Forensic Psychiatry Flashcards
Forensic Psychiatry
Is a specialized branch of psychiatry where the medical and the legal worlds overlap. It involves the application of medical psychiatric expertise in legal contexts.
the Courts for assessment or who have been declared as …..
as Not Criminally Responsible (NCR) or Unfit to Stand Trial by the Criminal Justice System and admitted to a provincial forensic mental health system.
Every person is presumed not to suffer from a mental disorder so as to be exempt from criminal responsibility by virtue of subsection (1), until the contrary is proved on the balance of probabilities
Burden of Proof
o The burden of proof that an accused was suffering from a mental disorder so as to be exempt from responsibility is on the party that raises the issue. In most cases this would be the defence.
o What Does A Forensic Psychiatrist Need To Assess to determine if a person is “Not Criminally Responsible“ (NRC):
- Crown’s file including police reports, witness and victim statements
- Previous psychiatric records
- Autopsy report
- Clinical interview with accused
- Mental status examination of accused
- Direct questioning of accused regarding knowledge of wrongfulness
- Detailed account from accused about circumstances of offense
- Possible psychological testing
- Possible neurological examination(s)