Formation of an arête Flashcards
Intro 1st mark
(An arête is…)
An arête is a narrow, knife edged ridge of resistant rock which forms when two carries occur side by side i.e Striding edge of Helvellyn.
Glacier formation 1st mark
(Snow accumulates…)
Snow accumulates on a north/northeast facing hollow on a mountainside.
Glacier formation 2nd mark
(Here, more…)
Here, more snow accumulates in winter than melts in summer, this snow is compressed to form neve ice.
During glaciation 1st mark
(In both corries…)
In both corries, the glaciers move downhill due to gravity.
During glaciation 2nd mark
(As this happens…)
As this happens, plucking occurs on the back wall - making the rounded ridge between the corries steeper and narrower.
During glaciation 3rd mark
(Plucking is…)
Plucking is when ice freezes onto bedrock, pulling loose rocks away as it moves.
During glaciation 4th mark
(Moraine from…)
Moraine from plucking and FTW becomes embedded in ice and grinds the corries as the glacier moves. This deepens the corries and makes the ridge more prominent.
During glaciation 5th mark
(This is…)
This is abrasion.