Definitions Flashcards
What is a crystal lattice, and what are the 2D Bravais lattices?
A crystal lattice is a regular repetition (lattice) of a basic structural unit (basis). In 2D, there are five Bravais lattices: oblique, rectangular primitive, rectangular centered, square, and hexagonal.
What are the different types of crystal cells?
Crystal cells include primitive (P), face-centered (F), body-centered (I), and base-centered (A/B/C).
What is the mathematical representation of a crystal?
Mathematically, a crystal is a convolution of the lattice and basis, where the lattice is an array of delta-function-like points.
Describe a BCC unit cell.
The BCC unit cell has two lattice points per cell with right nearest neighbours. It’s Wigner-Seitz cell is a truncated octahedron.
What is close packing, and how does it occur in FCC and HCP lattices?
Close packing is optimal space-filling in crystals. In FCC, it occurs in an ABCABCAB… hexagonal pattern, while in HCP, it occurs in an ABABAB… hexagonal pattern.
Describe the diamond structure, and what are Miller indices used for in crystal planes?
Diamond structure is an FCC structure with a 2-atom basis. Miller indices (h, k, l) are used to define crystal planes and vectors, denoting the orientation and spacing of planes.
Describe diffraction from a crystal.
Crystals act as 3D gratings, scattering radiation in all directions. Diffraction occurs when the incident wavelength is comparable to the sample periodicity.
Describe X-ray diffraction.
X-ray diffraction involves strong scattering from crystal electron density, using X-ray tubes or synchrotrons. X-rays are sensitive to the electron density and atomic number. Where the resulting spectrum has characteristic peaks.
Describe neutron diffraction and how neutrons are produced.
Neutron diffraction involves neutrons scattering from nuclei and magnetic moments. Nuclear reactors are used to produce fast neutrons where neutron production must be moderated.
Describe electron diffraction.
Electrons scatter strongly from materials and can scatter from electrostatic potential of atoms. Where electron diffraction requires thin samples.
Describe diffraction in a lattice structure.
Diffraction is related to lattice structure through form factor and structure factor. Structure factors are determined by the Fourier transform of electron density.
What is the significance of the reciprocal lattice, Brillouin Zone, and Ewald sphere in diffraction?
Reciprocal lattice and Brillouin Zone are concepts in reciprocal space, defining possible vectors and the smallest volume enclosed by a set of planes. The Ewald sphere visualizes diffraction patterns in reciprocal space.
How does the Ewald sphere differ for X-rays and fast electrons in diffraction?
The Ewald sphere for X-rays has few diffraction spots, while for fast electrons, it produces many diffraction peaks with a mostly flat central part, intersecting other reciprocal lattice planes.
What are Higher Order Laue Zones?
Higher Order Laue Zones are rings of diffraction spots formed when the Ewald sphere intersects other reciprocal lattice planes in electron diffraction.
What is the Ewald Sphere?
The Ewald sphere maps out the possible elastically scattered vectors and its radius is the wavevector of the microscope electrons.
What is the basis of the “free electron theory,” and how is it related to metallic bonding?
The electron is considered a classical particle, bound within a solid in a potential well. The “free electron theory” is a quantum mechanical modification of this model where metallic bonding promotes a close-packed structure.
What is the valence number?
The valence is the number of outer electrons contributing to the electron sea.
How are electrons described quantum mechanically, and what is the significance of the Pauli exclusion principle?
Electrons obey the Schrödinger equation, assuming constant potential and perfect confinement. The Pauli exclusion principle restricts each spatial state to two electrons with different spins.
What is the Fermi level?
At T = 0, the highest energy electrons sit at the Fermi level.
What is the Fermi surface?
The filled states in 3D form a spherical region in k-space, and its surface is known as the Fermi Surface. It represents the boundary between filled and empty states.
What is the Fermi Sphere?
Electrons fill up to a max radius, kF forming the fermi sphere.
Explain the concept of Density of States (DOS) and its application to a hypothetical 1D metal.
DOS, represented by D(E), is the number of electron states per unit volume in an energy range (E, E + dE). In a hypothetical 1D metal, atoms contribute electrons, and DOS varies with electron density.
How does the 3D Density of States vary with temperature?
At T = 0, states with E > EF are empty, and E < EF are filled. At finite temperatures, only electrons within kBT of EF can be thermally excited.
What is the chemical potential (μ) in Fermi-Dirac statistics?
μ is the chemical potential, the Gibbs Free energy per particle, and is EF at T = 0.
What is the magnetic moment?
Magnetic moment quantifies the strength of magnetic effects in a material.
How does the magnetic field affect the energy populations?
For no magnetic field and 0K there is no energy difference between populations and spins are balanced. In an applied magnetic field there is an unstable situation resolved by ‘spin flips’ to leave a spin imbalance.
What can we conclude about from the density of states under an applied magnetic field?
Although energies change, only a small fraction of electron spins change in an applied magnetic field.
What happens to the electrons under an applied electric field?
An applied electric field results in the net movement of electrons, the whole sea shifts in the opposite direction by momentum k, leading to conduction. For no electric field electrons move randomly, and scattering from ion cores results in no net motion.
What happens when you turn off the electric field when a steady state has developed?
Once a steady-state (delta k) has developed, turning off the electric field results in an exponential decay in current.
Describe the Hall bar.
Charges accumulate on one side of the hall bar and produces an electric field measured as the hall voltage. The hall bar exploits the magnetoresistance results. Producing a force which balances the lorentz force.
Explain the transport of thermal energy and the Wiedemann-Franz law.
Thermal conductivity (Kel) is estimated for a free electron sea. The Wiedemann-Franz law links thermal and electrical conductivity it works well at extremely low temperatures but it fails at ~10K due to different scattering mechanisms.
What are the successes and failures of the free electron theory?
Successes include qualitative agreement on electronical specific heat, spin susceptibility, electrical conduction, and the Hall effect. Failures include specific heat predictions, Hall effect measurements, and the assumption that everything is a metal.
How does the presence of ion cores affect the electron wave in a 1D crystal lattice?
Ion cores create deep potential wells, forming a periodic potential with sharp variations. Electrons traveling through the lattice experience back-scattering wavelets due to ion cores.