Formatives - Sem 1 Flashcards
Where does the duodenum run?
In c-shape from pyloric valve to jejunum
What is the first part of the duodenum and what does is receive?
Dudoenal cap, fluids from stomach
What are the features of the second part of the duodenum?
Recieves secretions from the main pancreatic duct and bile duct opening at the hepatoduodenal ampulla of Vater
Which vessles does the third part of the duodenum cross?
Superior mesenteric vessels as it crosses the mesentery
What is the arterial supply of the duodenum?
Gastroduodenal (from hepatic) and superior mesenteric arteries
Where does lymph from the duodenum go?
pre-aortic nodes at T12 L1
What is the inguinal canal?
Oblique passage through anterior abdominal wall for structures to pass from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum/labia majora
Where does the inguinal canal begin and end?
Deep inguinal ring (defect in transversalis fascia) to superficial inguinal ring (defect in aponeurosis of external oblique)
What are the boundaries of the inguinal canal?
Anterior wall is external oblique, lateral is internal oblique, roof is internal oblique and transversus abdominis, floor is inguinal ligament, posterior wall is transversalis fascia and conjoint tendon
What is the contents of the inguinal canal?
Spermatic cord (male) or round ligament (female) and ilioinguinal nerve
Where does the abdominal aorta branch to give rise to the renal arteries?
Where does the abdominal aorta branch to give rise to the gonadal arteries?
Where does the abdominal aorta branch to give rise to the inferior phrenic artery?
Where does the abdominal aorta branch to give rise to the lumbar arteries?
Where does quadratus lumborum muscle attach?
Iliac crest and 12th rib, L1-L4 transverse processes
Which nerves supply quadratus lumborum?
T12-L4 anterior rami for motor innervation
What is the action of quadratus lumborum?
Unilateral - bends trunk to same side
Bilateral - assists in forced expiration and supports 12th rib
What is the lesser omentum?
double layer of peritoneum passing between liver and lesser curvature of stomach
What are the other names for the lesser omentum?
hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal ligaments
What is contained in the free edge of the lesser omentum?
hepatic artery, bile duct and portal vein
What is the sympathetic chain?
System of interconnected ganglia on either side of vertebral column
Where does the sympathetic chain run?
From cervical ganglia in the neck through the thorax and abdomen to the ganglion impar on the surface of the sacrum/coccyx
What does the sympathetic chain do?
Acts as a pathway for sympathetic fibres from spinal cord (via white rami communicans at T1-L1/2) to pass into the spinal nerves and body viscera via grey rami communicans
What type of joint is the manubriosternal?
secondary cartilaginous
Where do the anterior and posterior intercostal arteries run?
In costal groove in intercostal space
Where do the 1st and 2nd posterior intercostal arteries arise from?
A branch of the costocervical trunk from subclavian (the supreme intercostal artery)
Where do posterior intercostal arteries 3-11 and subcostal arise from?
Direct from descending aorta
Describe the branches of internal thoracic artery?
Gives off first 6 anterior intercostal arteries then terminates as superior epigastric and musculophrenic arteries
Which artery supplies the anterior intercostal arteries to intercostal spaces 7-9?
Musculophrenic artery
Which atrium forms the base of the heart?
Left atrium
What are the musculi pectinati of the left atrium?
Muscular ridges
Which valve prevents reflux of blood from left ventricle to left atrium?
Mitral valve
Where do the greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves pass through the diaphragm?
Greater and lesser through openings in crura at T12, least with sympathetic trunks passes behind medial arcuate ligament at T12
Which nerve supplies parasympathetic innervation to the transverse colon?
Which nerves innervate the internal oblique muscle?
Anterior rami of T7-L1
What is the root value of the phrenic nerve?
Which vessel runs alongside the small cardiac vein?
Right marginal artery
Which structure is most posterior at the right renal hilum?
What is the root value of the iliohypogastric nerve?
Which layer of the anterior abdominal wall is only found between the umbilicus and the pubic bone?
