Forgetten review reversed Flashcards
to grow, to develop(not 자라다’, ‘크다’, ‘발전’, ‘발달’)
성장하다 meanings
성장 can be used by itself.
= 캐릭터 산업은 꾸준히 성장하고 있는 산업으로서 더 많은 투자가가 필요합니다
The character industry continues to develop as an industry, so we need more investors
산업화를 빨리 할수록 경제가 더 빨리 성장해요
= The quicker industrialization happens, the quicker the economy develops
산업화는 경제 성장을 가속화할 수 있어요
= Industrialization can accelerate the development of the economy
내년 경제성장률을 1% 일대로 전망했어요
= We are predicting the rate of economic growth to be around 1%
ㄱ like go the autumn; 을 like bachim for winter
To be innocent(give me infintie and conjugated)
Candle stick(contain fire)
*compound noun
To cringe
To transmit, send (data, more like digital aspect)(fancy)
전송하다 meaning connotation
To stack
쌓다, 쌓아
To burn(active)(not 불태우다, 불뜨다, 불피우다, 불붙이다)
태우다 mcp
캠프파이어를 태우다: “우리는 밤에 캠프파이어를 태웠어요.” (“We made a campfire at night.”)
종이를 태우다: “그는 비밀 문서를 태워버렸어요.” (“He burned the secret documents.”)
일어나다, meanings(3 similar and connotations
언제 일어났어요? = When did you get up?
군인들은 매일 일찍 일어나야 돼요 = Soldiers have to wake up early every day
그녀는 의자에서 일어났어요 = She rose up from her chair
저는 아침에 일찍 일어났어요 = I woke up early in the morning
우리는 내일 일찍 일어나야 돼요 = We need to wake up early tomorrow morning
to rise, from a sitting/laying position to a standing position.
to get up or often used to indicate that one “wakes up” because one usually “gets up” from bed when they wake up.
To be hugged
To push
To be cut down, to be lowered, to be discounted(not 줄어들다, “감소하다”, 낮아지다)
깎이다 meanings
EX: 이 옷의 가격이 많이 깎였어요.
“The price of these clothes has been significantly discounted.”
To be stacked
To recite
읊다, 읊어요
시를 읊다
recite a poem
Friend cited what the IRP said.
친구가 IRP가 말한것을 읊어주었다.
I used to say a little verse about it.
이 것에 대해 시 한수 읊고는 했죠
To be chased
To embrace, nurse, gather, but not tightly that’s 껴안다.
To waste
시간을 낭비하다: to waste time.
돈을 낭비하다: to waste money.
To immigrate(not 이민가다’, ‘이동하다’,이사)
이주 can be used by itself
1980년대에 한국에서 독일로 이주한 사람들이 많았다
= There are a lot of people who immigrated from Korea to Germany in the 1980s
이곳은 세계 각국에서 이주한 이주민들이 모여 사는 지역이다
= This place is a district where immigrants who immigrated from around the world gather
많은 사람들이 더 나은 삶을 찾아 다른 나라로 이주했다.
(Many people migrated to other countries in search of a better life.)
2 verb constructions to show: decided to
Conjugation: Verb Stem(not conjugated) + 기로 했다 or 결정했어요, has to be in past tense. What does this do?
EX: 결혼하기로 했어요. (We have decided to get married.)
저는 선생님이 되기로 했어요
= I decided to become a teacher
우수상을 주는 역할을 교장선생님이 하시기로 했어요
= We decided that the principal will have/take/do the role of giving out the top award
서울에 지하철로 가기로 결정했어요
= We decided that we would take the subway to Seoul
어제 먹어 봤는데 너무 싱거워서 소금을 조금 넣기로 했어요
= I tried (eating) it yesterday, and it was too bland so I decided to put a bit of salt into it
To change(not 달라지다, 바뀌다)
“날씨가 갑자기 변했다.” - “The weather changed suddenly.”
“그녀는 몇 년 동안 많이 변했다.” - “She has changed a lot over the years.”
“그의 생각은 시간이 지남에 따라 변했다.” - “His opinion changed over time.”
“그 나무는 계절이 바뀌면서 색이 변했다.” - “The color of the tree changed as the season changed.”
해결( think I do a solution)
“그 문제에 대한 해결책을 찾아야 한다.” - “We need to find a solution to that problem.”
“그들은 대화를 통해 그들의 갈등을 해결했다.” - “They resolved their conflict through dialogue.”
“이 기술적 결함의 해결이 시급하다.” - “The resolution of this technical fault is urgent.”
To be guilty
유죄다, 유좨
“법원은 그를 유죄라고 판결했다.” - “The court found him guilty.”
“그는 범죄에 대해 유죄라고 인정했다.” - “He admitted to being guilty of the crime.”
What’s going on, what’s happening(two word, starts 무슨, grammar obv Turn a Statement into a question like eh, isn’t it)
무슨 일이죠
“무슨 일이죠? 당신 얼굴이 안 좋아 보여요.” - “What’s the matter? You look upset.”
“여기서 무슨 일이죠? 사람들이 모여있네요.” - “What happened here? There’s a crowd of people.”
“회의 중에 무슨 일이죠? 모두 긴장해 보입니다.” - “What’s the matter during the meeting? Everyone seems tense.”
“친구야, 무슨 일이죠? 걱정돼 보이네요.” - “My friend, what’s the matter? You seem worried.”
“갑자기 모두 조용해졌어요, 무슨 일이죠?” - “Suddenly everyone became quiet, what happened?”