Formula Pulses Flashcards
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Gui Zhi Tang
floating left cun and moderate
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Gui Zhi Tang
floating left cun and moderate, right guan wiry
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Gui Zhi Jia Shao Yao Tang
floating left cun, slippery right guan
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Gui Zhi Jia Da Huang Tang
P: floating left cun and moderate
S: floating left cun and left chi wiry
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Gui Zhi Jia Fu Zi Tang
- Primary Pulse:
- Left cun tight, right fails to lift the fingers
- 左寸緊,右不起指
- Secondary pulse:
- Both cun fail to lift the fingers, both chi deep tight
- 兩寸不起指,兩尺沈緊
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Gui Zhi Fu Zi Tang
- Primary pulse:
- Left cun floating but unable to lift fingers
- 左寸浮不起指
- Secondary pulse:
- Left cun and guan floating weak, chi wiry or wiry tight
- 左寸關浮弱兼尺弦或弦緊
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Gui Zhi Jia Gui Tang 桂枝加桂湯
- Left cun floating hasty 左寸浮促
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Guizhi Qu Shaoyao Tang 桂枝去芍藥湯
- Primary Pulse:
- Left cun and chi not communicating 左寸尺不交
- Secondary Pulses:
- Left cun and chi not communicating, right guan big
- Left cun superficial slippery, left chi deep/faint, right guan big
- Left cun and guan superficial, left chi deep tight, right guan big
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Guizhi Jiuni Tang 桂枝救逆湯
- Primary Pulse:
- Left cun superficial slippery
- 左寸浮數
- Secondary Pulse:
- Left cun and chi not communicating
- 左寸尺不交
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Guizhi Gancao Longgu Muli Tang 桂枝甘草龍骨牡
- Left cun floating weak, right guan slippery or big
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Guizhi Jia Gegen Tang 桂枝加葛根湯
- Primary Pulse:
- Left cun superficial weak, knotted
- Secondary Pulse:
- Left cun big
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Zhigancao Tang 炙甘草湯
- Primary Pulses:
- Left cun floating tight (Cold Damage)
- 左寸浮緊(傷寒)
- Secondary Pulses:
- Left cun deep tight (Cold Dampness)
- 左寸沈緊(寒濕)
- Left and right cun floating tight
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Mahuang Tang 麻黃湯
- Primary Pulse:
- Left floating wiry, right guan slippery or wiry (eye pain or
dry nose) - 左浮弦,右關獨滑(滑或弦:目痛鼻幹)
- Secondary Pulse:
- Left floating wiry, right guan slippery, or wiry, or big; right
cun tight
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Gegen Tang葛根湯
- Left cun floating, guan and chi thin wiry tight
- 左寸浮,關尺細弦緊
- Left thin wiry tight
- 左細弦緊
- Modification 加減:
- Right guan slippery, add Shigao.
- 右關滑=加石膏
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Xiao Qinglong Tang 小青龍湯
- Primary pulse:
- Left chi tight (failure of taiyang to transform water)
- 左尺緊(太陽水氣不化)
- Secondary pulses:
- Chi wiry and tight
- 尺弦緊
- Deep moderate
- 沈緩
- Both cun fail to rise, both chi deep and tight
- 兩寸不起,兩尺沈緊
- Left cun fails to rise, guan and chi tight
- 左寸不起,關尺緊
- Right cun tight, left chi wiry tight
- 右寸緊,左尺弦緊
- Left cun tight, both chi deep and unsmooth
- 左寸緊,兩尺沈澀
- Left cun flooding big rolling over the whole hand (water qi)
- 左寸洪大滿手溜(水氣)
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Wuling San 五苓散
- Primary pulse:
- Left cun and guan fail to rise (when yang fails to rise, water
and damp are not being expelled) 左寸關不起(陽不起,
水濕不利) - Secondary pulses:
- Both hands deep and wiry
- 兩手沉弦
- Both cun fail to rise, both guan wiry
- 兩寸不起,兩關弦
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang 苓桂術甘湯
- Primary pulse:
- Both chi deep thin slippery (blood stasis below)
- 兩手尺沉細滑
- Secondary pulses:
- Left cun thin slippery (blood stasis with jaundice)
- 左寸細滑
- Left chi thin slippery (female blood stasis with lower abdominal pain)
- 左尺細滑
- Both chi deep unsmooth (external trauma blood stasis)
- 兩手尺沉澀
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyang
Taohe Chengqi Tang 桃核承氣湯
- Primary pulse:
- Both hands flooding and big
- 兩手洪大
- Secondary pulse:
- Both guan thin and slippery
- 兩關細滑
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Yangming
Baihu Tang 白虎湯
- Primary pulse:
- Big thin slippery, wiry slippery
- 大細滑,弦滑
- Secondary pulses:
- Left thin slippery
- 左細滑
- Solely right guan deep, but when pressed thin and slippery
(food stagnation) - 獨右關沈,推出細滑(宿食)
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Yangming
Da Chengqi Tang 大承氣湯
- Primary pulse:
- Solely right guan thin slippery, others normal
- 獨右關細滑,餘如常
- Secondary pulse:
- Both hands slippery or wiry
- 兩手滑或弦
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Yangming
Xiao Chengqi Tang 小承氣湯
