Formative Questions Flashcards
A 76 year old woman has 2 day history of pain and swelling in her left leg. She has no history of a fall and noticed the swelling first thing in the morning. Examination reveals significant swelling all over her leg from her knee to her ankle. There is redness which extends into the thigh. Her temp is 38.1. She is able to weight bear on that leg but with difficulty. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Cellulitis - acute onset and swelling with a temperature
A 60 year old man has a 3 month history of night sweats and fever. He has a documented temperature of 38 and has lost 3kg in weight. Clinical examination reveals a soft systolic murmur in the aortic area. Which is the likely cause of his fever?
Infective endocarditis - combination of fever and murmur
A newborn baby has a routine blood spot newborn screening by heel prick. Which conditions are screened for?
Hypothyroidism Medium chain Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency Sickle cell disease Cystic fibrosis Phenylketonuria
A 12 year old boy has a 2 day history of abdominal pain associated with nausea and vomiting. On clinical examination he has tenderness with guarding in the right iliac fossa. His temperature is 37.8. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute appendicitis
An 80 year old man has a 6 hour history of confusion, acute generalised abdominal pain and fresh PR bleeding. He has a history of poorly controlled AF. On examination his HR is 130, RR is 23 and BP is 90/50. What is the most likely cause for his presentation?
Ischaemia of the bowel
AF - risk factor for embolic disease
A 72 year old man living in a nursing home has had recurrent diarrhoea for the last 3 weeks. Colonoscopy shows inflammation, ulceration and a yellow membrane like material covering the mucosal surface. What is the most likely cause of his diarrhoea?
Clostridium difficile infection - pseudo membranous colitis
An 18 year old man has a five year history of abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhoea up to 2-3 times a day. He has weight loss of 3kg over 9 months. He has a BMI of 17. He has an itchy rash on his elbows. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Coeliac disease - growth failure and GI symptoms
The rash is dermatitis herpetiformis and is associated with coeliac
A 62 year old woman presents to GP with headaches, tingling in her fingers and toes and general malaise. Full blood count: Hb 103, MCV 105. What is the likely diagnosis?
Pernicious anaemia - macrocytic anaemia
A 45 year old man has a 6 month history of change in bowel habit, bloating and pain relieved by defecation. His weight is stable and there is no rectal bleeding, abdominal mass or relevant family history. Full blood count shows Hb 143. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Irritable bowel syndrome - commonly presents in this age group. No red flags for other more serious conditions
A 58 year old man presents to his GP for review of the following blood results: fasting plasma glucose 5.9 and 6.1
Oral glucose tolerance test: 10.6
HbA1c 38
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Impaired glucose tolerance
Fasting less than 7
Glucose tolerance 7.8-11.1
A 70 year old man presents to ED with 24 hour history of severe generalised headache, fever and neck stiffness. LP shows protein 2.2, CSF glucose 0.8, gram staining negative diplococci, blood glucose 4. What is the likely causative organism?
Neisseria meningitidis
A 55 year old woman is admitted to hospital with SOB, chest pain and haemoptysis. CTPA shows a blockage in the right pulmonary artery. The scan has included the upper part of the abdomen where there is evidence of ascites. What is the most important underlying diagnosis that needs to be considered?
A 62 year old man after returning from Pakistan 3 months ago has night sweats with fever and a productive cough with occasional blood streaked sputum. He has lost 4kg weight despite having a normal appetite. Chest X-ray shows bilateral upper zone shadowing. Which diagnostic approach is most appropriate?
Obtain 3 sputum samples for acid fast bacilli smear microscopy and culture
If this fails then bronchoalveolar lavage can be performed
An 86 year old woman has a painful red eye and blurry vision for four days and a 3 day history of vomiting. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute glaucoma
A 65 year old man with a 40 pack year history of smoking is referred with a productive cough and thick green sputum which is unresponsive to treatment for a chest infection. He has a temperature of 38.4. What is the likely diagnosis?
A 50 year old man has acute onset central crushing chest pain. His ECG shows ST elevation in leads II, III and avF. Which coronary artery is affected?
Inferior aspect of heart - right coronary artery in 70% patients
Which investigation is routinely performed at the first antenatal visit for pregnant women in the uk?
Midstream urine culture
A 25 year old man presents to his GP with earache and some hearing loss in both ears. He has a painful pressure feeling in the ear for 24 hours. He has no discharge from the ear and no fever. He is unable to pop his ears. What is the most likely appearance through the otoscope?
A mildly retracted eardrum with fluid behind the drum - Eustachian tube dysfunction
A 70 year old man attends GP with a 3 week history of difficulty hearing in the left ear. It has not been associated with any pain, vertigo or discharge but he does describe some mild tinnitus. On the Weber test he reports the sound is louder in the left ear while the Rinne test is negative on the left and positive on the right. What is the most likely cause of his hearing loss?
Impacted ear wax - condition more common with age
Conductive hearing loss
A 30 year old man attends A and E with a one day history of sharp central chest pain radiating to the back. He reports the pain as 8/10 and is worse when he takes a deep breath in and when lying down. It is eased by leaning forwards. On auscultation there is a scratchy sound in time with the heart at the left sternal border but heart and breath sounds are otherwise normal. An ECG is performed which shows diffuse st segment elevation. Troponin t is mildly elevated. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Pericarditis - pericardial rub present
A 35 year old man with a past history of well controlled UC presents with general fatigue. On examination he has yellowing of his sclera, skin excoriations and tenderness in the right upper quadrant. Liver function tests show bilirubin 74, ALP 378, ALT 75, albumin 28. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Primary sclerosing colangitis
LFTs show Cholestasis: ALP greater than ALT
An 86 year old woman with a history of ischaemic heart disease and Hypercholesterolaemia presents with central visual loss. She is diagnosed with macular degeneration related to old age. What is the most likely finding on fundoscopy?
Drusen: tiny yellow or white accumulations of extracellular material that build up between Bruchs membrane and the retinal pigment epithelium of the retina. Seen in dry MD
Choroidal neovascularisation seem in wet MD
In what disease process would you see cotton wool spots on fundoscopy?
Hypertension or diabetes: caused by damage to nerve fibres, accumulation of axoplasmic material
What are flame haemorrhages and when would you see them?
