Forensic psychology: Lombroso's atavistic form Flashcards
What type of explanation is the atavistic form?
- Biological explanation
- Specifically a historical approach
What did Lombroso describe criminals as?
A genetic subspecies which are less developed on an evolutionary level resulting in savage and untamed behaviour.
What does it mean if criminals are inferior/ a subspecies to non criminals?
They cannot adjust to civilised society so criminal activity is inevitable.
What type of markers are consistent with criminals?
Physiological markers involving the face and head e.g. narrow sloping brow, strong jaw, facial asymmetry, dark skin and insensitivity to pain.
How did Lombroso categorise criminals?
Categorised offender types in terms of physiology
Which physiological markers are associated with murderers?
Bloodshot eyes, curly hair, long ears.
Which physiological markers are consistent with sexual deviants?
Glinting eyes, swollen fleshy lips, projecting ears.
What does atavistic mean?
A tendency to revert to an ancestral type.
Which physiological markers are consistent with fraudsters?
Thin reedy lips
What general features are consistent of criminals?
Insensitive to pain, use criminal slang, have tattoos, unemployed
Describe Lombroso’s research
- Studied facial and cranial features of over 4000 italian convicts (383 dead, 3839 living)
- 40% of criminal acts completed by people with an atavistic form
- Concluded there are physiological features consistent with criminality
Limitation: Lombroso’s research was correlational
- Assumes a link between physical defects in the face and skull and behaviour.
- However, Lombroso’s research lacked control: no non-offender control group
- Confounding variables to be considered –> e.g. physical defects due to poor nutrition in childhood.
Limitation: contradictory evidence
- Goring (1913)
- Compared 3000 offenders + non-offenders
- No evidence to support atavistic form
- However, found evidence that criminals are less intelligent.
Limitation: Lombroso’s research is scientifically racist
- De Lisi (2012)
- Atavistic features consistent with African descent/ people from lower class society
- Subjective + prejudice.
Strength: Father of modern criminology
- First person to make crime and criminals a specific area of study
- Led to improved theories of offending and offender profiling
Limitation: Biological determinism
- States that the cause of criminal behaviour is because of an uncontrollable inborn factor.
- Implies people have no control over behaviour so shouldn’t accept responsibility
- Not consistent with the justice system