Formulas Flashcards
M/V = M/a^3
where a is the lattice constant
packing fraction
Packing fraction = Vsphere/Vlattice
lattice constant of an FCC
a = 4r/sqrt(2)
lattice constant of a BCC
a = [4r/sqrt(3)]^3
|a1| ≠ |a2| ≠ |a3| and alpha = gamma = 90 but beta ≠ 90
|a1| ≠|a2| ≠|a3| alpha = beta = gamma = 90
|a1| = |a2| ≠ |a3| alpha = beta = gamma = 90
|a1|=|a2| ≠|a3| alpha = beta = 90, gamma = 120
Structure factor
F(K) = Σj fj exp(iK.rj)
where G is the reciprocal lattice vector
and r is (x,y,z)
Intensities of diffraction peaks
I ∝ Ψ(K)^2 = F(K)^2
where F(K) is the structure factor
number density / number of free electrons per unit volume
n = zp(Na)/A
where Na is Avogadro’s number and only used if p is in mol.
n = n.atoms z/a^3
Fermi temperature
EF = kB TF
Fermi velocity
vF = pF/m
where pF = ℏkF
electronic specific heat constant
cel,V = gamma T
where gamma = π^2nkB^2/2EF
V = M/p
First brillouin zone
kF = |G|/2
cyclotron frequency
ω = eB/m
p = 1/σ
where σ is conductivity
σ = 1/p
where p is resistivity
scattering rate
Hall voltage
VH = -IB/dne
where d is the thickness
R = L/σA
fermi sphere from the origin to the Brillouin zone
estimating the temperature of the intrinsic carrier concentration
use ni formula and where mc and mv are omitted use me for both
effective mass
m* formula on the formula sheet
The probability of a vacancy at energy Ev is equivalent to the probability of finding a hole at energy Eh if
Eh - μ = μ - Ev
where μ is the chemical potential
Band gap energy
E = hf
intrinsic limit
~ ni
conductivity in terms of pv
σ = pv e μ
where μ is the mobility
when the sample is intrinsic
We can ignore donor contributions
pv = ni
ni = (pvnc)^1/2
area of a fermi circle
A = πkF^2
similary a sphere would be A = 4πkF^2
Wiedeman-Franz law
L0 = κ/σT = π^2/3 (kb/c)^2
where L0 is the Lorenz number which is independent of temperature and material.
derive the fermi wavevector in 3D kF = (3π^2n)^(1/3)
Periodic potential psi (x+L)
k space separated by lambda ~ 2π/L so volume of (2π/L)^3
nL^3 = number of states x Vfermi sphere/Vk space
states filled with two electrons in each state
nL^3 = 2 Vfermi sphere/Vk space
fermi sphere has radius kF
Ewald sphere has wavevector
k = 2π/λ
Radius of Ewald Sphere
r = 2pi/lambda
To find the form of the Ewald sphere
[direction vector] . x = 0
whatever vector dotted with the direction vector gives 0.
It must obey the rules of FCC / BCC etc.
Debye Scherrer radius
L = tan2 theta
Steady state conditions
d/dt vd = 0
Current density
J = -nevd
also J = I/A
A = wd
where w is the width and d is the thickness
Minimum energy for photon absorption
Ec - Ev = Eg
Carrier concentration
ni = (ncpv)^1/2
Mean free path
L = vF tau
where vF is the fermi velocity
Show that the heat capacity contribution of the free electrons is ∝ T
Only electrons with kBT of EF can contribute to the heat capacity.
∆U/V = D(EF) kbT x kbT
∆U/V = D(EF) (kbT)^2
cV = d/dT (∆U/V)
cV = 2D(EF)kb^2T
cV ∝ T
what does the term vd/τ represent
the damping term from the material.
how are n and vd related?
through current density
J = -nevd
Relationship between donors and acceptors
nc = ND - NA
pv = NA - ND
f value in structure factor
f is proportional to the atomic number, Z.
Hall voltage
Ey = VH/w
where w is the width
Electric field in the x direction across the hall bar.
Ex = Vx / L
where L is the length
derive the conductivity
d/dt vd + vd/τ = -e/m (E + v x B)
assume v x B = 0
assume a steady state and J = -nevd = σE
rearranging gives as required
What are the boundary conditions for a periodic potential
ψ(x) = ψ(x+L)
hence exp[±ik(x+L)] = e±ikx
eikL = 1
k = 2πnx/L
L = nλ
Derive the density of states
N = spin states x shell volume/volume per kstate
shell volume = 4πk^2 dk
volume per k state = (2π/L)^3
N = VD(k)dk , V = L^3
D(k)dk = k^2/π^2 dk
E = ħ^2k^2/2m
rearrange for k and take the derivative hence substitute into D(k) and dk for D(E) dE
Show that the average energy is 3/5 EF
<E> = (∞ ∫ 0) D(E) E / (∞ ∫ 0) D(E)
number density of electrons
n = (∞ ∫ 0) D(E) f(E) dE
totel energy per volume
U/V = (∞ ∫ 0) D(E) f(E) EdE
Derive the electronic susceptibility
M = gain in spin up - loss of spin down
M = 1/2 D(EF) μB B x μB - 1/2 D(EF) μB B x (-μB)
M = D(Ef) μB^2 B
B = μ0H
M = Χel H
rearrange for Χel
derive Matthiessen’s Rule
1/τ = 1/τi + 1/τL
p = m/ne^2 (1/τi + 1/τL) = pi + pL
giving pi and pL
such that
μe = eτ/m giving σ = neμe
Show that we get the matrix form (1 -ωcτ ωcτ 1) (vx vy) = -eτ/m(Ex Ey)
Start from d/dt vd + vd/τ = -e/m (E + vd x B)
steady state
find the cross product term
express vd as vx and vy
which gives the two components of using the cyclotron frequency ωc = eBz/m
derive Ey = RH Jx Bz
starting from Jx Jy matrix
Jy = 0 such that Ey = -ωcτ Ex
Jx = σEx
Ey = -1/ne Jx Bz
the number of states in the 1st BZ
BZ width/ width per state = 2π/a / 2π/L = L/a
Show that we must introduce the k momentum for the effective mass
F = m* d/dt vg
d/dt vg = 1/ħ d/dt(dE/dk)
dE/dk becomes dE/dt
use chain rule dE/dk dk/dt
F = ħ dk/dt equating the two gives
m* = ħ^2 / (d^2E/dk^2) on formula sheet.
Hall coefficients for semiconductors
RH = -r/nce and RH = +r/pve
Optical absorption
I = I0 exp(-alphad)
Bloch’s theorem
Ψk(r) on the formula sheet under NFE
the free electron energy for wavevector k
λk = ħ^2k^2/2m
where this is not a wavelength
The central equations
(λk-E)c(k) + (ΣG) UG c(k-G) = 0
The schrodinger equation written in momentum space where the periodic potential imposes a restriction on the allowed k terms.
wave vector electron vs hole
electron kj
hole -kj
effective mass electron vs hole
electron me = ℏ^2/(d^2E/dk^2)
mh = -me
effect of an electric field electron vs hole
electron F = -eE
hole F = +eE
velocity of electron vs hole
electron ve = 1/ℏ (dE/dk)
hole vh = ve