Lie within superficial nerve fibre layer, reflect ischaemic leakage from arterioles from veins under pressure
Feature of hypertensive retinopathy
What features would you expect to see in the pre-proliferative stage of diabetic retinopathy?
Microaneurysms Retinal haemorrhages Hard exudates Macular oedema Macular ischaemia
A 3 month old baby is brought to GP by his parents with a temperature of 38. What are the red lights on the traffic light scoring system?
Colour of skin: pale/mottled/ashen/blue
Activity: no response to social cues/appears ill to HCP/does not wake or if roused does not stay awake/weak high pitched or continuous cry
Respiratory: grunting/Tachypnoea over 60/moderate or severe chest indrawing
Circulation and hydration: reduced skin turgor
Other: age less than 3 months and temp over 38/ non blanching rash/ bulging fontanelle/ neck stiffness/ status epilepticus/ focal neurological signs/ focal seizures
A 35 year old woman presents with weight loss. She has an increase in appetite and some increased bowel frequency. Physical examination is normal. Which is the most appropriate investigation to arrange first?
Serum TSH
A previously healthy 70 year old man presents with a sudden onset of weakness in the right arm and leg. Reflexes are equivocal but the right plantar is up going. Which investigation is most important in deciding the next management step?
CT head
A 55 year old man with diabetes phones the duty GP with a new symptom of chest pain. On questioning it is central, radiates to the back and is making him feel sick. Is has been present for 45 mins and is worsening. What is the most appropriate advice to give?
Call 999 - this is likely an acute MI or an aortic dissection
A 4 year old boy has a four day history of swelling of his ankles, mild abdominal pain and lethargy. On examination the swelling is confirmed, his pulse is 90 and his BP is 138/92. A urine dipstick shows protein +++. What is a likely blood test finding? What causes this change?
High cholesterol
Nephrotic syndrome, probably minimal change nephropathy
Increase in LDL and VLDL due to increase lipoprotein synthesis
A 23 year old woman complains of persistent sneezing and runny nose which comes each year in May and June. What is the most likely mechanism for her symptoms?
Mast cell degranulation process
Type 1 IgE mediated response to seasonal pollen antigen
A 24 year old man presents to the GP with a two month history of difficulty seeing at night. He has no problem in the day. His mother has similar problems. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Retinitis pigmentosa
A 54 year old man presents to the GP with a 3 week history of an infected cut on his hand which is failing to heal. He works on a building site and is self employed. He says he keeps it bandaged during the day but the cut remains swollen and red. What routine blood test is most likely to give the reason for his problem?
Blood glucose level - pre diabetic or diabetic
A 23 year old woman presents to the GP complaining of an inability to conceive over the previous year. On examination she has acne, facial hair and her BMI is 24. Further questioning on which subject is most likely to support a diagnosis?
Menstrual history - irregular periods or amenhorrea which is in keeping with a a diagnosis of Polycystic ovarian syndrome
A 63 year old woman presents to the GP with a 3 week history of rectal bleeding. She complains that it is associated with intermittent constipation and diarrhoea. The blood has been mixed with the stools but also on the toilet paper. Examination reveals a right lower abdominal mass. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Colorectal malignancy
Which rating scale can be used to assess the severity of depression in GP?
PHQ9 - patient health questionnaire 9
A GP discusses cv risk with a newly diagnosed hypertensive patient. Which factors would increase the patients risk?
Smoking High LDL Diabetes Lack of exercise High BMI FH of heart disease Ethnicity
A 35 year old man with well controlled asthma presents to ENT clinic with 2 year history of progressively worsening bilateral nasal obstruction. He also has excessive mucoid nasal discharge and post nasal drip. He denies any bleeding from the nose. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Nasal polyposis - related to asthma, bilateral, increases in severity over years, common in middle aged patients, no red flag symptoms - epistaxis, pain, paresthesia
How would a deviated nasal septum present?
In young adults once the growth of the nose and septum is complete
Would not progressively increase and one side would be more obstructed than the other - breathing difficulty
Recurrent sinus infections, nosebleeds, facial pain, headache, post nasal drip, loud breathing/snoring would all be potential symptoms
What is choanal atresia?
Congenital disorder where back of nasal passage, choana is blocked usually by bony or soft tissue due to failed recanalisation of the nasal fossae during foetal development
Baby with difficulty breathing unless crying - acute breathing problems, cyanosis, feeding difficulty. May need resuscitation at delivery
What is churg-Strauss syndrome?
Eosinophilic vasculitis causing asthma and rhinitis
Paranasal sinusitis, pulmonary infiltrates, Mononeuritis multiplex or polyneuropathy
What is Wegeners granulomatosis?
Multi system autoimmune disease
Necrotising granulomatous inflammation and vasculitis in small and medium blood vessels
Presentation: recurrent respiratory infection, constitutional symptoms, ophthalmic problems, ENT problems, myalgia, renal disease, Mononeuritis multiplex, palpable purpura or skin ulcers
What is post nasal drip?
Excess mucus production, feeling of constantly having to clear throat, cough worse at night, sore throat, ear infections from blocked Eustachian tube
What causes post nasal drip?
Colds, flu, allergies, sinus infection, object stuck in nose, pregnancy, medications (OCP, BP meds), deviated septum, weather, certain foods, fumes/environmental irritants
A 23 year old primigravida undergoes a routine 38 week antenatal check. In addition to blood pressure, what two pieces of information are important to ascertain at this stage of the pregnancy?
Presence of proteinuria and fundal height
A 23 year old man presents to the emergency department having been involved in a RTA. On examination he has a fracture of the shaft of the right femur. He is also assessed to be in class 1 Hypovolaemic shock. What are the features of class 1 shock?
Raised diastolic BP - minimal clinical signs due to physiological compensation - peripheral vasoconstriction and increased peripheral vascular resistance
A 61 year old man presents to his GP with a four week history of a sore throat which has not responded to a course of penicillin and difflam gargles. He is hypertensive and has a BMI of 34. He has a 49 pack year history. He is on ramipril for his hypertension. On examination he and an enlarged left tonsil with central ulceration and a moderately enlarged left anterior cervical lymph node. Which is the next most appropriate step in management?