- Right guan slippery or deep thin slippery, unable to push
out left pulses - 右關滑或沈細滑,左脈推不起
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Yangming
Maziren Wan 痲子仁丸
- Left guan wiry, wiry tight, thin wiry
- 左關弦,弦緊,細弦
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyang
Xiao Chaihu Tang 小柴胡湯
- Below left guan wiry and slippery
- 左關下弦滑
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyang
Huangqin Tang 黃芩湯
- Primary pulse:
- Solely left guan wiry, other positions fail to rise
- 獨左關弦,餘不起
- Secondary pulses:
- Both guan wiry, chi fails to rise (lower back pain)
- 兩關弦,尺不起(腰痛)
- Left guan wiry, below guan dong
- 左關弦,關下動
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyang
Sini San 四逆散
- Primary pulse:
- Both guan wiry, or wiry big
- 兩關弦,弦大
- Secondary pulse:
- Both guan wiry, left pulses long
- 兩關弦,左脈長
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyang-Yangming
Da Chaihu Tang 大柴胡湯
- Left guan chi wiry
- 左關尺弦
- Both guan wiry
- 兩關弦
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyang-Yangming
Banxia Xiexin Tang 半夏瀉心湯
- Both guan wiry
- 兩關弦
- Left guan wiry, right cun tight
- 左關弦右寸緊
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyang-Yangming
Shengjiang Xiexin Tang 生薑瀉心湯
- Both guan wiry, with only left guan also stirring [dong]
- 兩關弦,獨左關兼動
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyang-Yangming
Gancao Xiexin Tang 甘草瀉心湯
- Primary pulses:
- Both guan wiry with right guan wiry big
- 兩關弦兼右關弦大
- Left guan thin wiry with right guan wiry big
- 左關細弦兼右關弦大
- Secondary pulse:
- Left guan wiry slippery
- 左關弦滑
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyang-Yangming
Chaihu Jia Longgu Muli Tang 柴胡龍骨牡蠣湯
- Right guan deep and wiry (weak spleen)
- 右關沈弦(脾弱)
- Both hands deep and thin
- 兩手沈細
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyin
Lizhong Wan 理中丸
- Left cun floating moderate with right guan deep wiry or
deep thin - 左寸浮緩兼右關沈弦或沈細
- Left cun floating weak, right guan dong or big
- 左寸浮弱,右關動或大
- Dong above left guan, right guan dong or big
- 左關上動,右關動或大
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyin
Guizhi Renshen Tang 桂枝人參湯
- Right guan wiry and slippery
- 右關弦滑
- Both hands all pulses wiry
- 兩手俱弦
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyin
Shaoyao Gancao Tang 芍藥甘草湯
- Primary Pulse:
- Yang pulse (left cun) unsmooth, yin pulse (right guan) wiry
- 左寸(太陽)澀右關(太陰)弦
- Secondary Pulse:
- Left cun floating weak, right guan big
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Taiyin
Xiao Jianzhong Tang 小建中湯
- Primary pulse:
- Both hands severely thin and faint
- 兩手細微甚
- Secondary pulses:
- Unable to raise the pulse by pressing (sadness in the heart)
- 推不起(心裏難過)
- Slow (cold solid organs)
- 遲(藏寒)
- Big but forceless
- 大而無力
- Deep and soggy (cold dampness)
- 沈濡(寒濕)
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyin
Sini Tang 四逆湯
- Primary Pulse:
- Deep thin tight, all six pulses fail to lift the fingers
- 沈細緊,六脈不起指
- Secondary Pulses:
- Both cun deep, both guan wiry, all weak or faint
- Right cun tight, rolling up; left all weak or faint, or deep
wiry tight
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyin
Zhenwu Tang 真武湯
- Primary Pulse:
- Both hands tight deep thin
- 兩手緊沈細
- Secondary Pulses:
- Both hands deep weak, faint and thin
- 兩手沈弱微細
- Left all deep faint, right cun tight
- Left chi deep faint tight, right cun tight
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyin
Mahuang Xixin Fuzi Tang 麻黃細辛附子湯
- Deep thin rapid
- 沈細數
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyin
Huanglian Ejiao Tang 黃連阿膠湯
- Deep thin slippery or soggy
- 沈細滑或濡
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Shaoyin
Zhuling Tang 豬苓湯
- Thin wiry, deep thin wiry
- 細弦,沈細弦
- Deep thin with tendency towards expiring
- 沈細欲絕
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Jueyin
Danggui Sini Tang 當歸四逆湯
- Primary Pulse:
- Left guan wiry, thin wiry or deep thin wiry
- 左關弦,細弦或沈細弦
- Secondary Pulses:
- Left guan wiry tight, right cun tight
- Dong above left guan, right guan dong or big, right cun
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Jueyin
Wuzhuyu Tang 吳茱萸湯
- Left guan big wiry hollow
- ○ No action on the right side; all on the left
■ All on the middle it ramps up in the left guan; so much reversal that it is trying to come into the yang confirmation
■ Can think that it is HT/KD not communicating
● But no trouble sleeping
■ Big pulse; rounded ball in the left guan
Formula-Pulse Patterns: Jueyin
Wumei Wan 烏梅圓
- Taiyang Disease:
* left chi, or left cun - Yangming Disease:
* right guan - Shaoyang Disease:
* left guan - Taiyin Disease:
* right guan, right cun - Shaoyin Disease:
* left chi, left cun - Jueyin Disease:
* left guan
Diagnostic Location Summary
for Cold Damage