Forensics Flashcards
Two strengths?
RESEARCH SUPPORT. Canter (2004), used 100 US murders, using smallest space analysis. Identifying correlation between behaviour tested concordance of 39 aspects of serial killers. Suggests many categories which make killers organised or disorganised.
CAN BE ADAPTED TO BURGLARY. Maketa (2017), led to 85% rise in solved burglary’s in 3 US states, uses organised and disorganised, adding interpersonal (know victim and steak something significant), and opportunistic (generally inexperienced and young offendors). Suggested wider application, than when i was first released.
Two limitations?
EVIDENCE BASE IS LIMITED. FBI profiling- developed with interviews from 25 Sk and 11 M, 24 were O and 12 DO. Canter suggested there was no scientific basis, due to small sample size, small range, no standardised questions, interviews were not comparable.
CASE STUDY TO PROVE GOODWINS THEORY. Dahmer forts into both categories of O and DO, (had victim type, homosexual). This contradicts the American approach, due to Goodwins theory.
Two strengths?
EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT. Canter and Heritage (1990), looked at 66 SA cases, SSA. Identifies common behaviours, such as interpersonal language and a lack of reaction to the victim. Can help find common behaviours amounts offenders, helping to identify them.
RESEARCH SUPPORT. Lundrigan and Canter (2001), 120 murder cases, used SSA, found spacial consistency in behaviour of the killers. They start from the home base and go in different direction to dispose bodies after e Asch kill. Geographic psychology can help us find a small area where the offender operates.
One limitation?
NOT SUFFICIENT ON ITS OWN. May be reliant on the quality of data, recording data is not always accurate. 75% of crimes are not even reported to police in the first place, criminologists refer to this as a dark figure of crime.
BE- L-
One strength?
CHANGED THE FACE OF THE STUDY OF CRIME. Lombrossos research pushed the idea people committed crimes because they were bad people, and towards the fact they completed crimes due to their genes. L is names father of psychology,
BE- L-
Two limitations?
CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCE. Goring (1913), compared a smaller. Study with the Siam to establish if criminals actually had specific physical characteristics, 3000 offenders and 3000 non offenders were used, there’s was no evidence that had any distinct facial features. Lower IQs were more likely to commit crimes not people with physical features.
BE- G-
One limitation?
TWIN STUDIES ARE EHARF TO USE AS EVIDENCE. Issues of nature vs nurture, as we assume all twins have had the same upbringing. So concordance rate in Mz twins may only be higher because they are treated the exact same while Dz are not treated the same.
BE- G-
One strength?
RESEARCH SUPPORT. Mednick (1984) 13,000 danish adoptees. When A and B parents didn’t have a criminal record- 13.5% of the adoptees did. When B had crim and A didin’t- 20%. When B and A had crim- 24.5%
BE- G-
One strength?
RESEARCH SUPPORT. Mednick (1094), 13,00 danish adoptees. B+A no criminal record= 13.5%. B- criminal record, A- no criminal record= 20%. B+A both criminal record= 24.5%.
BE- N-
One strength?
RESEARCH SUPPORT. Kandel and Freed (1989), reviewed evidence form frontal lobe damage including the prefrontal cortex and antisocial behaviour, people with this damage tends to show impulsive behaviour, emotional instability, and inability to learn from their mistakes.
BE- N-
One limitation?
OTHER FACTOS CONTRIBUTE OT APD, SO ALSO TO OFFENDING. Farringdon (2006), studied a group of men who scored high on psychopathy, experienced various risk factors during childhood (physical neglect and convicted parents). These factors could cause APD, and some of the neural differences., such as reduced activity in the frontal lobe (Rauch (2006))
One strength? (Include counter argument)
RESEARCH SUPPORT. Eyesenk (1977), 2070 prisoners and 2422 controls. On the ENP scale, prisoners had a higher average score. Supports the claim of the EPQ, theory is more valid.
(CA// Farmington (1982)- meta analysis of relevant studies, found high on P, low on N and E)
Two limitations?
TOO REDUCTIONIST. Moffit (1993), drew a distinction between offending behaviour in adolescence and offending in adulthood. Personality traits are a poor predictor of how long offending behaviour will go on for. Persistence in offending was thought of as a reciprocal process, involving personality and environment.
CULTURALLY BIASED. Bartol and Holanchock (1979), studies Hispanic and African American offenders, split onto six groups, found less E than a non-offender control group. B+H studied a completely different culture of control group, Eyesenk would have assumed these people would have more E.
PE- C-
Two strengths?
RESEARCH SUPPORT. Palmer and Holin (1998), 332 non offenders, 126 convicted offenders. Used socio-moral reflection measure, contains 11 moral dilemma questions. The offender group followed kolbergs expectations and performed with less moral reasoning, compared to the non-puffed roe groups.
APPLICATION TO THERAPYj. Harkins (2007) reduced denial and minimisation in therapy is associated with a reduced risk of offending (CBT). Benefit the economy due to lack of reoffending, integrated back onto society more easily.
PE- C-
Two limitations?
LEVEL OF MORAL REASONING MAY DEPEND ON OFFENDER TYPE. Thornton and Reid (1982), people who commit crimes for financial gain, more likely to have pre conventional moral reasoning. Believe they can get a wash with crimes without punishment, so lower level of moral reasoning,.