A 2 week wait referral to ENT - this is likely to be a carcinoma of the tonsil with lymph node involvement. He will need a block dissection
A 17 year old girl presents to the GP with a six month history of amenorrhoea. She had nexplanon inserted into her left arm two years ago. She says that she is fit and healthy as she does cross country running for her school. Her BMI is 17. What is the likely cause for her amenorrhoea?
Significantly low BMI
A 42 year old woman attends A and E with blood dripping from her nostril for the past 10 minutes. She is assessed by the triage nurse and is found to be otherwise well with normal pulse and BP. What is the appropriate course of action for the nurse at this stage?
Suggest the patient sits forward and pinches the nostrils shut
A 52 year old has weight loss of 3.5kg over the last 6 months unrelated to diet and exercise. She continues to work but is becoming increasingly tired. FBC shows: Hb 75, haematocrit 0.26, MCH 24.8, MCV 55, serum ferritin 8. What type of anaemia is present?
Iron deficiency anaemia
A 52 year old has weight loss of 3.5kg over the last 6 months unrelated to diet and exercise. She continues to work but is becoming increasingly tired. FBC shows: Hb 75, haematocrit 0.26, MCH 24.8, MCV 55, serum ferritin 8. What would their blood film show?
Microcytic hypochromic red cells
A 52 year old has weight loss of 3.5kg over the last 6 months unrelated to diet and exercise. She continues to work but is becoming increasingly tired. FBC shows: Hb 75, haematocrit 0.26, MCH 24.8, MCV 55, serum ferritin 8. List 3 further questions that this patient should be asked regarding her presenting complaint
Hx of aspirin/steroids/NSAIDs Menstrual period history Change in bowel habit Abdominal pain/bloating/coeliac Hx of inflammatory bowel disease FH of cancer in first degree relatives Past Hx of colonic polyps Swallowing difficulty Dyspepsia/acid reflux Hx of bleeding
List 3 clinical examination findings that may be present in iron deficiency anaemia
Pallor of the conjunctiva Palpable mass in the abdomen/on PR examination Tachycardia Koilonychia Angular stomatitis Ankle oedema Systolic murmur
A 52 year old has weight loss of 3.5kg over the last 6 months unrelated to diet and exercise. She continues to work but is becoming increasingly tired. FBC shows: Hb 75, haematocrit 0.26, MCH 24.8, MCV 55, serum ferritin 8. Excluding further blood tests, list 2 first line investigations to identify the underlying cause?
Flexible sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy
Chest X-ray /CT chest abdo pelvis for metastasis
Upper GI endoscopy
A 62 year old man has chest pain which started two hours previously and woke him from sleep. It is central, radiating to his shoulders and he feels sick and dizzy. On examination he is pale, sweaty, apyrexial, his pulse is 115 and his blood pressure is 110/55 in both arms. What is the likely diagnosis?
Myocardial infarction/ACS/ angina
A 62 year old man has chest pain which started two hours previously and woke him from sleep. It is central, radiating to his shoulders and he feels sick and dizzy. On examination he is pale, sweaty, apyrexial, his pulse is 115 and his blood pressure is 110/55 in both arms. Other than gender and age, list 5 risk factors that should be asked about
Smoking Hx Diabetes Hypertension Past Hx of cv events Exercise levels FH of heart disease Ethnicity Rheumatoid arthritis Post code/SES Obesity/BMI
A 62 year old man has chest pain which started two hours previously and woke him from sleep. It is central, radiating to his shoulders and he feels sick and dizzy. On examination he is pale, sweaty, apyrexial, his pulse is 115 and his blood pressure is 110/55 in both arms. Excluding ECG what other immediate investigation would be most useful?
Troponin T or I
List 3 ECG changes that would be expected in a patient with an ACS
ST elevation ST depression T wave inversion Left bundle branch block Q waves
A previously well 25 year old man visits his GP with a ten week Hx of generalised abdominal pain, associated with significant weight loss and diarrhoea. He also has generalised fatigue. Give 3 further questions which should be asked to aid a diagnosis?
Vomiting Bowel habits PR bleeding Family Hx Dietary Hx Travel Hx Medication Sexual/STI Hx Night sweats/fever Polyuria/polydypsia
A previously well 25 year old man visits his GP with a ten week Hx of generalised abdominal pain, associated with significant weight loss and diarrhoea. He also has generalised fatigue. Examination reveals multiple mouth ulcers and red nodules over his shins. His abdomen is soft and non tender. What is the likely diagnosis?
Crohns disease
A previously well 25 year old man visits his GP with a ten week Hx of generalised abdominal pain, associated with significant weight loss and diarrhoea. He also has generalised fatigue. On examination he has multiple mouth ulcers and red nodules over his shins. What name is given to the nodules of the legs?
Erythema nodosum
A previously well 25 year old man visits his GP with a ten week Hx of generalised abdominal pain, associated with significant weight loss and diarrhoea. He also has generalised fatigue. He has multiple mouth ulcers and red nodules on his shins. List 3 investigations which should be considered in primary care
FBC U and Es ESR CRP LFTs Coeliac screen
A previously well 25 year old man visits his GP with a ten week Hx of generalised abdominal pain, associated with significant weight loss and diarrhoea. He also has generalised fatigue. He has multiple mouth ulcers and red nodules over his shins. List 2 investigations which should be considered in secondary care
CT/MR of the abdomen
Biopsy of the bowel lesion
A 56 year old non smoking, obese, known hypertensive woman has a 3 month Hx of increasing thirst and nocturia. She has a Hx of recurrent candidiasis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Type 2 diabetes Mellitus
A 56 year old non smoking, obese, known hypertensive woman has a 3 month Hx of increasing thirst and nocturia. She has a Hx of recurrent candidiasis. List 4 different investigations that are appropriate in this patient
Urine dip Blood glucose: fasting or random HbA1c Fasting lipids U and Es
A 56 year old non smoking, obese, known hypertensive woman has a 3 month Hx of increasing thirst and nocturia. She has a Hx of recurrent candidiasis. What is initial non pharmacological management in this patient?
