Formulae Flashcards
Anion gap
Anion gap: Na – (Cl + Hc03)
Osm Gap
Osm Gap: (2 x Na) + (BUN/2.8) +( Glu/18) + (EtOH/4.6) = 290
Total body water
Total body water(L): Wt (kg) X 0.6
*deficit = Total body water x (serum Na-140)/ (140)
Parkland: 4ml x Kg x %TBSA (first ½ over 8h)
MAP: DBP + (SBP – DBP) /3
Peds ETT
Peds ETT: (age + 16)/4, depth = 3 x size
A-a gradient
A-a gradient: 140 – (PaO2 + PaCO2)
Compensation numbers for respiratory acidosis
Acute increase PCO2: 10= inc HCO3: 1
Chronic increase PCO2: 10 = inc HCO3: 3
Compensation numbers for respiratory alkalosis
Acute decrease PC02: 10 = dec HC03: 2
Chronic decrease PC02: 10 = dec HC03: 5
Compensation numbers for metabolic alkalosis
Alkalosis: inc HC03: 1 = inc PC02: .7
Compensation numbers for metabolic acidosis
acidosis = rule of 15s
Take HCO3 and add 15
should = PC02 and last 2 digits of pH
If not, mixed DO
Formula for pseudohyponatremia
Na = +1.6 for each 100 glucose over 100
Formula for hemophilia factor repletement
KG * 1/2 * % change
Pediatric ETT size and distance
Endotracheal tube inner diameter (mm) = (>1 year) = Age/4 + 4 (for Croup or subglottic stenosis use 0.5 to 1 size smaller than above)
Endotracheal tube length at lip (cm): 12 + age/2