Scarpa’s fascia
Which artery supplies the descending colon?
Left colic artery
Which lobes of the liver does the gallbladder lie between?
Right lobe and quadrate lobe
The inferior mesenteric vein drains directly into which structure?
splenic vein
Where is the junction between midgut and hindgut?
Transverse colon
Which muscle lies immediately superficial to the neurovascular plane in the thorax?
Internal intercostal
Which is the primary muscle of respiration at rest?
Which structure allows expansion of the pulmonary vessels?
Pulmonary ligament
Lymphatic drainage of the lungs is where?
Hilar nodes
What initiates heart beat?
Sinoatrial node
Which artery supplies 2/3rds of the interventricular septum of the heart?
Posterior interventricular artery
Which is the first branch of the aortic arch?
Brachiocephalic trunk
The carina of the trachea is at which vertebral level?
Which muscle forms the anterior wall of the rectus sheath?
External oblique
Which muscle is found inferior to the medial arcuate ligament?
which muscle attaches to ribs 5-7, the pubic tubercle and the xiphoid process?
rectus abdominis
what lies posterior to rectus abdominis after the arcuate line?
transversalis fascia
which muscle’s ONLY function is to tense the linea alba?
which artery passes in the lineorenal ligament?
splenic artery
left gastric is a direct branch of?
coeliac axis
Which artery forms the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery?
gastroduodenal artery
Which artery supplies the greater curvature of the stomach?
left gastro-epiploic
where does lymph from the stomach drain?
pre-aortic T12
What is the cisterna chyli continuous with?
thoracic duct
Where does lymph from the sigmoid colon drain?
pre-aortic nodes at L3
What colour lymph may be found in the intestinal trunk?
milky-white lymph
where does lymph from the superficial layers of the anterior abdominal wall below the umbilicus drain?
superficial inguinal nodes
Which muscle of the thoracic wall primarily acts to raise the ribs on inspiration?
external intercostal
Which muscle of the thoracic wall recieves motor innervation from the long thoracic nerve?
serratus anterior
Which muscle of the thoracic wall has fibres radiating from the lateral borders of the sternum?
transversus thoracic
Which muscle of the thoracic wall is innervated only by the medial pectoral nerve?
pectoralis minor
Which muscle of the thoracic wall can act to both raise and depress the ribs?
internal intercostal
Where is the sinoatrial node located?
crista terminalis
The moderator band is unique to which chamber of the heart?
right ventricle
what are the muscular ridges in the wall of the left ventricle?
trabeculae carneae
Which structure is the origin of the coronary arteries?
which structures attach to the margins of the cuspid valves?
chordae tendineae
Which mediastinum is the thoracic aorta found in?
posterior mediastinum
Where does the azygous vein drain to?
Superior vena cava
Which arterial structure is associated with the left recurrent laryngeal nerve?
arch of aorta
the oesophagus lies immediately posterior to which structure?
Which vessel is found in both the superior and middle mediastinum?
superior vena cava
Where does the sympathetic nervous system originate?
lateral horn of the spinal cord between T1-L1/2
What is the superficial inguinal ring?
triangular opening in the aponeurosis of external oblique close to the pubic bones which allows passage of the spermatic cord/round ligament and ilioinguinal nerve and the genital part of genitofemoral
Pump handle movement applies to which ribs?
1-6 and sternum
Bucket handle movement applies to which ribs?
Where is the pampiniform venous plexus connected to?
Lymph from the superficial anterior abdominal wall above the umbilicus drains where?
Axillary nodes
what does the ventral ramus supply?
anterior and lateral body wall and limbs
What is the space posterior to the stomach?
lesser sac
Which artery gives anterior intercostal branches to spaces 7-9?
costal cartilage of which rib articulates with sternum at manubriosternal angle?
rib 2
in the mid-axillary line, the parietal pleura extends to the level of which rib?
rib 10
which feature is a marker for the T10 dermatome?