Diet modification
List 4 long term potential complications that might develop in a patient with type 2 diabetes Mellitus
Neuropathy Nephropathy Retinopathy Cerebrovascular disease Ischaemic heart disease Peripheral vascular disease DVT Osteoarthritis Recurrent infections
A 67 year old man is admitted to A and E with one week of cough and SOB. He is alert and well oriented. Temperature is 38.7, pulse rate 90, blood pressure 102/60, resp rate 30, sats 92%. He has right sided chest pain on deep inspiration. He chest is expanding equally but over the right lower lobe the tactile fremitus is increased, percussion is dull and bronchial breathing is present on auscultation. What is the likely diagnosis?
Right lower lobe pneumonia
A 67 year old man is admitted to A and E with one week of cough and SOB. He is alert and well oriented. Temperature is 38.7, pulse rate 90, blood pressure 102/60, resp rate 30, sats 92%. He has right sided chest pain on deep inspiration. He chest is expanding equally but over the right lower lobe the tactile fremitus is increased, percussion is dull and bronchial breathing is present on auscultation. What is the expected finding on the chest X-ray?
Right lower lobe consolidation
List the 4 history and examination features that are used to assess the severity of pneumonia
Respiratory rate
Blood pressure
Which blood test is used to assess the severity of pneumonia?
A 67 year old man is admitted to A and E with one week of cough and SOB. He is alert and well oriented. Temperature is 38.7, pulse rate 90, blood pressure 102/60, resp rate 30, sats 92%. He has right sided chest pain on deep inspiration. He chest is expanding equally but over the right lower lobe the tactile fremitus is increased, percussion is dull and bronchial breathing is present on auscultation. Excluding death, list 3 complications which could develop in this patient
Pleural effusion Empyema Lung abscess Pneumothorax Sepsis Respiratory failure
An 8 week old infant is brought to go for a routine baby check. He was born by normal delivery at term following an uneventful pregnancy. The GP checks that the results of the heel prick test have been received. State 3 conditions which are tested for and for each state their genetic heritability
Maple syrup urine disease: AR
Glutaric aciduria type 1: AR
Homocystinuria: AR
Isovaleric acidaemia: AR
Long chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency: AR
Phenylketonuria: AR
Congenital hypothyroidism: can be AD, AR or spontaneous
Sickle cell disease: AR
Cystic fibrosis: AR
Medium chain Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency: AR
A GP commences a baby check with a physical examination of the eyes. What specific sign are they looking for?
Red reflex
State 2 conditions which can cause the red reflex to be absent in a baby
Congenital cataract
In a baby check, the GP checks the baby’s hips for developmental hip dysplasia. State one observation and one clinical examination test which can be used to check for this condition
Symmetry of hips and legs/symmetry of skin folds
Ortolani/Barlow test
What are ortolani and Barlow tests?
Barlow: adducting hip while applying pressure on knee posteriorly, hip dysplasia - hip will dislocate
Ortolani: relocates dislocation. Flex hips and knees to 90 degrees, anterior pressure on greater trochanter and abducting leg. Positive sign - clunk as femoral head relocates anteriorly
List 2 factors which increase the risk of developmental dysplasia of the hip
Breech presentation Family Hx Female gender 1st born infant Oligohydramnios Developmental abnormalities: spina bifida/Down's Postnatal posture: swaddling
An 8 year old is brought in by her mother to the GP with a midline swelling in the neck. Which is it most likely to be: dental abscess, thyroglossal cyst, branchial cyst, cystic hygroma, lymphadenopathy from a viral infection?
Thyroglossal cyst
Where would you find a cystic hygroma?
Posterior triangle of the neck, congenital abnormality of lymphoid tissue
What is the specific indicator for the diagnosis of peripheral artery disease?
Abnormal ankle brachial pressure index
69 year old man has a 23 year history of HTN and kidney stones. He takes anti hypertensives and anti platelet drugs. Examination is normal. Investigation: Hb 120, creatinine 168. EGFR 37, urinalysis 2+ protein. What is the appropriate investigation in this patient?
Renal USS
Why should an abdo CT with contrast not be done on a patient with a GFR less than 60?
Contrast induced nephropathy risk
74 year old has a history of feeling faint and passing black and sticky motions. She has RA and has been taking an NSAID for pain relief. What is the most likely cause of her blood loss?
Gastric ulcer
An 18 year old man developed left sided anterior chest pain, breathlessness and a cough the previous evening. Pain is aggravated by breathing in. He is apyrexial. Breath sounds reduced over upper half of left side of chest. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Spontaneous pneumothorax
75 year old man admitted to hospital for knee surgery. Two days later his behaviour is bizarre. He is agitated and shouts at the sink by his bed. When questioned his is frightened and says he can hear someone whispering in the sink. What is the most likely diagnosis?
73 year old man presents with confusion and dribbling urinary incontinence. He is disoriented and has a large suprapubic mass. Urine dip positive for blood. What is the likely cause of confusion?
Acute retention of urine
75 year old chronically ill man with long history of alcoholism suddenly develops shortness of breath. Lung scan shows large perfusion defect in right lower lobe with normal ventilation. Which is the most likely factor to have initiated this event?
Venostasis from inactivity
75 year old man presents with some confusion and prominent hiccups. He looks pale and sallow. In the abdomen there are masses palpable bilaterally which do not cross the midline. Hb 101, urea 36, creatinine 350. What is the most appropriate next investigation?
Likely enlarged kidneys from hydronephrosis
Which type of lung cancer is most commonly associated with paraneoplastic hypercalcaemia?
Squamous cell carcinoma
PTH or calcitriol ectopic release
A 33 year old woman asks to change from COCP to POP. She asks how to change pills to ensure ongoing contraception effectiveness. What advice should be given?
Start on the day following completion of the COCP 21 day course without a break
How long does the POP take to become effective?
2 days
A 35 year old woman presents to gp with fatigue. Blood is taken and results reviewed. Which result might be most suggestive of an alcohol problem?
Raised MCV
Raised gamma GT
60 year old man with a hx of type 1 diabetes is found unconscious by his daughter at 6am. He has been generally unwell for 3 days with nausea and vomiting. Urine dip shows ketones +++
What is the likely diagnosis?
