Forelimb: Bones Flashcards
Scapula- spine
Lateral side
Fossa supraspinata- cranial
Fossa infraspinata- caudal
Scapula- angels
Caudal angel- sharp
Cranial angel- round
Ventral angel- neck of scapula, glenoid cavity
Scapula- Cavitas glenoidalis
Articulates with Humurus
Tub. Supraglenoidale- cranial-lateral (larger)
Tub. Infraglenoidale- caudal-medial
Scapula- acromion
Large bump on the distal scapular spine
Proc. hamatus at the distal edge
Humurus- tubercles
Tub. Majus- larger, lateral
Tub. Minus- smaller, medial
Caput humerii- caudal
Humurus- linea m. Trisipitis
Most notable line
Distal part- deltoid tuberosity
Proximal part- teres minor tuberosity
Humurus- epicondas
Small bumps lateral and medial to the condyle
Medial epicondyle sharper
Humurus- condyle: torchlea
Medial and larger then capitulum
Articulates with trochlear notch of the ulna and radius
Humurus- condyle: capitulum
Lateral and smaller of the trochlea
Articulated with head of radius
Humurus- teres major tuberosity
Medial surface
Caudal to the tub. Minus
Radius- radial tuberosity
Just distally to the neck of radius
Radius- styloid process
Medial bump on the distal radius
The medial side of styloid proc. (ulna is the lateral part)
Radius- ulnar notch (incisura ulnaris)
Articulates with the ulna
Radius- articular circumference
On head of radius, caudally
Articulates with Ulna (radial notch)
Radius- fovea capitols
Head of the radius
Articulates with Humurus- capitulum