Which fissure separates the middle and lower lobes of the right lung?
oblique fissure
Which region are the parietal and visceral pleura continuous at?
The vagus nerve accompanies which structure through the diaphragm?
What is the pubococcygeus?
part of the levator ani muscle, forms part of the pelvic diaphragm
Which two muscles form the levator ani?
pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus
which two muscles form the pelvic diaphragm?
pubococcygeus and coccygeus
What are the three parts of pubococcygeus?
Puborectalis - forms a sling around rectum to maintain fecal continence
pubovaginalis supports the vagina in females
Puboprostaticus supports prostate in males
What innervates pubococcygeus?
nerve to levator ani (direct S4) and pudendal nerve (S2-4 inferior rectal)
Which ligaments hold the bladder in place?
Puboprostatic or pubovesical ligaments
What is the arterial supply of the urinary bladder?
Superior vesical arteries from umbilical branch, inferior vesical arteries from anterior division of internal iliac
What is the innervation of the urinary bladder?
ANS nerve supply from inferior hypogastric plexus
What is the deep perineal pouch?
A space between the fascial layers of the urogenital diaphragm with a layer of fascia above and the perineal membrane below
What is contained in the deep perineal pouch?
deep transverse perineal muscles, branches of pudendal nerve, branches of internal pudendal artery and vein, sphincter urethrae
What is the sphincter urethrae?
voluntary skeletal control of urine from bladder
Which parts of the urogenital system are in the deep perineal pouch?
urethra and vagina (females) or membranous urethra and bulbourethral gland (males
What attaches the ovaries to the broad ligament?
Which ligament runs between the ovary and uterus?
ligament of ovary
Which ligament carries the ovarian vessels?
Suspensory ligament of ovary
What is the arterial and venous supply of the ovary?
ovarian artery direct from aorta at L2, drained by ovarian veins (right to IVC, left to renal vein)
What are the proximal attachments of gluteus maximus?
Sacrum, sacrotuberus ligament and surface of ilium behind posterior gluteal line proximally
What are the distal attachments of gluteus maximus?
Iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of femur
What is the function of gluteus maximus?
Extend hip and assist in lateral rotation
What innervates gluteus maximus?
Inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2)
What is the arterial supply to gluteus maximus?
Superior and inferior gluteal arteries
What is the femoral triangle?
triangular space on anteromedial aspect of the thigh which contains the femoral sheath and canal
What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle?
inguinal ligament superiorly, sartorius laterally, adductor longus medially, fascia lata and cribiform fascia form roof
iliacus, psoas and pectineus form floor
What are the contents of the femoral triangle?
Lateral to medial: femoral nerve, artery, vein and lymphatics
What is contained in the femoral sheath?
femoral artery and vein, and femoral canal
What is contained in the femoral canal?
Fat and lymphatics
What is the root value of sciatic nerve?
anterior rami L4-S3
Where does sciatic nerve leave the pelvis?
greater sciatic foramen, deep to piriformis
Where does the sciatic nerve divide into tibial and common peroneal divisions?
In the posterior thigh
Which compartment of muscles are supplied by the sciatic nerve?
posterior compartment of the thigh
The anterior tibial artery is a terminal branch of which artery?
Popliteal artery at distal border of popliteus
What does the anterior tibial artery pass through to enter the anterior compartment of the leg?
interosseous membrane
The anterior tibial artery runs between tibialis anterior and which other muscles?
Extensor digitorum longus proximally then extensor hallucis longus distally
Which artery gives rise to dorsalis pedis?
Anterior tibial artery
Which artery supplies the anterior compartment of the leg?
Anterior tibial artery
What is the function of the posterior cruciate ligament?
Anterolateral band limits flexion, posteromedial band limits extension
Supports weight of body when knee is flexed and helps maintain contact between femur and tibia
Which bones contribute to the medial longitudinal arch of the foot?
Calcaneus, talus, navicular, 3 cuneiforms, metatarsals 1-3
Which structures provide dynamic support to the medial longitudinal arch of the foot?
intrinsic muscles of the foot, FDL and FHL
Which structures provide passive support to the medial longitudinal arch of the foot?