Diabetic ketoacidosis
68 year old lead singer in a rock band presents to gp with hoarseness of his voice. He has a 50 pack year hx of smoking and longstanding excess alcohol use. Examination shows a hard mode in the lower deep cervical chain. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Squamous carcinoma of the larynx
76 year old man with severe memory loss is referred to dermatology with a pigmented lesion on his back. He attends with a carer from his residential home. Dermatologist suspects melanoma and recommends a wide local excision of the lesion. She assesses that the man lacks capacity to consent to treatments. What is the appropriate next step?
Arrange a best interests meeting
A 48 year old woman has a hx of 2 episodes severe abdomen pain which have lasted half an hour. Deeply jaundiced but has no signs of chronic liver disease. Which investigation joe be most helpful to find out the cause of her jaundice?
Abdominal USS
Likely biliary colic
Prior to what age is the menopause defined as premature?
40 years old
Why do women with premature menopause require HRT until they are 51/52?
Protect against risks of osteoporosis
85 year old man has acute confusion. He lives alone and is unable to give any hx. HR 85, irregularly irregular, BP 135/75, resp rate 16, sats 96%. He is on simvastatin, aspirin, ramipril, furosemide, warfarin. He has multiple bruises on his arms and legs. What is the appropriate diagnostic investigation for his confusion.
CT head - patient on warfarin is likely to have a subdural haematoma
25 year old woman presents to GP with dysuria and frequency of micturition. GP suggests UTI. What is the most likely causative organism?
E. coli
To which class of drugs do most anti dementia drugs belong?
Acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors
50 year old man has a firm lump in his right groin. He had a skin lesion removed from his right calf 2 years ago. Fine needle aspirate of the lump shows “abundant highly atypical cells with pleomorphic nuclei, cherry red nuclei and brown pigment within the cells. Mitoses are frequent and some are abnormal in morphology”. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Metastatic malignant melanoma
20 year old consumes 4 330ml bottles of lager (5%) on a night out. How many units is this?
20 year old man noticed a swelling in his right testis for the past 6 weeks. It is not painful. GP suspects a primary testicular tumour and refers urgently to urology 2 week wait clinic. What is the most common primary testicular neoplasm in this age group?
65 year old man presents with weak urinary stream, prolonged emptying of bladder, hesitancy, post urination dribbling, frequent urination, nocturia. What class of drugs is most likely to be of use?
Alpha antagonists
51 year old woman presents with irregular periods, flushing and rapid mood changes. GP discusses combined hormone replacement therapy. Which is the most frequent unwanted effect to consider with her?
Venous thromboembolism
The first stage of labour begins with the onset of contractions and ends when?
Complete cervical dilation
A 40 year old man presents to ED with 4cm painful red hot swelling on the back of his neck. It has developed in the last 4 days. He is otherwise well. An abscess is diagnosed and an incision and drainage is performed. Abundant sticky yellow fluid is drained. What type of inflammatory cell is likely to be present in large numbers?
Why is folic acid supplementation of 400 micrograms routinely recommended to all women pre conception and up to 12 weeks of pregnancy?
Reduces risk of neural tube defects in the foetus in the first trimester
Which is correct concerning cervical screening in primary care in England: samples are smeared onto a slide before transport to lab, samples are taken with a charcoal swab, samples are tested for HPV, testing is offered every 3 years for women of screening age, women age 20-70 are invited?
Samples are tested for HPV
Invited every 3 years from 25-49 and every 5 years from 50-65
68 year old man with hx of T2DM presents to GP with 2 month hx chest pain, weight loss and non productive cough. He has enlarged supraclavicular lymph nodes on the left. His serum sodium is 120. What is the most likely cause for the low sodium?
Carcinoma of the lung
A 54 year old woman diagnosed with epilepsy secondary to MS. She lives alone in a village, not well served by public transport and lost her driving licence due to fits. She works 15 miles away from home. What is the most appropriate action to take?
Refer her to disability MDT
A 28 year old woman presents to community midwife after a missed period and a positive pregnancy test. On examination her height is 158cm and her weight is 90kg. How would these measurements be characterised?
BMI 36
Class 2 obesity according to NICE guidance
33 year old woman presents to GP with 4 day hx white vaginal discharge and vulval itching. She has recently finished a course of abx for chest infection. On examination the vulva is red and swollen. There is a thick white discharge which does not smell offensive. What is the most likely cause?
43 year old man has breathlessness which worsens on exercise and lying down. On auscultation of the chest a mid systolic click at the apex is heard. What is the most likely cause of this abnormal heart sound?
Mitral valve prolapse
73 year old man has a yellow tinge to his eyes and unintentional weight loss or 8kg in 3 months. He has no abdo pain or change in bowel habit. His bilirubin 280 and USS abdomen shows a dilated common bile duct. What is the likely diagnosis?
Carcinoma of the pancreas
65 year old woman has pain around her right knee and calf for past 6 months. Cramp which comes on when she walks for 100 yards. Pain is relieved with rest. She used to smoke 30 cigarettes a day but has now given up. The pain does not wake her from sleep. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?
Vascular claudication
29 year old man who is a recent immigrant to the uk from India presents with weight loss, fever and neck lymphadenopathy. A trucut needle biopsy of the lymphadenopathy shows multiple granulomas with caseous necrosis. A Ziehl neelsen stain for acid alcohol fast bacilli is negative. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 35 year old woman undergoes surgery for parathyroid adenoma. In the post op period which ion is likely to low in the extracellular compartment?
63 year old man presents to ED with sudden onset very severe central chest pain radiating to his back. His past medical hx includes HTN. Extremities are cold to touch. RR is 20, sats 94% on air, HR 100, BP 95/30, chest auscultation reveals fine crackles over lung bases and a diastolic mumur loudest in 3rd left parasternal intercostal space and radiating along left eternal border. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Aortic dissection
Aortic regurgitation murmur, wide pulse pressure
What characterises the latent phase of labour?
