Forest, Forest Management, and Protected Areas. Flashcards
Where are most of Nigeria’s rainforests located in?
The Niger-Delta
What are the consequences of the loss of the rainforest?
Loss of biodiversity.
Acceleration of global climate change.
Increased death rates in indigenous people due to introduced diseases and loss of land.
What is a forest?
Any ecosystem with a high density of trees.
The classification of forests based on predominant tree species is called?
Forest Types.
What makes the ecocystems of forests rich for biodiversity?
Structurally complex, with many niches
Provide food and shelter for many species
Soil organisms decompose plants, recycle nutrients
What is the forest canopy?
The upper level of leaves and branches in the treetops.
The upper level of leaves and branches in the treetops is called?
Forest canopy.
What is the sub canopy?
The middle portion of the forest, found beneath the tree crowns of the canopy.
The shaded lower level consisting of shrubs and small trees is?
Dead and dying trees that are homes for insects, which in turn provide food sources for birds are ?
What are treefall gaps?
Openings created by fallen trees where sunlight encourages the growth of early successional plants.
What ecosystem services do forests provide for us?
Stabilize soil and prevent erosion, recharge aquifers, slow runoff, lessen flooding, purify water in streams and rivers, store carbon, release oxygen, moderate climate
What percentage of the world’s medicine comes from forests?
What is deforestation
The clearing of forests more quickly than they can regrow.
What does deforestation lead to?
Biodiversity loss.
Soil degradation.
Contributes to climate change.
What is the natural forest left uncut by people
Primary forest
What is secondary forest?
Forest that grown back after primary, old-growth forest has been cut (forest created by natural succession or reforestation)
What are trees that sprout after old-growth timber was cut
Second-growth trees.
List the causes of deforestation
Agricultural expansion.
Wood harvest.
Roads and urban development.
Economic and political causes.
What is resource management?
This describes the overall strategy of management and regulation of the harvest of renewable resources.
here managers try to minimize impacts on the ecosystem and its processes, this is called _________
Ecosystem-based management.
What does eco-system based management entail?
Protect certain areas of the forest.
Restore ecologically important habitats.
Consider patterns at the landscape level.
What is adaptive management?
This involves testing different approaches and trying to improve methods over time.
What is rotation time?
This is when stands are cut after a certain number of years and replanted with seedlings.
What is clear-cutting?
This is where all the trees are cut at once.
The middle portion of the forest, found beneath the tree crowns of the canopy is called?
The sub canopy.
What is the understory?
The shaded lower level consisting of shrubs and small trees.
What contains the groundcover plants.
The forest floor.
What are snags?
These are dead and dying trees that are homes for insects, which in turn provide food sources for birds.
What are treefall gaps?
These are openings created by fallen trees where sunlight encourages the growth of early successional plants.
What ecosystem services do forests provide for us?
Stabilize soil and prevent erosion, recharge aquifers, slow runoff, lessen flooding, purify water in streams and rivers, store carbon, release oxygen, moderate climate.
What percentage of the world ‘s medicine comes from rainforest plants
What does deforestation lead to?
biodiversity loss, soil degradation, and desertification, as well as contributing to climate change
The clearing of forests more quickly than they can regrow is called what?
What are second-growth trees?
Trees that sprout after old-growth timber was cut
The natural forest left uncut by people is called?
Primary forest.
What is secondary forest?
Forest that grows back after primary, old-growth forest has been cut (forest created by natural succession or reforestation)
What is resource management?
This describes the overall strategy of management and regulating the harvest of renewable resources?
What are the causes of deforestation?
Agricultural expansion;
Wood harvest;
Roads and urban development;
Economic and political causes.
What is ecosystem-based management?
This is where managers try to minimize impacts on the ecosystem and its processes.
What does ecosystem management entail?
Protect certain areas of the forest.
Restore ecologically important habitats.
Consider patterns at the landscape level.
What involves testing different approaches and trying to improve methods over time?
Adaptive management.
What is a rotation time?
This is where stands are cut after a certain number of years and replanted with seedlings.
What is clear-cutting?
This is where all the trees are cut at once; it increases erosion and alters microclimates due to increased sunlight penetration.
What is the seed-tree approach?
This is where some seed-producing trees are left to reseed the harvested area.
What is the shelter-wood approach?
This leaves some mature trees behind to shelter growing seedlings.
What is the selection system?
This maintains uneven-aged stands by only removing some trees
What is the first national park in Nigeria?
Kainji Lake.
What percentage of Nigeria’s total land area is covered by forests?
What are world heritage sites?
These are sites disgnated by the UN , which have special natural or cultural values and span the borders of multiple countries
The United Nations has established protected areas that have exceptional levels of biodiversity and benefit local people called what?
Biosphere reserves.
What are edge effects?
This is where the conditions along a fragment’s edge differ from the condition in the interior.
What is habitat fragmentation?
This describes the emergence of discontinuities in an organism’s preferred environment, causing population fragmentation and ecosystem decay.
What are three zones of a biosphere reserve
Core, buffer, and transitional.