Formal Fallacies Flashcards
What is a fallacy?
An argument which is:
- in some respect isn’t a good one
- likely to look like a good one
- flawed in some crucial respect
What is a formal fallacy?
- when the flaw affects validity
- they don’t instantiate a valid pattern
- flaw lies in structure
What is an informal fallacy?
- the flaw doesn’t affect validity
- formally valid (perhaps sound)
- flawed in other respects
What does ‘non sequitur’ mean?
It does not follow
What is a non sequitur?
Reveals that the conclusion does not follow from the premises
Give an example of a non sequitur
Mr Smith says there is a ‘non sequitur’ in paragraph 8: he second sentence does not follow from the first
What is another term for a non sequitur?
Give an example of denying the antecedent
(1) If p, then q
(2) It is not the case that p
(3) It is not the case that q
What does the fallacy of denying the antecedent combine?
(a) a conditional premise
(b) a second premise denying the antecedent of that conditional and purporting to derive:
(c) a conclusion that denies the consequent of the conditional
How does the fallacy of denying the antecedent arise?
Is it the mistake of thinking that the negation of a sufficient condition implies the negation of what is conditional
How does illicit inversion arise?
The mistake that underlined the false idea that a conditional sentence entails its inverse
Another formal fallacy
Give an example of affirming the consequent
(1) If p, then q
(2) Q
(3) P
What does the fallacy of affirming the consequent combine?
(a) a conditional premise
(b) a second premise affirming the consequent of that conditional, and purporting to derive:
(c) a conclusion that affirms the antecedent of the conditional
How does the fallacy of affirming the consequent arise?
It is the mistake of thinking of thinking that the assertion of a necessary condition implies the assertion of what is conditioned
How does illicit conversion arise?
It is the same mistake that underlines the false idea that a conditional sentence entails its converse
What is an exclusive disjunction?
- it means ‘p or q’ not both
e. g ‘wanted dead or alive’
What is an inclusive disjunction?
- it means ‘p or q’ or both
Who wrote on the topic of ‘is’ and ‘ought’?
David Hume ‘A Treatise of Human Nature’ (1739)
Name the six formal fallacies
- equivocation (non sequitur)
- denying the antecedent
- illicit inversion
- affirming the consequent
- illicit conversion
- affirming a disjunct
Can a valid argument have false premises and conclusion?
Can an invalid argument (non sequitur) have true premises and conclusion?
Consider this argument:
(1) If your name is Amy, then you have the same name as the First Minister for Scotland
(2) Your name is Amy
(3) You have the same name as the First Minister for Scotland
Is this argument valid or sound?
- example of modus ponens
- if your name is Joan: both premises and conclusion are false
- if your name is Nicola: both premises are false but the conclusion is true
- if your name is Amy: one premise is false, one premise is true and the conclusion is true
In ALL cases the argument is valid
Consider this argument:
(1) If your name is Theresa, then you have the same name as the British PM
(2) It is not the case that your name is Theresa
(3) It is not the case that you have the same name as the British PM
Is this argument valid or sound?
- example of (formal fallacy) denying the antecedent
- if your name is Arthur: both premises and conclusion is true
Does the validity of an argument depend on the truth of its premises?
- no
- the only combination of truth and falsity that a valid argument can’t have is:
- premises all true and conclusion false