Cervical effacement
Early dilation up to 3cm
Name screening tools for dementia which can be used in primary care
List the diagnostic features of delirium
Confusion develops over a short period and fluctuates
Disturbance of consciousness
Change in cognition
Evidence from hx, examination or lab findings that disturbance is caused by direct physiologic consequences of a medical condition
List conditions apart from delirium which can mimic dementia in the elderly
Depression Hypothyroidism B12 deficiency Alcohol Medication Hydrocephalus Subdural haematoma Brain tumour
List common causes of delirium in the elderly
Medication Infection Constipation Urinary retention Pain Alcohol Hypoxia Subdural haematoma Subtle organ failure Dehydration
What advice should the GP give about driving to a patient with delirium?
Stop driving until they have been fully assessed
28 year old man presents to GUM clinic with 2 day hx of urethral discharge and dysuria. He had unprotected sex with a regular female partner 3 days prior and also with a different casual partner 7 days prior. On genital examination he has meatitis and a profuse purulent looking urethral discharge. A urethral slide shows gram negative diplococci with polymorphonuclear leukocytes. What is the diagnosis?
List systemic manifestations of gonorrhoea
Skin rash: erythema nodosum
Eye: keratoconjunctivitis
Joint: reactive arthritis
Name other diagnoses which should be screened for in a patient with gonorrhoea
Non specific urethritis
Name other organisms which should be tested for in a patient with suspected gonorrhoea
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoea
Treponema pallidum
HIV virus
What class of antibiotics should be used in a patient with gonorrhoea?
Name public health processes that should be followed after making a diagnosis of gonorrhoea to reduce spread
Contact tracing
Abstinence or condoms
Test of cure
List complications of a paracetamol overdose
Abnormal bleeding/clotting Acute liver failure Hepatic encephalopathy Renal failure Hypoglycaemia Vomiting and dehydration Metabolic acidosis Death
Give investigations which should be done in a patient who has taken a paracetamol overdose
INR/coagulation screen/PT Paracetamol levels Liver function tests Blood glucose Arterial blood gases U and Es
Name the drug used in the management of paracetamol overdose
N-acetylcysteine IV
When should n acetylcysteine be administered after paracetamol overdose to be most effective?
Within 8 hours of ingestion
List health care staff who may be involved in the care of a patient who has taken a paracetamol overdose
Outreach/acute intensive care staff Liver transplant services/acute liver unit Mental health services Gastroenterologist/hepatologist GP
A 78 year old man presents to GP compliant of passing bright red blood in his urine. What is the specific name for this symptom?
Visible/macroscopic haematuria
List most likely pathological processes that can present with visible haematuria
Urinary tract cancer
Renal stone disease
Urinary tract infection
What action should a GP take when seeing a 78 year old patient presenting with visible haematuria?
Refer to haematuria clinic (urology) to exclude urinary tract malignancy on 2 week wait with cystoscopy/further investigation
List investigations which should be doe to exclude significant pathology in a patient with visible haematuria
Flexible cystoscopy (possibly biopsy)
Urine cytology
Imaging of kidney (USS or CT)
What is the single most important risk factor for transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary tract?
A 25 year old woman attends her GP with a 2 week hx of a painless lump in the right lower anterior cervical region. Apart from this group, list other node groups which should be palpated by the GP
Posterior cervical Cervical Axillary Inguinal Epitrochlear Submandibular Sub mental Pre and post auricular Supraclavicular
Name symptoms which are relevant in staging of lymphoma (B symptoms)
Fever Night sweats Weight loss Persistent lethargy Nausea and vomiting/loss of appetite
Give clinical features which would be relevant to a diagnosis of lymphoma
Multiple palpable lymph nodes Hepatomegaly Splenomegaly Anaemia Systemic features: anorexia, fever
List early complications of chemotherapy
Nausea and vomiting Mucositis Alopecia Infections/neutropenia Thrombocytopenia Diarrhoea/GI upset Anaemia
Name long term complications of chemotherapy
Second malignancy Pulmonary fibrosis Cardiotoxicity Infertility Peripheral neuropathy Early menopause Failure of treatment/disease progression
Name features of a breast lump which on examination may be indicative of malignancy
Firmness or hard/irregular Immobile/skin dimpling/tethering Lymphadenopathy Nipple change/bleeding from nipple/inversion Liver mass/hepatomegaly Ulceration of breast Peau d'orange
Name the components of the triple assessment of the breast
Clinical examination
Name components that constitute a breast conserving surgical approach
Lumpectomy and axillary node dissection or sentinel node biopsy
Name the adjuvant treatment that is routinely offered alongside a wide local excision of the breast
A breast lump is found to be T2 N0 oestrogen receptor positive, HER2 negative. What class of drug is indicated?
ER antagonist, aromatase inhibitor
What does N0 mean in terms of breast cancer staging?
Node negative, no lymph node involvement
A young woman reports that since stumbling over some paving stones and hurting her knee six months ago she is struggling to leave the house. She is largely anxiety free at home although can get anticipatory anxiety. She has severe anxiety when she leaves the house. Supermarkets are particularly difficult. Her anxiety is less if she travels with someone else. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 50 year old woman has a subcutaneous module removed from the shoulder area. The microscopic pathology description reads as follows: the lesion is composed of mature fat with a well defined capsule. No lipoblasts are seen. There is no evidence of malignancy. What pathological process has given rise to this appearance?
A 72 year old man visits his GP complaining of upper abdo discomfort after eating. It started 8 weeks ago and has not improved with antacids. As a result his appetite has reduced and he has lost 2kg in weight. He has never had indigestion before. What is the most appropriate management?
Refer on 2 week wait to upper GI team
A 34 year old man presents to GP with 24 hr hx of dizziness and vomiting, worse when moving his head. He is experiencing rotational vertigo. He has no deafness or tinnitus. On examination nystagmus is elicited. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 24 year old man complains of intense itching between fingers especially at night. On examination, burrows are visible. What is the likely diagnosis?
A 54 year old woman has a 1 week hx of irregular heart rhythm. She has not experienced chest discomfort, light headedness, syncope, orthopnoea, PND or oedema. On examination she has a pan systolic mumur radiating to axilla. What is the likely diagnosis?
Mitral regurgitation
A 55 year old woman has post menopausal bleeding. Investigations reveal a thickened endometrium. A pipelle biopsy shows a well differentiated endometroid adenocarcinoma. What is the most important risk factor for this type of malignancy?
Excess oestrogen
What molecule does HIV use as the primary receptor for entry into T cells?
