formulas Flashcards
The “Law of Diminishing Returns” can be expressed as:
𝜕^2Fi / 𝜕L^2 < 0
for L sufficiently large
- which makes the demand curve downward-sloping
If Fi
is discrete, then VMPL
VMPL ≡ Pi (Δ Qi / Δ L)
-> niet volledig!
If Fi is differentiable in L, then VMPL
VMPL ≡ Pi (𝜕Fi / 𝜕L)
☞ Population of working age:
N^w = L + U + N^i
= N^a + N^i
Activity Rate
a ≡ N^a/ N^w
= (L + U) / (L + U + N^i)
Employment Rate
l ≡ L / N^w
= L / (L + U + N^i)
= a (1 − u)
Unemployment Rate
u ≡ U / N^a
= U / (L + U)
Active Population
N^a ≡ L + U
Value Added
VAit ≡ (Pit * Qit) − CIit
GDP Deflator
GDPDt|to ≡ NGDPt/ RGDPt|to
(often multiplied by 100)
= overall price level of produced final G&S
Consumer Price Index (CPIt|to)
Cost of the basket in period t
≡ _____________________________ (× 100)
Cost of the basket in the base period to
Inflation Rate
The inflation rate between periods t1 and t2 is
𝜋t1,t2 ≡ (Pt2 |t0 / Pt1 |t0) − 1
real GDP
Real price of a good
= Nominal price of this good / Price index
Real wage
= Nominal wage / Price index
real interest rate r
rt+1 =
(Purchasing power in t + 1 / Purchasing power in t)− 1
≈ i − 𝜋t+1
Growth Factor
The (cumulative) growth factor of x between t − k and t equals
Γ(t−k,t) ^x
≡ xt / xt− k
Growth Rate
The (cumulative) growth rate of x between t − k and t equals
Xt−k,t ≡ Xt − Xt−k / Xt−k
= (Xt / Xt−k) − 1
Average Growth Factor
⟨Γ^x⟩t−k,t ≡ (Xt / Xt−k) ^(1/k)
Rule of 70
Doubling time =~ 70 / Average growth rate (expressed in %)
GDP (decomposition)
= Per-capita GDP · Population
= GDP/L * L/N^w * N^w/N * N
= Labour productivity * Employment rate * Population pyramidv* Population size
production function: (Cobb-Douglas Function), In the Cobb-Douglas case, the per-capita production function is
Yt = At Kt^(1−𝛼) Lt^𝛼
≡ Yt/ Nt
where 0 < 𝛼 < 1
Employed Population Share
𝜆 ≡ L/N
= L/N^W * N^W/N
Employment rate
L/ N^W ≡ Employed / Working-Age Population
Population pyramid
N/ W^N ≡ Working-Age Population / Total Population