💙💚💔Formulas Flashcards


APR (annual percentage return) = Effective Interest Rate * # of periods in year

Asset turnover = Sales / Total Assets

Breakeven Point in terms of units = fixed costs / Contribution Margin

Breakeven Point in terms of dollars = fixed costs / contribution margin ratio

Cash conversion cycle = inventory conversion period + receivables collection period – payables deferrable period

Current ratio = current assets / current liabilities

Contribution Margin = revenue – variable costs
or = sales – variable costs

Cost of Goods Sold = Beg. Inventory + Inv. Purchases – End. Inventory

Dividend Payout Ratio = cash dividend per share / Earnings per share

Economic Value Added = net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT) – cost of financing

Effective Interest Rate = (principle * rate * time) / principle

Gross Margin = revenue – cost of goods sold (or gross profit)

Inventory conversion period = Average Inventory / Cost of sales per day

Average inventory = (Beginning inventory + Ending inventory) / 2

Make sure to use 365 days per year unless stated otherwise

Inventory Turnover = cost of goods sold / average inventory

Marginal propensity to consume = change in spending / change in disposable income

Marginal propensity to save = change in savings / change in income

Number of Days Sales in Inventory = # of days in year (usually 365 or 360) / Inventory Turnover

Quick Ratio = Quick assets (cash, marketable securities, and A/R) / current liabilities

Residual Income (RI) = operating profit – interest on investment (or required rate of return)

Times interest Earned Ratio = earnings before interest and taxes / interest expense

Total costs = fixed costs + variable costs or y = mx + b, where m = slope, x = variable value, and b = y intercept

Variances – plug in the corresponding units:

Labor Efficiency – SR * (SH – AH). Actual Quantity Purchased/Consumed *(standard price per unit – actual price per unit)

Labor Rate – AH * (SR – AR). Standard price per unit * (standard quantity used – actual quantity used)

Material Price – AQ * (SP – AP). Actual Quantity Purchased/Consumed *(standard price per unit – actual price per unit)

Material Efficiency – SP * (SQ – AQ). Standard price per unit * (standard quantity used – actual quantity used)

Fixed overhead spending – (budgeted-standard fixed overhead to incur – actual fixed overhead incurred)

Fixed overhead volume – (budgeted-standard fixed overhead to incur – ((actual production * standard labor hours)*(budgeted-standard fixed overhead to incur/budgeted labor hours))

Weighted Average Cost of Capital = [(cost of capital A / Total Amount)(rate of cost)(1-Tax Rate)] + [(cost of capital B / Total cost amount)(rate of cost)]

Work in process = Direct Material used + Direct Labor + Manufacturing Overhead

Average accounts receivable = (Beg. A/R + End. A/R) / 2

Average accounts receivable collection period = sales on credit / average accounts receivable

Average total assets = (Beginning total assets + Ending total assets) / 2

Book value per share = common stock equity / common stock shares outstanding

Common stockholders’ equity = stockholders’ equity – preferred stock liquidation value

Contribution Margin Ratio = (sales – variable costs) / sales

Cost of financing= (Total assets – current liabilities) * Weighted average cost of capital

Cross-Elasticity = % change in demand for certain product A / % change in price of certain product B.

Debt to equity = Total debt / total equity

Debt to total assets = total liabilities / total assets

Discounted Payback Period = multiply by Present Value factor until initial invested amount reached. Disregard salvage value

Fixed asset turnover = sales / average net fixed assets

Gross Profit = revenue – cost of goods sold

Income Elasticity = % change in quantity demanded / % change in income

Internal Rate of Return = Initial Investment + Cash Flow in Period n/ (1 + Discount Rate) to the nth power (# of periods).

Marginal utility = change in total utility / change in quantity

Market/Book Ratio = common stock price per share (or market value)/ book value per share

Market Capitalization = Common stock price per share * common stock shares outstanding

Operating leverage= % change in operating income / % change in unit volume

Operating Profit Margin = Operating profit / net sales

Preferred Stock Valuation – dividend per share / required rate of return

Price/Earning (PE) Ratio = common stock price per share / Earning per share

Profitability Index = project net present value / cost of project

Receivables Collection Period = Average Accounts Receivable / Credit Sales per day

Receivable Turnover = Net credit sales / average accounts receivable

Reorder Point= delivery time of stock + safety stock or could be stated as = average daily demand * average lead time

Return on Assets (ROA) = net income / average total assets

Return on Equity (ROE) = net income / Average common stockholders’ equity

Return on Investment (ROI) = Net Income / Total Assets

Return on sales (ROS) = net income / Sales

Safety Stock= (Max. Daily demand * Max. Lead time) – reorder point

Total asset turnover = sales / average total assets



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