Which joint is most commonly affected by OA?
A 75 year old woman has a 3 week hx of increasing abdo distension. She has lost 10kg in weight unintentionally over 12 weeks. On examination the abdomen is distended and there is a fluid thrill. She is apyrexial. USS confirms ascites and a mass emerging from the pelvis. Serum Ca125 is greatly raised. A sample of ascitic fluid shows abundant adenocarcinoma cells, some in papillary clusters. To which team should an urgent request for review be addressed?
A 65 year old man presents with increasing lower back pain not relieved by analgesia. Examination is unremarkable apart from tenderness overlying L2-4. ESR raised, WCC normal, platelets normal, blood film normal, calcium raised, serum bone electrophoresis shows monoclonal IgG. A bone marrow aspirate sample is taken, which abnormal cells are likely to be present?
Plasma cells
A 67 year old woman has a 2 year hx of shin lesions on right medial distal leg. The margins are uneven, there is dry skin around it and there are brown deposits in the skin. What is the most likely cause?
Venous ulcer
A man reports that he believes someone has inserted a bug inside his brain which is transmitting waves. On questioning this belief is unshakeable. How is this psychopathology best described?
Paranoid delusion
A 31 year old asthmatic woman is admitted to the ED with SOB, palpitations and dizziness of 30 mins duration. Her only medication is inhaled short acting beta acting as needed. The ECG shows a rapid irregular wide complex tachycardia with slight variations in QRS morphology, no p waves are present and a delta wave is seen in leads V2 to V5. What is the likely diagnosis?
Atrial fibrillation
An 18 year old woman has a 5 year hx of severe menorrhagia. Her mother and 16 year old sister also have menorrhagia. Coagulation studies show: normal prothrombin time, prolonged APTT. What is the likely diagnosis?
Von Willebrands disease
A 52 year old man has an 8 week hx of pain and 2 hours morning stiffness of hands that improves with activity. He has no pertinent personal or family hx and takes no meds. On examination synovitis is noted at metacarpophalangeal joints of second through to fifth digits bilaterally with swelling, tenderness and pain on range of motion. What is the most appropriate diagnostic investigation?
Anti cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies
A 14 year old is admitted to ED with chest tightness and sudden onset wheezing after being at a party. He is sat up on the trolley and unable to speak in full sentences. His respiration rate is 40 and he has wide spread wheeze. Arterial blood gas on air. What would you expect this to show?
Low PaCO2
What is the viral cause of verrucas and warts?
Human papilloma virus
A 48 year old man is evaluated for pain on his right lateral thigh. He describes it as a burning sensation present for 3 weeks. He has never had this pain before and has no associated leg weakness or back pain. His BMI is 34 and dysesthesia is present in anterolateral thigh. There is no tenderness to palpation of lateral femoral epicondyle. Knee and hip exam normal. Straight leg raising test negative bilaterally and strength is 5/5. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Meralgia paresthetica
A young woman reports that since stumbling over some paving stones and hurting her knee six months ago she is struggling to leave the house. She is largely anxiety free at home although can get anticipatory anxiety. She has severe anxiety when she leaves the house. Supermarkets are particularly difficult. Her anxiety is less if she travels with someone else. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 50 year old woman has a subcutaneous module removed from the shoulder area. The microscopic pathology description reads as follows: the lesion is composed of mature fat with a well defined capsule. No lipoblasts are seen. There is no evidence of malignancy. What pathological process has given rise to this appearance?
A 72 year old man visits his GP complaining of upper abdo discomfort after eating. It started 8 weeks ago and has not improved with antacids. As a result his appetite has reduced and he has lost 2kg in weight. He has never had indigestion before. What is the most appropriate management?
Refer on 2 week wait to upper GI team
A 34 year old man presents to GP with 24 hr hx of dizziness and vomiting, worse when moving his head. He is experiencing rotational vertigo. He has no deafness or tinnitus. On examination nystagmus is elicited. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 24 year old man complains of intense itching between fingers especially at night. On examination, burrows are visible. What is the likely diagnosis?
A 54 year old woman has a 1 week hx of irregular heart rhythm. She has not experienced chest discomfort, light headedness, syncope, orthopnoea, PND or oedema. On examination she has a pan systolic mumur radiating to axilla. What is the likely diagnosis?
Mitral regurgitation
A 55 year old woman has post menopausal bleeding. Investigations reveal a thickened endometrium. A pipelle biopsy shows a well differentiated endometroid adenocarcinoma. What is the most important risk factor for this type of malignancy?
Excess oestrogen
What molecule does HIV use as the primary receptor for entry into T cells?
Which joint is most commonly affected by OA?
A 75 year old woman has a 3 week hx of increasing abdo distension. She has lost 10kg in weight unintentionally over 12 weeks. On examination the abdomen is distended and there is a fluid thrill. She is apyrexial. USS confirms ascites and a mass emerging from the pelvis. Serum Ca125 is greatly raised. A sample of ascitic fluid shows abundant adenocarcinoma cells, some in papillary clusters. To which team should an urgent request for review be addressed?
A 65 year old man presents with increasing lower back pain not relieved by analgesia. Examination is unremarkable apart from tenderness overlying L2-4. ESR raised, WCC normal, platelets normal, blood film normal, calcium raised, serum bone electrophoresis shows monoclonal IgG. A bone marrow aspirate sample is taken, which abnormal cells are likely to be present?
Plasma cells
A 67 year old woman has a 2 year hx of shin lesions on right medial distal leg. The margins are uneven, there is dry skin around it and there are brown deposits in the skin. What is the most likely cause?
Venous ulcer
A man reports that he believes someone has inserted a bug inside his brain which is transmitting waves. On questioning this belief is unshakeable. How is this psychopathology best described?
Paranoid delusion
A 31 year old asthmatic woman is admitted to the ED with SOB, palpitations and dizziness of 30 mins duration. Her only medication is inhaled short acting beta acting as needed. The ECG shows a rapid irregular wide complex tachycardia with slight variations in QRS morphology, no p waves are present and a delta wave is seen in leads V2 to V5. What is the likely diagnosis?
Atrial fibrillation
An 18 year old woman has a 5 year hx of severe menorrhagia. Her mother and 16 year old sister also have menorrhagia. Coagulation studies show: normal prothrombin time, prolonged APTT. What is the likely diagnosis?
