Forests Under Threat Flashcards
Name adaptations of plants in Tropical Rainforests
Thick waxy leaves with pointy tips
Smooth thin bark
Climbing plants use tree trunks to climb to sun
Plants drop their leaves
How do thick waxy leaves with pointed tips help plants in the rainforest?
The pointed tips (drip tips) mean that the water can run off so the weight of the water doesn’t damage the plant, and there is no water for bacteria to grow in. The waxiness also helps repel the rain.
How does smooth thin bark help plants in the rainforest?
There is no need for thick bark as there aren’t cold temperatures and the smooth surface allows water to run off easily.
How is trees dropping their leaves an adaptation to the rainforest?
They drop their leaves gradually throughout the year meaning they can go on growing all year round.
List ways that animals have adapted to the physical conditions of the rainforest?
Can swim
How does camouflage help animals?
Camouflage allows animals to hide from predators
How does being nocturnal help animals?
Sloths sleep through the day and feed at night when its cooler which helps them to save energy.
What are the 3 ways nutrients are stored in the ecosystem (TRF)
Living organisms (Biomass)
Dead organic material e.g. fallen leaves (litter)
The soil
What results in nutrients being able to be rapidly taken up by plants’ roots?
Dense vegetation and rapid plant growth means that nutrients can be rapidly taken up by plants roots
What is biodiversity?
The variety of organisms living in a particular area. (plants and animals)
Rainforests have really high……
Biodiversity- they contain 50% of the animal insect and plant species and contains about half the life on earth.
Why do rainforests have a high ….. ?
Biodiversity- because they have a stable environment where it’s hot and wet all year round.
The biome is also extremely old (10 million) so has been lots of time for evolution.
What is the food web like in the TRF?
Very complex- some animals are primary and secondary consumers.
List reasons why the TRF is being destroyed?
Logging- trees are felled for construction. Road building for the logging also requires clearance of trees.
Commercial farming- land cleared for huge plantations
HEP-building dams floods large areas of forest behind the dams
Local demand for fuel wood- fuels for cooking or to make charcoal
Name an indirect threat of the TRF?
Climate change, as this may lead droughts so many species which are adapted to the wet will die,
Drought can also lead to forest fires which can destroy large areas of forest.
Why could deforestation rates be rising?
Economic development, foreign debt (poorer countries can then pay off their debts to other countries)