Formation of the face, tongue and oral cavity Flashcards
What is the order of formative events?
Face, Tongue then oral cavity
an organization level involved in the growth and development of an organ and an organism (what happens in the face and oral cavity)
increase in weight and spatial dimension (shape) that an organ or organism undergo
the growth of an organ or organism through various morphological stages on its way to maturity
what is the crown to rump measurement in the 3rd embryonic week?
3 mm
what is the crown to rump measurement in the 8th fetal week?
30 mm
when does the stomodeum appear?
in the third week
what does the stomodeum become?
the oral and nasal cavities between the 6th and 8th embryonic week
what are the boundaries of the stomodeum during the 3rd embryonic week?
superior: frontal prominence
inferior: cardiac plate
posterior: buccopharyngeal membrane
what is the buccopharyngeal membrane?
a double membrane with epithelium on the outside and endoderm on the inside
when do the branchial arches and clefts (or grooves) appear and then disappear?
embryonic week 4 (and there are 4 of them)
what are other names for branchial arches?
pharyngeal or visceral arches
what does arch 1 become?
right and left maxillary facial processes and right and left mandibular facial processes
how does the commisura labiorum oris form?
where the maxillary and mandibular processes meet at either side of the stomodeum
what does cleft 1 and pouch 1 become?
cleft 1 becomes external auditory meatus and pouch 1 becomes the eustachian tube
what are the boundaries of the stomodeum during the 4th embryonic week?
superior: median and right and left lateral nasal facial processes
inferior: mandibular facial process
posterolateral: maxillary facial process
what forms that gives rise to the 3 components of the facial process?
the nasal pits that appear in the frontal prominence
what are the 3 components of the frontal prominence in the 4th embryonic week?
median, right and left lateral facial processes