Von Willebrands disease
A 52 year old man has an 8 week hx of pain and 2 hours morning stiffness of hands that improves with activity. He has no pertinent personal or family hx and takes no meds. On examination synovitis is noted at metacarpophalangeal joints of second through to fifth digits bilaterally with swelling, tenderness and pain on range of motion. What is the most appropriate diagnostic investigation?
Anti cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies
A 14 year old is admitted to ED with chest tightness and sudden onset wheezing after being at a party. He is sat up on the trolley and unable to speak in full sentences. His respiration rate is 40 and he has wide spread wheeze. Arterial blood gas on air. What would you expect this to show?
Low PaCO2
What is the viral cause of verrucas and warts?
Human papilloma virus
A 48 year old man is evaluated for pain on his right lateral thigh. He describes it as a burning sensation present for 3 weeks. He has never had this pain before and has no associated leg weakness or back pain. His BMI is 34 and dysesthesia is present in anterolateral thigh. There is no tenderness to palpation of lateral femoral epicondyle. Knee and hip exam normal. Straight leg raising test negative bilaterally and strength is 5/5. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Meralgia paresthetica
A 25 year old woman has a one day hx of epistaxis and new onset rash on her shins. Last week her menses were abnormally heavy. Her complete blood count from one year ago was normal. On examination vitals are normal. She has bruising over shins and wrists and a petechial rash over shins and abdomen. Dried blood visible in nares. No splenomegaly. Hb normal, leukocyte normal, MCV normal, platelet count low. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
A 35 year old man attends ED with a 3 day hx of SOB, dry cough and wheeze. He has a known hx of bronchial asthma and takes 2 inhalers for this. He is a non smoker. He was not able to complete sentences. Pulse 105, BP 125/76, SpO2 97% on air, resp rate 26, peak flow 50% best, bilateral wheeze. What is the severity of his attack?
Acute severe asthma
What defines moderate asthma as per BTS guidelines?
Increasing symptoms
PEF 50-75% best
No features of severe
What features characterise acute severe asthma?
PEF 33-55% best
Resp rate >25
Heart rate >110
Inability to complete sentences
What are features of near fatal asthma?
Raised PCO2 and or requiring mechanical ventilation with raised inflation pressures
A 32 year old recently arrived from sub Saharan Africa is diagnosed with HIV. He has pain on swallowing and on occasions food is sticking in his throat. His CD4 is 80 cells per mm3. What is the most likely cause of his symptoms?
Candida infection
A 4 year old boy has dry itchy skin worse in the flexures, the GP diagnoses mild eczema. What treatment is appropriate first line?
Emollient cream
A 65 year old woman is on multiple medications for high BP, T2DM, Hypercholesterolaemia and chronic stable angina. She complains of severe intermittent headache. GP suspects it’s a side effect of one of her medications. Which is the most likely cause?
A 4 year old girl has a 3 day Hx of an itchy vesicular rash which her GP diagnoses as chicken pox. When is it appropriate for her to return to school?
Once all of the lesions have crusted over
A 46 year old man has a non traumatic 3 month Hx of a dull aching right groin pain and limp. It was initially severe, improved for a few weeks but has been slowly worsening since then. He drinks 10 units alcohol and is a current smoker with a 30 year pack Hx. He is afebrile and has limited internal and external rotation of the right hip. Internal rotation is limited to a greater degree. Pain is present on leg rolling. Radiographs of the hip are normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Osteonecrosis of the femoral head
Which part of the GI tract is most commonly affected by diverticular disease?
Sigmoid colon
A 35 year old patient with asthma and GORD has been requiring more of their regular meds to the point where they have developed a tachycardia. An ECG shows sinus Tachy. Which of their meds is the likely cause?
Beta agonist
A 70 year old man is seen by dermatologist for generalised itchiness. This is worse when skin comes into contact with water. No dermatological cause is found, haematological cause is suspected. Which condition could it be?
Polycythaemia Vera
A 68 year old woman scheduled for total hip replacement attends pre op clinic. On examination she has an ejection systolic murmur heard at the left second intercostal space. Which investigation is most useful in diagnosing the specific pathology?
A 45 year old man is being treated with systemic chemotherapy for acute leukaemia. He sees his GP because he feels non specifically unwell. Under what circumstances should GP immediately refer to secondary or tertiary care?
No additional circumstance necessary - neutropenic sepsis
A 32 year old woman has a routine cervical smear screening test. The result is reported as CIN1. What is the best description of this?
Mild epithelial dysplasia
A 52 year old woman presents to GP with facial flushing. On examination she has an erythematous rash across both cheeks with telangiectasia and pustules, what is the most likely cause?
Acne Rosacea
A 16 month old girl is not pulling to stand and is unable to stand unsupported, developmental assessment is as follows: gross motor - can roll, sit, low tone, fine motor - immature pincer grasp, unable to produce a tower of 2 bricks, speech and language - unclear vocalisations and consonant babble, social - good eye contact, no evidence of stranger anxiety
Examination reveals brachycephaly, epicanthic folds and macroglossia. Growth is on tenth centile. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Trisomy 21
Which protein is involved in the formation of a stable blood clot? Plasminogen, protein c, protein s, thrombomodulin or tissue factor
Tissue factor
A 63 year old man with a Hx of non insulin dependent diabetes Mellitus presents to diabetic clinic with 6 month Hx tingling and burning in his feet. He describes increased sensitivity to touch particularly at night, his GP diagnoses neuropathic pain. He takes paracetamol, ibuprofen and oromorph with limited success. What is the most appropriate first line therapy to add?
A 67 year old woman presents with chronic rash under breasts and in groin, intermittent and worse in summer. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A 19 year old woman presents with heavy menses since menarche that last 8 days. She has abonormal bleeding with wisdom tooth extraction. Her mother and sister have heavy menses. She appears pale. Haematocrit low, leukocytes normal, MCV low, platelets slightly raised, APTT low normal, PT normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Von willebrand disease
A 26 year old man is taking lithium for bipolar disorder. Regular blood tests are required in order to detect serious side-effects. Other than U and Es, what test is required?