Format to answer Qs in Flashcards
What does AO1 ask you to include in the question?
-define+ describe the key concepts
-give examples
-knowledge+ understanding
In a Study question, what is AO1?
to show knowledge+ understanding of the study
What is AO2?
Applying our knowledge to a scenario given
-use specific examples of key concepts in a scenario
What is AO3?
Critically Analyzing
Strengths+ Weaknesses= P.E.E. format
When writing a strengths and weaknesses answer you have to write it in what format?
A strength is…
This is a strength because…( example)
AO3 point e.g. This can be generalized etc.
For a theory if you have the command word Discuss, how would you answer the 8 marker?
50%= AO1- knowledge+ understanding
50%= AO2= applying to scenario
12 Minutes
P1) Relevant background/ Define key behavior
P2) AO1 (2 key things/ concepts) + AO2 (linking AO1 to scenario)
P3) AO1 (2 key things/ concepts) + AO2 (linking AO1 to scenario)
P4) AO1 (2 key things/ concepts) + AO2 (linking AO1 to scenario)
P5) Alternative explanation- include AO1 but make sure to back it with lots of AO2
For Evaluating a theory 8 marker , how would you structure your answer?
P1) Background/ define key term /behavior
P2) AO1 (2 key concepts)
+ AO3 P.E.E. using EACH
+ C.A. for every point made e.g. 1 C.A. per paragraph
P3) AO1 (2 key concepts)
+ AO3 P.E.E. using EACH
+ C.A. for every point made e.g. 1 C.A. per paragraph
P4) AO1 (2 key concepts)
+ AO3 P.E.E. using EACH
+ C.A. for every point made e.g. 1 C.A. per paragraph
P5) Conclusion= Application
What does EACH stand for and what is important to keep in mind when using EACH?
E= Evidence
A= Application
C= Comparison/ limitations
H= How good is your research?
You only use EACH for evaluating a theory and you only use Application for your conclusion.
In Evaluating an 8 marker, what percentage of the points have to be the counter argument?
For every point you make (every paragraph) you need 1 counter argument
How do we structure our 8 marker when evaluating a study?
1) Aim
2) Sample details
3) Procedure
4) Results
PEE each paragraph using a part of GRAVE
Counter argument- include where applicable
5) Conclude + Application
When you are asked to talk about a practical you have done what could the potential question say?
Evaluate a study e.g. your practical ( 8 marks)
What does GRAVE stand for?
G= Generalizability
R= Reliability
A= Application
V= Validity
E= Ethics
What is a pilot study?
A small scale trial run of a research design e.g. to find EVs that might need controlling
Ecological Validity is low when…
A study is conducted in an artificial setting
How would you structure an 8 marker for an Assess question
-AO1= 50%
-AO3= 50%
Spend 12 minutes
AO1= thorough+ detailed
-define key concept+ exemplify
-theory= research method
-study= aim, sample, procedure, results, conclusion
-AO3 = P.E.E.
HAVE TO FORM A DEBATE= equal strengths + weaknesses
-must do C.A. for 100% of points
At the end of each paragraph you need a mini judgment (1 line or so) = link back to question- sum it up
-P.E.E. and C.A. have to link
Use Normal structure for evaluate question