Plantar aponeurosis, long plantar ligament, short plantar ligament and plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament
What is the function of the arches of the foot?
distribute weight, act as shock-absorbers and springboards
What is the action of obturator internus?
Lateral rotation of hip
What is the bulb of the penis composed of?
Erectile tissue
Which type of fibres are present in the inferior hypogastric plexus?
Autonomic (sympathtic and parasympathetic)
What is the action of the soleus?
plantarflexion of the ankle joint
What is the function of the pubofemoral ligament?
Limit extension, abduction and lateral rotation of the hip
What are the terminal branches of the tibial nerve?
Medial and lateral plantar nerves
Which nerve innervates extensor hallucis brevis?
Deep peroneal nerve
Which structure adds fructose to the liquid component of semen?
seminal vesicle
what is the root value of the pudendal nerve?
the internal iliac is a terminal branch of which artery?
common iliac artery
where does the coccygeus attach to the ischium?
ischial spine
Lymph form the fundus of the uterus passes to which nodes?
aortic nodes
Fimbriae are found where?
At the distal end of the uterine tube
Which muscle of the perineum is composed of skeletal muscle?
Which muscle forms the roof of the adductor canal?
Which adductor is partially innervated by the tibial division of sciatic?
Adductor magnus
Which muscle flexes both the hip and the knee joints?
Which direction of rotation does gluteus medius contribute to?
Medial rotation of the thigh
Which nerve innervates the tensor fascia lata?
superior gluteal nerve
Which ligament supports the body weight when the knee is flexed?
posterior cruciate
Does the tibialis anterior invert or evert the foot?
Which tendon creates a groove on the posterior aspect of the talus?
Flexor hallucis longus
Which adductor muscle is supplied by the lateral plantar nerve?
adductor hallucis
Adductor hallucis provides dynamic support for which arch of the foot?
transverse arch
Superior vesical is a branch of which artery?
Umbilical artery
Which rectal artery gives a branch to the prostate gland?
middle rectal
Which is the largest branch of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery?
superior gluteal
superior gluteal artery passes between which nerve roots?
S1 and S2
Which nerve supplies branches to structures of the superficial perineal pouch?
Internal pudendal
Sphincter urethrae lies within which perineal pouch?
Deep perineal pouch
iliococcygeus attaches to the fascia above which muscle?
Obturator internus
What is the most posterior part of the pelvic diaphragm?
Which urinary sphincter is composed of smooth muscle?
sphincter vesicae
What is the action of psoas major?
Flex the trunk
Which soft tissues extend as the corpus cavernosum in males?
Which soft tissue structure passes through the inguinal canal?
vas deferens
Which soft tissue structure crosses the bifurcation of the common iliac artery?
Which soft tissue structure lies directly posterior to the pubic bones
Which soft tissue structure is attached to the mesosalpinx?
uterine tube
Which nerve innervates the skin between the first and second toe?
Deep peroneal
Saphenous nerve is a branch of which nerve?
Which nerve innervates the skin over the sacrum?
middle clunial
Which cutaneous nerve passes through the greater sciatic foramen
posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
Which nerve innervates the skin on the posterolateral aspect of the leg?
Which muscle of the leg can dorsiflex and evert the foot?
Peroneus tertius
The tibial nerve passes deep to which calf muscle?
Peroneus longus is attached to which bones of the foot?
Medial cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal
Which muscle is pierced by the deep peroneal nerve?
Extensor digitorum longus
The tendon of which muscle creates a groove on the cuboid bone?
Peroneus longus
Which major artery passes deep to the adductor longus muscle?
profunda femoris
Which artery gives off many genicular branches?
Which artery gives off the fibular artery as a branch?
posterior tibial
WHich artery passes deep to the flexor digitorum brevis muscle?
lateral plantar
Which artery is a continuation of the femoral artery?