A business is owned by one person, called the proprietor, who invests his money or capital in the business.
Two or more persons own a single business. The owners of a partnership are called partners. It is created the mere agreement of the partners. From then, partners contribute resource or industry into the common fund and divide the profits among themselves based on their agreement.
It is created by at least five, but not more than fifteen persons and with the consent of the government. Corporation raise capital by issuing certificates of ownership called stocks or shares to interested persons. A person who bought these shares from the corporation is a shareholder. A shareholder is a part owner of a corporation to the extent of the number of his shares.
Is one who renders service for a fee.
The income earned by the servicing firms is usually called service revenue or service fees.
Service business
Buys from suppliers and sells merchandise to customers.
Merchandising business
Produces goods for sale. They buy raw materials and convert them to finished products ready for sale.
Manufacturing business
A mixture of two or more types of business activities.
Shows the income, expense and net result of operations over a period of time up to the date of reporting.
Statement/Statement of Comprehensive Income
Shows the changes in the cash position: cash inflows and cash outflows of the enterprise for the period.
Statement/Statement of Cash Flows
Shows a list of the resources, debts and capital of the enterprise as of date of reporting.
Balance Sheet/Statement of Financial Position
Shows additional disclosures of certain information summary of the changes in the capital of the which are useful to users of the financial statements in understanding the information in the financial statements
Notes to the financial statements
It is paid to an employee or company as an incentive to sell more. A commission is generally a percentage of sales.
Different types of commissions
> Straight Commission
Salary Commission
( Salary +Commission)
A compensation method in which the salesperson only gets a percentage of the sales volume and no fixed salary is paid.
Straight commissions
A compensation method in which the salesperson not only gets a percentage of the sales volume but also a fixed salary is paid.
Salary commission
A compensation method wherein the commission depends on the amount of the sales made.This type of commission if earned as a percentage of sales increases incrementally with the increase of the sales volume. Generally used by a business to incentivise the sales force for better performance
Graduated/Incremental Commission
A person who bought these shares from the corporation and a part owner of a corporation to the extent of the number of his shares.