What is the difference between a short and long term lease?
A short term lease is for 3 years.
What are the relevant sections of the PLA?
- s10 PLA
- s11 PLA
- s59 PLA
What are the requirements for a long Term lease?
- s11(1)(a) it must be in writing and signed by the person making it.
- s59, for it to be enforceable, it must be in writing and signed by all parties who have obligations
What are the consequences of failing to comply with formal requirements?
- No LEGAL lease passes.
- If s59 is satisfied, then the contract is valid, but it is a contract FOR a lease.
- The document may be an equitable lease
What are the requirements of an equitable lease?
- Specific Performance must be available; and
- Pursuant to s11(1)(c)
If these are fulfilled, the principle in Walsh v Lonsdale applies.
What happens if the equitable lease is not written as pursuant so s11(1)(c)?
- If sufficient acts of Part Performance can be proven, then it can be classified to be an equitable lease.
Note: equity rules prevail over s129.
What is the effect of s129?
Where the tenant is in possession and paying rent, the common law will imply a yearly tenancy.
What s129 does is: converts this to a tenancy at will determinable by 1 month’s notice.
What is the relevance of Leitz’s case?
The parties signed a lease for 6 years but they never registered it.
The tenant goes into possession and pays rent for a number of years. The T gives 1 months notice to quit and is given pursuant to NSW s1229 equivalent.
The landlord is unhappy as the term of the lease is for 6 years and so claims breach of contract and wants rent for due balance of the fixed term.
- There was no passing of legal lesehold.
- But entry into possession and paying rent, the common law did imply a tenancy, which s129 converts into a tenancy at will determinable upon 1 month’s notice.
- The 1 month’s notice did terminate the tenancy at will, however did not terminate the whole relationship.
- The lease operated as a contractual agreement and this was separate from the tenancy at will implied at law.
What happens if there is a short term lease created orally?
S12(2) covers this. The lease need not be in writing, but:
- The it must be “taking effect in possession” which means the Tenant must be in possession of the land
- The agreement must be capable of Specific performance (fulfil the requirements see before).
- There must be consideration.
This section allows the oral agreement to take effect as a legal lease.
Is possession relevant at all to a formal legal lease?
S102(2) - no, it does not matter when entry into possession occurs.
What happens where the lease has been created orally, but is a long term lease and falls out of s12(2)?
Prove Acts of Part Performance!!
What is a lease?
A leasehold interest is generally an interest in land for a fixed period of certain duration granted in consideration for the rent reserved.
What are the requirements for a lease?
- Exclusive possession of the land
- Certainty of duration with a certain commencement and ending date
- Proper Creation
What does Exclusive possession mean?
This means the Tenant has a right to exclude the whole world including the landlord (unless there is a specific clause).
What is the test for exclusive possession?
The test is one of substance of the agreement and not of form
Radaich v Smith
It matters not what the agreement is called.
Smith had a written agreement with Radaich giving her exclusive right and license to lock up shop. The agreement was for 5 years and she had various responsibilities such as:
1.Locking up shop
2. Securing premises
3. Clause said R had to give up possession at one point (why have this if she does not have legal exclusive possession?)
The agreement was called a “License”.
Courts held:
- This was a lease, even though it was called a license.
- Exclusive possession was given, and the terms of the agreement contained that right.