ΔISA)
- Δhtrue = true height [ft]*
- ΔhISA = height in ISA atmosphere [ft]*
- ΔISA = ISA deviation [°C]*
1 bar = ? hPa = ? PSI
1 bar = 1000 hPa = 14.51 PSI
1 kg = ? lb
1 kg = 2.2 lb
1 sm = ? km
1 sm = 1.609 km
T°C ⇔ T°F
T°F = T°C • 1.8 + 32
T°C = (T°F - 32) ÷ 1.8
Total air temperature
TAT = SAT • (1 + 0.2 + Kr + M2)
- TAT = total air temperature [K]*
- SAT = static air temperature [K] (= OAT)*
- Kr = recovery factor*
- M = Mach number*
Under-/overshoot for turning errors
(rule of thumb)
Under-/overshoot by (bank angle + lat°) ÷ 2
Apparent wander
apparent wander = 15° • sin(lat°)
apparent wander in degrees per hour
Transport wander
transport wander = chlong • sin(mean lat°)
- transport wander in degrees (total)*
- chlong = change in longitude [x°]*
- C = capacitance [F] (Farads)*
- q = charge [coulomb]*
- U = voltage [V]*
- e = dielectric permittivity [F/m] (Farads per meter)*
- A = area of plates [m2]*
- d = distance between plates [m]*
Work and power
P = T • Ω
P = T • n
P = work done/time
- P = power [W]*
- T = torque [Nm]*
- Ω = angular velocity [radians/s]*
- n = RPM*
Electromotive force
E = K • Th
- E = electromotive force*
- K = contstant*
- Th = hot junction temperature*
Line of sight
- Line of sight = range of antenna [NM]*
- htransmitter = height of transmitter [ft]*
- hreceiver = height of receiver [ft]*
f = 1/T
- f = frequency [Hz]*
- T = cycle duration [s]*
λ = c/f
- λ = wavelenght [m]*
- c = speed of light [m/s] (300 000 000 m/s)*
- f = frequency [Hz]*
Range of NDB
(over land and water)
- range [NM]*
- P = power [W]*
- over land: if range • 2, power • 4 (22) -*
Length of dipole antenna
l = ½ • λ
- l = length of dipole antenna [m]*
- λ = wavelenght [m]*
Slant range
- Pythagoras*
- make sure to use same unites for all three variables.*
- PRF = pulse repetition frequency [pps] (pulse PAIRS per second)*
- range in [km]*
use equal units
Chart convergence
CC = chlong • sin(Po)
- CC = chart convergence [x°]*
- chlong = change in longitude [x° (degrees)]*
- Po = parallel of origin*
- same formula as earth convergence -*
Constant of cone
cone = sin(Po)
Po = parallel of origin
Load factor in climb/descent
n = cos(γ)
- n = load factor*
- γ = climb/descent angle [x°]*
Aquaplaning speed
p = pressure [PSI]
Load factor change with gusts (speed change)
- n = load factor in disturbance*
- Vnew = speed after disturbance*
- Vold = speed in straight and level flight*
Grid track
GT = TT +/- conv
GT = MT +/- griv
- GT = grid track [x°]*
- TT = true track [x°]*
- MT = magnetic track [x°]*
- conv = convergence [x°] (west = - , east = +)*
- griv = grivation [x°]*
grivation = convergence + variation
- QDM = magnetic bearing to station [x°]*
- QUJ = true bearing to station [x°]*
- MH = magnetic heading [x°]*
- TH = true heading [x°]*
- RB = relative bearing [x°]*
(grid nav)
convergence = chlong
chlong = change in longitude from datum meridian to position [x°]
Time conversion (x°/h)
1°/ 4 min
Specific air range
- SAR = specific air range [NM]*
- SFC = specific fuel consumption [kg/h]*
- TAS = true airspeed [kt]*
1 imp gal = ? US gal = ? l
1 imp gal = 1.2 US gal = 4.55 l
1 US gal = ? l
1 US gal = 3.8 l
M = F • a
- M = moment [Nm]*
- F = force [N]*
- a = arm [m]*
Point of equal time
- d = distance to PET*
- D = total distance*
- GSR = groundspeed return*
- GSout = groundspeed continuous (outbound)*
Point of safe return
- tout = time to PSR*
- safe endurance = time to fly to alternate with holding*
- → T/O fuel - min. reserve fuel → convert to time*
- GSR = groundspeed return (with OEI TAS if applicable)*
- GSout = groundspeed continuous (outbound)*
Pole pairs
- n = RPM*
- f = frequency [Hz]*
- P = number of pole PAIRS*
Density altitude
DA = PA + ( 120 • ΔISA )
- DA = density altitude*
- PA = pressure altitude*
- ΔISA = ISA deviation*
Cross multiplication (e.g. GS = NM • TAS ÷ NAM)
see attachement
1 inch = … cm
1 inch = 2.54 cm