Forests Flashcards
What does a growth function look like for a stand of trees
s curve (quantity vs age)
what does a marginal growth function look like for a stand of trees
Downwards curve U (volume vs time)
optimal rotation pattern
finding the cut date for every rotation
does a bare piece of land that is going to be a forest have an opportunity cost
plant forest
How to maximize sustained yield
the rotation length that maximizes the val of timer harvests forever
When is the max sustained yield
when the average harvest per year is the greatest
optimal forest rotation
the cut date that maximizes the present value of the accumulation of beenfits and costs of the forest
we should wait to harvest trees as long as
the valueof harvest today is more than the present value of harvest one year from today
when the marginal benefit of waiting equals the marginal cost of waiting
the forest will be cut
this is the optimal rotation cut date
know graphs for chapter 9
does the optimal harvest rotation increase or decrease with the introduction of an endangered species
increase in time
When on a graph is it apparent that it’s optimal to never cut a forest
marginal benefit of waiting doesn’t cross marginal cost of waiting
fig 1- what’s the optimal cut date if nothing changes
fig 1-what is line x
marginal cost of waiting
fig 1-what is line y
marginal benefit of waiting
fig 1-what is t*
the cut date for every time in the future
fig 1- where would the line be if something better for the land increased in value
fig 1- where would the line be if there was an endaggered species found on the land
fig 1- where would it be if it was never valuable to harvest