Form and Metre Flashcards
What is a blank verse poem?
A poem with an unrhyming iambic pentameter
What is a free verse poem?
A poem that lacks a consistent rhyme scheme or metrical pattern
What is a Terza Rima poem?
A poem with a series of tercets (three line stanzas) concluding with a couplet (two line stanza)
What are epics?
A lengthy, narrative work of poetry usually decribing a heroic feat
What is a narrative poem?
A poem which tells a story
What is a pastoral poem?
A poem which concerns the natural world
What is a Petrachen sonnet?
A poem of 14 lines, usually concerning love divided into an octet (8 line stanza) and a sestet (6 line stanza) with a volta in between (Rhyme Scheme: ABBAABBA CDCDCD)
What is a Shakespearean sonnet?
A poem of 14 lines, usually concerning love divided into three quatrains (4 lines stanzas), finishing with a couplet (2 line stanza) (Ryhme scheme: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG)
What is an elegy?
A poem that reflects upon a death or loss with themes of mourning
Another name for an elegy is a lament
What is an ode?
A poem which is a tribute to something (not necessarily something dead)
What is a ballad?
A poem which tells a story which is set to music
What is lyric poetry?
Poems that concern emotion (as oppose to epic and dramatic poetry)
What is a dramatic monologue?
A poem, where the narrator (who is not the poet) tells a story in first person which involves other people. As the poem progresses, we learn about often unpleasant aspects of the narrator which they unwittingly revealed
What is a didactic poem?
A poem which gives advice
What is the metre called where there is one foot per line?
What is the metre called where there are two feet per line?
What is the metre called where there are three feet per line?
What is the metre called where there are four feet per line?
What is the metre called where there are five feet per line?
What is the metre called where there are six feet per line?
What is the metre called where there are seven feet per line?
What is the metre called where there are eight feet per line?
What is an iambic pattern like?
Unstressed, stressed, e.g. ‘upon’
What is a trochaic pattern like?
Stressed, unstressed, e.g. ‘martian’
What is an anapestic pattern like?
Unstressed, unstressed, stressed, e.g. ‘To the beach’
What is a dactylic pattern like?
Stressed, unstressed, unstressed, e.g. ‘Underwear’
What is a spondaic pattern like?
Stressed, stressed, e.g. ‘blue-black’